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I WANT to be a good neighbor ... but

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I've got an abandoned car parked in front of my house for weeks now. The car actually belongs to my neighbor, but hasn't been moved for a month. This is actually the second time the cars been parked in front of my house for a month or more. They moved in next door during the Winter and as Winter's go people spend most of their time in doors. I thought I'd get to know them this Summer, but they're never to be seen. All the rest of my neighbors are very friendly. Having a home Studio, this makes it difficult on my clients and guests, who are at least conscientious about parking in front of someone else's house. I want to be a good neighbor, but don't want to start a war either. It's an uncomfortable situation and I'm not sure the best way to handle it. I know I don't own the street in front of my house, but I don't own the street in front of their house either. Anybody have a good idea ??? Russ http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-russragsdale
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Park in front of their house and if someone complains, let em' know about the car that's been in front of yours for months!! Or do what I did once.....get someone with a truck and actually push their vehicle to the front of their house! And dare them to bitch about it! Also, if the car is truly abandoned, i.e. no tags or license plates, call the police and have it removed! Where I live, that car wouldn't have lasted a week there! Very strict rules about eyesores in the neighborhood!
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I'd go with Rim's idea...leaving them a nice note. If that's met with hostility...then call law enforcement. If it's public parking on the street...you should be entitled to have the street in front of your house for your guests. But don't even get me started on dealing with city types about shit like this. It makes me want to seriously blow someone up. (Arnold voice)
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by russrags: [QB]I've got an abandoned car parked in front of my house for weeks now... [/quote]How do you define "abandoned"? Does the ride have plates / registration on it? Is their any type of parking rule (street cleaning etc) applicable or enforced for your street? If no to these things, obviously, the local police are asleep, or busy fighting crime. If the car has current registration and plates, whatycha gonna do? Is it on blocks instead of wheels? NYC Drew
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Hey Thanks To Everyone, It's not your usual abandoned car I guess. It's a BMW in a nice neighborhood, although the plates do expire 1st of the month. It's just that it's been left in front of MY house and hasn't been moved in a month. . I don't want to start a war with these people (I don't even know them) they're my neighbors. My assosiation dues does pay for street cleaning once a month or so, and I'm missing out on that too because of this situation. Gosh if they weren't my neighbors, it would be easy to think of all kinds of things that would make them not want to park in front of my house ie Potato up the tail pipe, Super Glue the door locks, let the air out of the tires etc. I guess Rim's idea's the best so far, I'm just fearing the kindest note going bad !@#$%^& Russ http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-russragsdale
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I would address the neighbor directly in person. Notes have a way of getting people all bent out of shape, kind intentions not withstanding. It's good to know your neighbors, even if the circumstances of introduction are very awkward! Could be a real asset later on.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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I agree with Ted Nightshade; notes can be misinterpreted and thought of as cowardly. I'd approach them with an open mind and inquire as to their reasoning for parking in front of "YOUR" place instead of their own. Perhaps suggest to them that the car is annoying or obnoxious for whatever reasons. Be honest and tell them that you have guests that would park there, or whatever other reason you have. If they are good neighbors, they will understand and respect your claims to your property's street frontage. If they are buttholes, make sure to take the bagger off of your lawn mower and turn the exhaust toward their car each time you mow. A little ding here and there might give them the incentive to move the car faster. Make sure to tell them that you are not responsible for any damages occuring as a result of backing out of your drive and what have you. I think that they will probably respect your initial approach, but don't be NICEY NICE and buy a sob story as to why the NEED to park there... just tell them you need the car moved.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


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Question? Does their home have a driveway? Just wondering why they can't park it on their own property?! Geez, it's not even my problem and I'm annoyed! :mad:
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Yeah, that sucks. I hate things that suck like that. I'd go over and see if they need any "help" moving their car over to their house. Let them know that you have a friend with a towbar on his truck or you could even just help him push it over to his yard so your clients can park in front of your house, not all your neighbors'.
No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Just be prepared for the worst. I have room for three cars in front of my house and only have one. My neighbors always park in front of my house even when their "space" is empty (I've seen them do it). I asked them about it. They got pissed off, said it's a public street, etc., etc. Of course, I'M the jerk now. And these people are left-wing liberals (political signs on the lawn told me). So, these are supposed to be the nice people, but beware. Meanwhile, my fence is their ladder, saw-horse, you name it. People suck.
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I think your clients' reluctance to park in front of other people's houses is a way valid explanation on why you would need the car moved. Of course, if they're a-holes, you can always resort to Plan B. :evil:
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[quote]Originally posted by paostby: [b]Of course, I'M the jerk now. And these people are left-wing liberals . So, these are supposed to be the nice people, but beware. [/b][/quote]Damn liberals... Grrrrrrrrr! :evil: It's all gimme, gimme, gimme... :evil: Public street? Take a piss on there car and tell them it's a public toilet! That oughta fix their little red wagon... :D

