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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Box elder bug update. I'm a killin' machine, and am pretty sure that I will soon be regarded as the Genghis Khan or Joseph Stalin of the box elder bug community. I've sprayed their hideouts probably twenty times. But they keep coming back.


But all I'm doing is breeding a hardier bug. These things are going to take over the world, I tell you.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Most of the new places are being opened by New Zealanders and Aussies who seem to know a lot about making good coffee.


It's amazing to see how they've grown to love their cafes over here. Even towns that are too small to afford that proverbial one horse have cafes. The standard is not always even, but all the time I spent in Italy's made me a bit fussy about coffee.

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I am not sure of which is funnier, the story itself, or how you actually went out of your way to find it :)


It found me. Click on "The Best of Craigslist" on the C.R. home page.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Most of the new places are being opened by New Zealanders and Aussies who seem to know a lot about making good coffee.


It's amazing to see how they've grown to love their cafes over here. Even towns that are too small to afford that proverbial one horse have cafes. The standard is not always even, but all the time I spent in Italy's made me a bit fussy about coffee.


Yes, I'm very fussy too. I gave up drinking coffee except when I know that the quality is very good. This often means detours for my family as I lead them off on another expresso hunt. A few years ago, the quality in London was very poor except for a few Italian places. Now there are quite a few places - Italian and Antipodean run.

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My girlfriend and I have broken up. I thought she was seeing someone else, I wasn't sure, but I ended it anyway. I am a little down, so maybe I will write a country-blues song:


My girlfriend left me,

My pickup doesn't start,

My doggie has died,

Hey, did that cow just fart?


At least I have my (6)(5)(4) string,

To get me through, just in case,

I know I'll find another,

Hope it's girl, or maybe one more bass.




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I'm starting to feel quite emo now...all I can play is depressive crap on my bass and guitar! I need some one to cheer me up and get me playing happy again! Please! some one!

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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My girlfriend left me,

My pickup doesn't start,

My doggie has died,

Hey, did that cow just fart?


At least I have my (6)(5)(4) string,

To get me through, just in case,

I know I'll find another,

Hope it's girl, or maybe one more bass.




:DLove it! That's the next big country hit! :rolleyes:

Love God...Love People!



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Thanks for listening Karl. There are no vocals on that track. It's just looped bass. It was recorded at very low volume though so you might hear me breathing or the chair squeaking.

A few of my loops do have me singing along which is a habit I'm trying to develop. Whether that's something anyone would want to listen to is another matter.

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So it's a week of bass playing then?


No just extra worrying and job hunting, but I guess I can get an extra hour of bass in there and possibly a job :P

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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Any job at the moment that will get me out of school. I'm not enjoying it at the moment. I don't need highers to become a police officer so I would be okay dropping out and getting a job full time for a few months so I can afford stuff like a car and driving lessons. Really I think it is a good idea but my guidence teacher and my mother don't quite agree. My guidence teacher thinks it has somthing to do with certian people at the school but it isn't, but if it was I would understan why she wouldn't want me to leave. I went to sevral places today including the job center so fingers crossed and I will be out of school by next week.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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It's harder to find the time to study older in life - but it is easier to find the motivation. What kind of job can you find though with your current qualifications? You can always go and study later in life but you need to be able to afford to take time off work. Obviously when you are young, that is less of an issue. Consider all the alternatives though - there may be a college that is providing a much more interesting course for you.
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I have got my standard grade results and that would help toward any job really, and being that I want to be a police officer I need to pass the 3 standard entrance tests, have to be 17 and have to have a provisional license. I want to do this as soon as possible hopefully from my birthday when I will apply for the police. I'm just looking for a temporary job to bring some money in to help with the driving. If I manage to get in to the police I will have to retire when I am 50 and then I will go in to further education hopefully something to do with music that would also be fun to be able to play alongside a younger generation of musicians. This is actually the first time I have thought properly about how I am going to lead my life. Still I do understand what you mean.

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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I just made me tea, but I had problems with the damn mushy peas! They don't taste right and burnt my mouth. Some one come and make me tea? RAWR! Well I have had a better week though that usual. Today I officially left school in pursuit of looking for a job. I have came across several places that might need in my area. Sadly I am only 16 :( so the pay will never be to great but gladly I live with my mum and dad. Free accommodation :P

Okay I got my hair cut! Its now this short *shows how short using hand*


Lets get down to business gentlemen! I want that bagel now!...Don't forget the lettuce!

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OK, so two or three weeks ago I was listening to an old Chicago tape in the car (Cassette has squatter's rights in my car; it's nice to pull out forgotten stuff for car trips.) Decided that my CD/mp3 collection in need of this supergroup. Bought "The Best of Chicago 40th Anniversary" on eBay which arrived Tuesday, the same day that this month's BP arrived with Peter Cetera on the cover.



Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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