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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Cutting the toenails should eliminate that hazard.

LMAO!! Happy Fathers day you freakin' ape!!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Strange Dream:


I was driving down an unknown street with my window down, and see a man on the corner with long black hair. As I pull closer I realize that I know this man from somewhere. When I got to the corner I shouted, "Hey, are you Flank from the bassplayer forum?" He replies happily, "Yeah!" I introduced myself then drive off.


Strange indeed. I need to stop reading this thread.

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So last nite iwas practicing my bass, in the front room. My wife had to leave the living room on the same floor and move up to the second floor. She said I was loud and hurt her ears. No wonder i can't hear anything.
These go to 11.
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You mean JB350 is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography?


I've decided after the wife and I bought the house, I was never moving again. Hell, cleaning out the garage over the last month was too much like moving.


Another beautiful weekend in the Seattle area. Visiting her family in a little rural enclave outside Marysville. While shopping, some kid asked me if I enjoying the sunshine. I replied that I was from Easter Washington and I have sun all the time and was hoping for some rain for a change, damnit.


It never rains here while I'm visiting.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Well, I'm off to a rehearsal and concert at Symphony Hall. 19th and early 20th century French organ music. I hope I don't strain myself before I can partake of the intangible awesomeness. Strain is a real concern. Oh, I can barely lift my right arm 'cause I did so many. I don't know if you heard me counting, I did over a thousand. You have your ubulus muscle which connects to the upper dorcinus.


Cushy gigs are the best.

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Flank Joins a Band - Pt 2, Sc 3


Ah, do I love Craig's List. It's my special little window into Hell. Musician's Forest has been as dry as a vodka martini, hold the vermouth and the other "social networking" sites not much better. We don't have the plethora of escaped mental patients making spectacularly insane posts like the larger cities. Nor do we have the quite, cerebral types that make the clever and profound posts. We have the in-between types. The ones who partake in "train of thought" posts that are as tedious to read as William Faulkner. Problem is that they have no idea what they're posting for - usually.


Post 1 is a guy looking to just form a band. Don't know what kind, or what's in it, but he would like it to rock. I am so desperate to play I'm like the skinny, nerdy guy with glasses at the after-prom. I respond to the ad. He answers back that his friend is a drummer and has a line on a female front that is self-taught on keys and guitar and we should meet Thursday. Then I don't hear for a week. Then he e-mails and has a different drummer and a different singer (another female). They want to mee Thursday (last) but I'm in Seattle that weekend for in-law family fun. Now the drummer and singer have changed again (male front) and we went from the previously agreed upon classic (read: Bookable) rock list to a more contemporary, alternative rock - Greenday, Audioslave, RATM (read: Not Bookable). But now the drummer flakes. And alternative rock isn't exactly my genre. I've got it on the MP3 right now, but ...


Post 2 - looking to form an all acoustic Roots/Americana/NewGrass band fronted by a Female and needing an upright bassist. An upright bassist you say? I e-mail and he responds with a phone number. Called him up. Very professional sounding - knows what he wants, knows what he doesn't want. Very clear thinking. It'll be another adventure into unknown musical territory (if you know what Roots, Americana or NewGrass is, please let me know). I wish him luck on finding the female singer. This project actually sounds like it might have legs.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I found out after I got there that we were playing for the American Guild of Organists convention (AGO...top of the dung heap for organists) and the organist we'd been working with for the last month or two is the organist for the Boston Symphony. It was also the first concert in Symphony Hall comprised entirely of music featuring the organ since they restored it in 2003. I was just a part of history that nobody will ever care about. If I'd have known that I would've gotten my tux cleaned.


Well, probably not...but I would have thought about getting it cleaned which is just as good.

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Flank Joins a Band - Pt 2, Sc 3


This project actually sounds like it might have legs.


Legs as in.. it may run away too? :P


Quite. As opposed to "this project actually sounds like it might have dandruff" ... Dandruff as in ... it may flake off, too? :P


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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...but I'm in Seattle that weekend for in-law family fun.


Do let me know when. We'll have to get together for mischief and mayhem. Or at the very least allow me to extend a laurel and hearty handshake...

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