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It's an annoyance and an inconsideration. If they do have a driveway, that's where it belongs. If they don't, the police need to be notified. Yes, you can park your car anywhere on a public street. But, if the car is out of commission and just left in front of your house for their convenience? Well, that's just plain rude! But, if you don't want to come off as a hard-ass, go over there and mention it. Then offer to help push it back over to his place in the event(you might mention)that it quit running at the time he parked in front of your house perhaps because the space in front of his was taken. You may also explain that it being there is inconvinient to your clients, and detrimental to your home studio business. Your concern for others(ie; clients)might prompt him to show the same concern, and an amicable solution was sought on your end. If he tells you to piss off, then key the rustbucket! Whitefang
I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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Lots of stationary road rage on this thread! You certainly ought to ask nice. That's always the best way to start.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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How about this? Organize a small gathering at your house; a small group of people who will arrive in separate cars and require a place to park. This provides a non-confrontational reason to bring up the issue, and when those cars do arrive everything is ... neighbourly. J.
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[quote]Originally posted by Jamesian: [b]How about this? Organize a small gathering at your house; a small group of people who will arrive in separate cars and require a place to park. This provides a non-confrontational reason to bring up the issue, and when those cars do arrive everything is ... neighbourly. J.[/b][/quote]Yeah, stop by the neighbor's house that afternoon (before the event) and say, "Hi, I'm Jim Neighborly from next door. Hey, listen, I've got some people coming over for dinner tonight, and I'm going to need a place for them to park. Do you think you might be able to move that Beamer, just for today? Thanks!" Any reasonable person will jump to your aid. Any jerk-off will see this as an instigation of World War III and will probably give you an earful of crap. In the latter case, call your local police immediately, explain the situation (dinnrer party), and ask whether they can intervene. In most towns, the police would prefer to speak with the neighbor directly rather than clean up the aftermath of a shootout. ;) If all of the above doesn't work, consult a crafty attorney.

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Hey, pay a couple of semi-local kids a few bucks to decorate the bmw with not overly offensive jargon in shaving cream and a washable shoe polish. The slang will be directed at YOU, not your neighbor and should include insults using your name. The prank must cause no damage whatsoever, but be a minor pain in the ass for the owner to clean. You'll simply call him and let him know that someone must have mistaken his car for yours since it was in front of your house and tagged it up. You, of course, haven't notified the police because the owner has to. Highly unlikely the owner will report it. Since no damage was done, the police will just fill out a report including inquiring as to the reasoning he had his car in front of of YOUR house for so long. In fact, just tell him you told the police and they said that his car shouldn't have been in front of your house, so no harm no foul. (This will work best if you have a friend in the local PD). If that doesn't work, have your clients park in front of his house. And make sure that they make all their cell phone calls and smoke all their smokes by their cars. He won't like it.
No matter how good something is, there will always be someone blasting away on a forum somewhere about how much they hate it.
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Maybe I'm missing something hee, but if you were hoping to get aquainted with your new neighbors, and would like this car moved from in front of your house, why haven't you simply knocked on their door and introduced yourself? Is being friendly and neighborly that socially unacceptable in today's society? Communicate, face to face...be nice, introduce yourself, and ask them to move the car. If they're pr*cks, call the cops, but try just communicatiing first. Hope this is helpful.

Hope this is helpful.


NP Recording Studios

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Well, here's the Update: The Car Has Been MOVED !!!! After 6 months I've never seen my neighbors ???? But last night I did just go over and knocked on their door. Turns out the car belonged to a "BABE" and I mean a "BABE", (too bad she smokes and has a Cat) however she's a real [b]"BITCH".[/b] I don't think I'm going to be so nice next time !@#$%^& Russ http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-russragsdale
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So, next time you go over there, you're wearing a trenchcoat, with black socks and shoes (and shorts, but she can't see the shorts). Grin at her with this evil leer...tell her you were in the middle of making a home movie.
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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[quote]Originally posted by russrags: [b]Well, here's the Update: The Car Has Been MOVED !!!! After 6 months I've never seen my neighbors ???? But last night I did just go over and knocked on their door. Turns out the car belonged to a "BABE" and I mean a "BABE", (too bad she smokes and has a Cat) however she's a real [b]"BITCH".[/b] I don't think I'm going to be so nice next time !@#$%^& Russ http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-russragsdale [/b][/quote]Consider yourself blessed, mine had pitbulls and used smokeless tobacco! Kcbass

 "Let It Be!"

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[quote]Originally posted by russrags: [b]Well, here's the Update: The Car Has Been MOVED !!!! After 6 months I've never seen my neighbors ???? But last night I did just go over and knocked on their door. Turns out the car belonged to a "BABE" and I mean a "BABE", (too bad she smokes and has a Cat) however she's a real [b]"BITCH".[/b] I don't think I'm going to be so nice next time !@#$%^& Russ http://home.bellsouth.net/p/PWP-russragsdale [/b][/quote]Congratulations Russ, I'm proud of you! Don't let the BABE thing bother you any because beauty is only skin deep... BITCH is inside and out! I can't help but to notice your last name as being Ragsdale; it's a name very familiar to me during my youth. You don't by any chance have a relative that toured nationally with his music in the ministry, do you? If so, the Brother Ragsdale that visited the church I attended as a child was one of my favorites to have visit during conventions. Great Man, Great Entertainer.

You can take the man away from his music, but you can't take the music out of the man.


Books by Craig Anderton through Amazon


Sweetwater: Bruce Swedien\'s "Make Mine Music"

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