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King Kamehameha

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I bought a new Razor V3 -


zzzzat a cell phone?


Interesting fact (...or not...) I believe I am the only doctor in these here united states that doesn't have a cell phone. I mean, I'd rather be famous for something more lucrative. But I'll take what I can get.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I bought a new Razor V3 -


zzzzat a cell phone?


Interesting fact (...or not...) I believe I am the only doctor in these here united states that doesn't have a cell phone.


Forget doctor - you may be the only person without a cell phone. Do you carry a pager? Get with it doc!!



"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I bought a new Razor V3 - I dropped my new Samsung in the toilet.

It will be here next week too.

I've never paid (directly) for a cell phone (just signed contracts). One of the things I got for my birthday a few weeks ago was a barely used LG enV that my stepfather had just upgraded from. It was an upgrade from my Razor V3. Ok, so it wasn't so much a birthday present as a "since you're here, do you want this?"




BTW, how did you get your Razor out of the toilet? :sick:

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Well, I dropped my Samsung slider (free with new contract)in while it was still swirling. Luckily it didn't go down. I hate plumbing.

Note: Don't answer phone while standing over water.


I am using my Moto 2150 smartphone for now but the toggle is getting sad. Who really needs a smartphone anyway.

The Razor is the first phone I have ever paid for except my first bag-phone. Betcha don't remember those - whippersnapper.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Funny story -


Was working shiftwork at the waste processing plant (my dream job) and entered the men's room to see the feet of the shift super in the john. He was talking to his wife on his cell phone. He is required to carry a company phone in case of emergency.


So, the operator and I (Radcon Support) dialed the shift sup phone. He told his wife to hang on a minute, saw the hand reach down to his trousers and extracate the work phone. No sooner did he get the phone out then we heard an "Oh, Sh*t!" followed by a "sploosh".


The personal cell phone had slipped from where he was "storing" it and it fell into the commode. I wonder how it sounded from his wife's end?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Good one Flank!


Nothing like getting back at the boss.

I worked at the first Apple Mac plant driving forklift loading trucks. At the end of the packaging line was the machine that glued the boxes closed. The glue looked a lot like snot. I grabbed a nice piece and put it on my mustache and walked up and started talking to my boss. He was a proper somewhat prissy yuppy - shirt tie, impeccable hair, etc. He kept looking at my mustache until he finally said something. I picked it off and flicked it onto his arm and he lost his mind! He started yelling and wiping his arm and called me a sick mother f-er and got all red in the face. My laughter made him even madder.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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It was a great day for Flank today!


1 - Guitar Kev (the oft mention friend of mine) invites me to a jam at his friend's house. Got to meet his crew. Seems this bunch is doing at least one set's worth of original C/W stuff. Y'know, the good ol' two-stepping Country, not that pop-modern crap. Settled right in the I-vi-ii-V progressions (or I-vi-V-ii, I'm not sure which). Music not hard and got some nice lines in, wish I had a drummer. I had the Moot-Stick (WAV 4) with me for the jazz rehersal later and broke that out to show Guitar Kev and everyone was knocked out. Then it was discovered that I play URB in a jazz band. Booked for bass chair at a gig Valentine's day right on the spot - $50, one set - and was invited back in two weeks (Super Sunday next week, no rehersals!) The extra special bonus is that we will be opening for a band that never called me back after an audition that is still using a rent-a-bass.


2 - Then rush to Richland for the jazz band rehersal. New keys and I are pretty well locked as far as concept. Lots of time woodsheding intros, outros, stops, TA and such. The old CJT set list is getting a polish that it never had before. More solo time and bass lead bridges for me than ever before. Of course, I used the Moot-Stick in place of the URB and ol' MS knocked everyone out. Fingerboard is a bit buzzy, but I'm trying to play this like a URB and I just don't have enough real estate under the strings. Since I'm playing through a combo (bin?) now, I can go light on the fingers and just crank up the volume. The walking solo through "Fly Me to the Moon" is a blast! Brief bass solo for the intro to "Alone". Yeah, I'm stoked about the jazz band all over again.


Yes, we have a name now, but waiting for the keys (professional web design and hosting) to get the domain and stuff straightened out. Stay stewed for further developements.


Yep. Good day to be Flank and/or the Moot-Stick.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I bought a new Razor V3 - I dropped my new Samsung in the toilet.

