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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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I'm now officially fretless-less. Sold both my fretless basses in a matter of two weeks, and still waiting for my 6-stringed Ibanez BTB to find a new owner. The reason? One could say that I've become somewhat of a Status Graphite convert, so I'm going to get a 6-stringed Status S2 Classic, and swap a fretless Status neck for a custom built P/J bass I own. Maybe. Or maybe I'll see if I can unload my Custom built 5-stringer and find/order a fretless 5-stringed S2 too.


I'm looking at various bass forums for a used S2, but if there's no progress in an undisclosed amount of time, I'll just have to order a new one. Poor me. If anyone reading this spots a used 6-stringed fretted Status anywhere around the net, shoot me a PM please!



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OK, so the cat who bought my car sent me an e-mail today. It appears he needs to raise $6400 ASAP and is putting the Stealth and his bike and his other car and whatever on craigslist. No biggie for me, 'cause the check has already cleared--me no dummy. But cripey. Dude bought a toy car that he knew needed big money repair without having a dime in the bank. That's cutting it pretty close to the bone.


So I got a great line on a Stealth TT. Motivated seller. PM me for details.


Kidding. Unless you're a car guy who wants a stealth......

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ha! The wife and I hosted a party last night. A good friend brought over his jack russell terrier. The dog evidently has a fondness for licking toads. She got all foamy mouth and weird. Glad we found out early 'cause we're dog sitting for her in a couple weeks. That just saved us a bundle on an unnecessary trip to the vet....

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Was in the studio last night. I plugged into the big Mackie self powered PA, Avalon preamp. Fretless ax, flats, EMG P/J config. It was the tone of God. It was exactly what I picture in my mind.


We ended up just doing headphones, bass direct. I'm not in the market to buy one of those Mackie self powered PA's 'cause lemme tell you, it's heavy as sin; a young man's cabinet. But the sound was exactly what I want.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Well at least now you have a point of reference. Aside from the Mackie, the other items won't bust your back so you can start there and maybe find something to use in it's place. I've heard nice things about the Avalon. Some people will never get that tone satisfaction, consider yourself lucky.
If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Wife and i saw Rockky Horror Show at our local theater. It was a pretty hip production. Dr. Scott (who also played Eddie) was great. Riff-Raff was great also. Frank could have been a little more Fabulous, but he played violin at the end. Really. And played it well. His mother must be so proud. "I told you those violin lessons would pay off some day....".


And yes, we were in the back row. That was the coolest part.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So. I bought a computer for the living room so we can try to cut off cable TV and just do internet TV. I returned the Google TV unit 'cause it wouldn't play Hulu and Daily Show. I shopped hard for a small unit that had an HDMI, Toslink, and speaker output 'cause I move the juice all over the house. The computer is a slick little unit that also does blue ray, but only one of the audio outputs can be active at one time. This sucks; I wasn't looking to also have to buy a USB outboard soundcard thingy. I may just have to turn the speakers up louder instead....


We're looking into the Ooma VOIP thing. Anybody have any experience with it?


One way or another, the Time Warner bill will be trimmed....

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...


C'mon. Great intonation, good groove, great big tone on the chorus. Bonus points for style. And the kid is cuter than a puppy when she runs out of gas and gasps for breath. And I don't even like little kids; damn germ factories, they are.


Point is you're a scrooge.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Scrooge! SCROOGE!!


Well yea kinda. I remember years ago a few stores (do you remember the Crazy Eddie commercials) would have Christmas in August sales? Now the bulk of them can't do that because they put the decorations up the day after Labor Day. Yes, excessive exposure to some Christmas music makes me want to pull the wings off a sugar plumb fairy but I can deal with short bursts of some of the old kiddie songs and I love the ones sung by Ronnie Spector. I even had Donde Esta Santa Clause running in a continuous loop in my head for over a year. I love to see the magic in a kids eyes on that special day but I can't stand what it does to people, the greed, the frustration the nasty attitudes for a month. I wish that whole Festivus thing caught on.


Scrooge? Yea, you got a problem with that?

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Crazy Eddie was the greatest. Ha! And what a crazy fraud scheme he worked out before his IPO. Totally brilliant.




I'm OK with anyone not liking X-mas; Thanksgiving is such a superior holiday even without Barry Sanders on the telly. Eat big, go home. But little kids who groove? You don't like those either?


Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Alright. I know. But here's the scoop.


Before I knew about the Evils Of Behringer, I bought an Ultrafex Pro. My semi-acoustic guitar sound so so so friggin' good through it that I'm going to have to start bringing it along to gigs. I mean, it really sounds bigger, fuller, more articulate, bigger sound stage. It's like night and day. Wow!


So if I knew, I'd have bought the real thing instead of the Behringer. But I didn't know. So: too late; I'm using this one.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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It's been about a week since I used MS Windows on my laptop. It's now running a Puppy Linux (Slacko 5.29.5) - with Google Chrome, Audacious (MP3 etc player), tuxguitar (PowerTab and GuitarPro player), AbiWord and Gnumeric it does just about everything I need from a PC. Very pleased with myself.


The linux loads from a cd (or usb) but saves onto the HDD, boots in half the time of XP and sets itself up quite easily (for a linux).

Epi EB-3

G-K Backline 600

2 x Eden EX112


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