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King Kamehameha

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  • 3 weeks later...
I couldn't leave my office for lunch as the Obama-cade was passing by...yeah


I had that happen to me in the mid 90's when Clinton was in NYC. The cops wouldn't even let you step off of the sidewalk.



As for me? I've been rediscovering the joys of vinyl the past few days. I'm listening to a copy of Pink Floyd's Meddle right now, in fact. And there is definitely something to be said for the warmth of vinyl.


Anyhow, I took a road trip with a couple of friends down to Philly for some record shopping and picked up some of my favorite albums on vinyl for outrageously low prices. I was amazed at some of the records I was able to score for just $5. A double album of Bill Evans rarities that I've never seen on CD. The Beatles White Album. An album with Paul Chambers and John Coltrane sharing the credits. Stevie Wonder's Songs in the key of life. A couple of Badfinger records. Miles Davis' Round about midnight. And almost every one of these records was only $5. Some of the jackets are worn, but the records play perfectly well with a little cleaning.


It really is amazing that people were so ready to abandon a perfectly good music medium.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Quickie Dave Holland report.


They were wonderful, but that kind of jazz just ain't for me. Once again my wife asked, "Are they all playing the same tune?", and I responded, "Hell....I dunno if they're even in the same time signature or key". But since nobody gave anybody else the Stink-eye on stage, I assume they meant it all.


I've never heard Dave H's stuff, but was expecting a more melodic performance since I thought he was schooled in big band. I was wrong. But the vibe player was phenomenal, and I'm glad he had only four mallets instead of the ten fingers that a piano player overuses. Ever seen the yarn on a mallet unwind after someone beats the piss out of it for too long? Lot'sa fun.


So if you like that way outside freaky jazz thing, it was fabulous. Top notch talent, executed brilliantly. Me? I wish I had my $62 back.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I've got one very strong recollection of Dave Holland. He was playing with Miles Davis at this Miles Davis & Friends show in Paris. It's available on video somewhere, and I remember watching it on PBS. I believe it's Miles in Paris


Anyhow, it's Miles playing with an amazing lineup. Dave Holland on upright, Wayne Shorter on tenor sax, and I think Bill Evans was on soprano sax. The tune? "All Blues". Easily one of the most recognizable tunes in all of jazz, and not just in Miles' career. But these guys are plowing through the tune at such an unbelievably fast tempo that it killed the song. And something about that still irks me to this day, and I associate it so much with Dave Holland and the way he played.

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"My concern is, and I have to, uh, check with my accountant, that this might bump me into a higher, uh, tax..."

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Just heard on the Time Warner Smooooth Jazz Station:


Brian Bromberg's take on the Sanford and Son theme. It smokes. I might actually have to buy a CD at full price.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Speaking of smooooth jazz...I just saw a pic of my buddy from high school (Eric Darius) posing with Kenny G and Dave Koz at Dave's Hollywood star reception.




Eric will have his own star one day. Google him if you enjoy smooooth jazz and don't know him yet.

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I got my hands on Photoshop several days ago and I've been trying to reacquaint myself with it since I haven't had it for a few years and the meager skills I had have faded quite a bit.


Last night I was trying to come up with a costume for a "Rock Star Party" my room mates decided to throw in November where everybody will dress up as a rock/pop/rap/whatever star and play Rock Band (among other things).


Here's what I came up with: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs261.snc1/8823_104712996206006_100000019186690_131976_6100074_n.jpg

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Wow...no posts on the forum for 5 hours on a Friday night. Almost like you guys have a life. Here I am cracking jokes about people not having lives when I'm sitting at the computer on a Friday night with beautiful weather and a handful of local shows I'd rather be at.
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Classic Rock Band Update!


Drummer calls and confirms that we are still on for rehersal this evening. Then calls me right back. Apparently, Vox/Gutiar is going to carry out his threat and put a mic in front of me tonight.


In every band I've ever been in, I've never sang. Not even back up. Wasn't needed. Tell the truth, I don't know if I can even sing or not. This should be interesting. Of course, I said I would try and that I would promise nothing, but ...


Can't help but say I'm going to be more than a bit nervous tonight.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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bread and butter - bread and butter - bread and butter - bread and butter -


Flank - you may need to think about what you can sing, and then work on playing while singing.


Some songs have backgrounds that require very little "precision" or "singing", but they make all the difference. We do "Vehicle", and I'm often the only one doing the "love you / need you" background part and it sounds a bit lame. I'll be putting a mic in front of one of the guitarists who can sing to get these types of things going.


Best of luck.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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found on slashdot.org


"An assistant at a grocery store in Clackmannanshire, Scotland, was ordered by the Performing Right Society (PRS) to obtain a performer's license and to pay royalties because she was informally singing popular songs while stocking groceries. The PRS later backed down and apologized. This after the same store had turned off the radio after a warning from the PRS. We have entered an era where music is no longer an art for all to enjoy, but rather a form of private property that must be regulated and taxed like alcohol. 'Music to the ears' has become 'dollars in the bank'."


I would have been happy if she just shut up.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some years back we had some bunny pics. This....fits right in.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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WOOHOO!!!! Yankees Win The World Series!!!
Hells YeaH!



I'm not one to boast or brag (like I won the World Series or something) ala the annoying fan of any sport team, but I will this time, and rub it in the nose of you fellas up north-- Day-vee-oh, our Lowdown Brother Chad, et. al. :thu:

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