It will be here next week too.

I've never paid (directly) for a cell phone (just signed contracts). One of the things I got for my birthday a few weeks ago was a barely used LG enV that my stepfather had just upgraded from. It was an upgrade from my Razor V3. Ok, so it wasn't so much a birthday present as a "since you're here, do you want this?"

I switched over to Verzion about 6 months back and got the enV2 for about $50 (2 sets of bass strings for those that compute prices in musical items). I recently was playing around with a friend's enV and it couldn't hang with its second-generation brethren (enV2). Don't get me wrong, the enV was revolutionary in its text-happy goodness, but the enV2 just took it to another level, fo' sho'.

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Good on ya Flank. The stick has paid for itself just in the renewed enthusiasm.


C/W? Really? I'de rather perforate my groin with a Garden Weasel.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I recently was playing around with a friend's enV and it couldn't hang with its second-generation brethren (enV2). Don't get me wrong, the enV was revolutionary in its text-happy goodness, but the enV2 just took it to another level, fo' sho'.

Yeah, but does it have WiFi and high speed wireless internet? If I could get that for $50 I'd jump at it. But in all honesty, I was happy with my free Razor. Now I'm happy with my free enV. :)


C/W? Really? I'de rather perforate my groin with a Garden Weasel.

I perforate my groin with a Garden Weasel everyday before breakfast! Man up! :D

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C/W? Really? I'de rather perforate my groin with a Garden Weasel.


If ya can't be with the gig you love, honey, love the gig you're with.


'Sides, I'm not looking at it as a C/W gig, I'm looking it as "networking". A couple of these guys float into and out of other bands.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I was bored so I piled through old CDs in the hope of finding something to play along with. I came across Extreme, 3 Sides To Every Story. The energy is insane in Warheads and Cupid's Dead.

That Pat Badger was, pardon the pun, an animal - even for a pick player.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Kinda stoked. Last night I met up with a guy and traded/sold my CNB 5U (technically 6U) rolling rack case for his Kaces 4U rack bag + $30.








I got the old one several years ago with my first (pointless) venture into "seperates" (pre and power amps) and since selling off that gear (I ended up not liking the pre after all and not needing the power amp since my old head seemed to hang just fine) it's just sat around holding my power conditioner and a variety of radom equipment I've borrowed and traded. I've got some gear plans for the coming months but the CNB was ridiculously huge since I wasn't putting it on top of a 410+115 stack anymore and I can't see myself needing more than 4U any time soon.


I'm looking forward to filling this thing.

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Multiply by 9, then divide by 5, then add 32 . . .

Holy Smokes! It's hot there!


It was about 16 here today. Warmer tomorrow.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Product Reviwe - Rock Stand 5 (AMS)




Ok, I was in bare feet, I did swear some, the adult situations were directed at the manufacturers (touted to be a product from Warwick) and I did break out a hammer.


After the family photo, I realised I needed another guitar stand. Rather than buy another single and have these all over my room or actually put up wall hangers (smart thing), I decided to buy a 5 stand, junk the On-Stage crap and keep the two Hercules stands for gigs and stuff.


Of course, some assembly of the Rock Stand 5 was required. Holes didn't line up. Hex bolts were chocked with paint. The parts bag was ripped open and there were washers all over the place (I did eventually find them all). One of the main supports was bent at a peculiar angle. The padding looked like a Kindergarten art project. Yeah, I'm REALLY disastified with the quality contol that went into this waste of natural resources.


Forced everything together except one threaded part and plan to take a drill to the bolt hole this weekend to see if I cant make that work.


Otherwise, it's a hunk of square tube that adequately holds 5 basses.


Either slap an On-Stage sticker on the hunk of junk or get rid of it. I would have expected something better with Warwick's name on it (and to think I passed on the On-Stage 5 guitar stand because of the misfortunes I had with their singel guitar stands.


At least my D'Add flats for the VM arrived with the same shipment - and a spare washer for the Rock Stand to boot!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Not that it'll get you anywhere but, maybe you should complain to the highest possible level. You never know.


If that doesn't work, send tham a video of you (in bare feet and assless chaps) cursing and demolishing it with a sledge hammer. To top it off you might urinate on the remains while laughing maniacally.

That's what I would do.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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