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King Kamehameha

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My taxes are finally done.


A hefty scotch is in order.


As a side note, I know our Gov'ment is desperate for money but..... I mailed my tax return with a personal check at noon April 14, the check cleared my bank on April 15th. Now, that is effeciency. Our future is secure. Ho,ho,ho


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I'm actually having the first day all to myself since July. My wife is on vacation in SC. I've been Mr. Mom for the past 4 days. My son is now with friends for the weekend, but my Mr. Mom duties resume Sunday afternoon through Tuesday.


I hardly know what to do with myself. Think I'll... practice some bass, cut the grass, then restore some vintage drums. Yeah, that'll work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm leaving in a few hours for a 7-day cruise with the gf (Friday to Friday). I'm taking her to Bermuda for a combo graduation and birthday present. Unfortunately I can't afford any other gifts. On the up side, she's offered to get me a pedicure while she does her spa stuff onboard. It isn't the pedi that I'm happy about...just the awesomeness of having a gf who'd offer to pamper me in the midst of her own pampering.


I also have a gig a few hours after we get back. Should be fun.

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Ever think your pedicure may be strictly selfish on her part? Not everyone likes the feeling of getting tore up by the claws of a turkey vulture while sleeping. Just a thought.


Have fun. I didn't think I'd like the whole cruise ship thing until I did it. Oh, and you will spend money even if your food is covered, trust me. The printout of my bar bill alone was epic.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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Have a blast, Davio! I was also lukewarm on the cruise idea until I finally experienced it a couple of years ago. Took my 89-yr-old mom and two teenagers. Imagine trying to have fun with a group that disparate in age. Well, we did. We ALL did. It was by far the best vacation EVER!

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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I'm leaving in a few hours for a 7-day cruise with the gf (Friday to Friday). I'm taking her to Bermuda for a combo graduation and birthday present. Unfortunately I can't afford any other gifts. On the up side, she's offered to get me a pedicure while she does her spa stuff onboard. It isn't the pedi that I'm happy about...just the awesomeness of having a gf who'd offer to pamper me in the midst of her own pampering.


I also have a gig a few hours after we get back. Should be fun.


Alright Davio. You're young. The girlfriend offering to get you a pedicure after you've went and sprung for a cruise/spa treatment for her isn't exactly awesome. If she got you a lap dance on the other hand, I'd marry her. Immediately. On the cruise. I'm serious.


Oh, and break a leg. On the gig. Not on the cruise. Unless it's a hell of a lap dance.


Push the button Frank.
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Got back an hour or so ago. We were planning on the extra charges and whatnot. She doesn't drink and I sprang for a dark and stormy (we were going to Bermuda after all) and a pina colada to see if she'd like either (she didn't) so the booze bill wasn't an issue. We had both been on a cruise once before but never together. We had a blast and now she's sad that she has to go back to real life and prep for the nursing boards.


I foresee more money being dumped on cruises in the coming years.

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Just have to go through a metal detector and bags go through an x-ray belt like at the airport. If you can finagle that, you're golden.


I didn't.


However, I DID take advantage of the tax and duty free liquor store where you buy it and they deliver it to your room on the last night. Not only tax and duty free, awesome prices! I spent $60 and it will probably last me at least a year (probably more) since I don't drink that much liquor (though I enjoy it quite a bit).

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I fixed two toilets today. I am #1 in #2.

You are a man of many talents, Paul.


In fact, you are now the official King of Caca, Doctor of Doodoo, Prince of Poopoo...

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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In my obsession of following the ever decreasing memory cost, this one almost lowers the bar. However, the item is, uh, "not available". If it were, it'd be 4.666 cents per gigabyte (not counting the stamp for the rebate, etc....) The 5 cent a gig has already been broken on other deals at tigerdirect.




How old will I be when we crack the penny a gig boundary? Is that like the four minute mile? What's a four minute mile? Is that like a three minute egg?


On an unrelated note, I found that Diclofenac SR makes my hips feel like I was 44 again. I've slept through the night two nights in a row. I'm still gonna be sitting at gigs, but at least I've not been walking around looking like a zombie or the Frankenstein monster; perhaps the replacement parts can wait. Me psyched.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My sympathies, Butch.


I found out on Wednesday that my company is going to be merged with another. The deal is expected to close within 30-120 days. I don't know if I'll have a job with the new company or, if I do, how much I'll lose in pay and benefits (which is the expectation).


Why would they announce something like this so far in advance? Everyone is freaking out with fear, uncertainty and doubt. It's practically impossible to concentrate on work or follow through with project plans, since everything will change in a couple of months.

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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Exactly what happened to me, Funkslap Mama. The company I'd been working on for the last 12 years, merged with another, and all the IT Tech personnel of both was working together in the same space, yet each one on its company's duties.


On January this year, we were told that, from then on, all the personnel should do the duties of BOTH companies, and without any extra income for the double labour. SO... since I had been working in two different jobs by the time, plus making some with music as well, and the pay was not really good, I decided for once and for all to say goodbye after 12 years. I had an interview with the managers and made pretty clear to them my point of view (they also made quite clear they had no intention of raising the wages for anyone), so it seemed like the obvious decision to make.


It turned out I am WAY better now, with the other job I already had (I do daily news translation work at home, which only takes me one hour of my daily schedule), got a raise on that job that was equivalent to what I was earning on the 8-hours a day IT job, and have more free time to make a life in music, but with a financial cushion paid by the translations, just in case.


So, in the end... Sometimes what you think that might be worst, may end being up a blessing. :)

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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That happened to me last year. Bank was bought by Banco Santander and one morning in April they told us to get on a conference call just to say "Clean out your desks." The rest of the year was paid for by running myself ragged playing stupid amounts of gigs. Now that I have the contacts and get the calls, I don't have a car anymore so I do carpentry while going back to school online. I still gig enough to keep busy (maybe 1/2 as much as before), but they don't pay as well as the ones I needed a car for.




I'm young and bounce back easily but I always feel bad for the people getting hit with this sort of stuff after working for the company for years and then having their retirement (or whatever the case may be) come crashing down around their ears.

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It turned out I am WAY better now, with the other job I already had (I do daily news translation work at home, which only takes me one hour of my daily schedule), got a raise on that job that was equivalent to what I was earning on the 8-hours a day IT job, and have more free time to make a life in music, but with a financial cushion paid by the translations, just in case.

Wow, what a happy ending, Juancarlin! Glad things worked out so well for you. Just keeping my fingers crossed that they do for Butch and me as well.

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ha! My last two patients had a combined age of 182 years.


That's pretty old, don'cha know.

My 91-year-old mother and I have determined that 90 is the new 70, 50 is the new 30, etc., etc.

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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I'd have sworn that the 92 year old lady was 72 at the most. I had no useful advice other than for her to keep doing what she'd been doing.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I'd have sworn that the 92 year old lady was 72 at the most. I had no useful advice other than for her to keep doing what she'd been doing.

Same thing happened to my mom. She was referred to a specialist. The doctor read her chart, which had been sent over by her primary care doc, then came out to the waiting room to get her. She was the only one there. He looked around, then finally said, "YOU'RE Stephanie?!"

Queen of the Quarter Note

"Think like a drummer, not like a singer, and play much less." -- Michele C.

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Syracuse Jazz Festival last night. Saw Richard Bona and Jeff Lorber Fusion, who was supported by Jimmy Haslip, Eric Marienthal, Randy Brecker, and Lionel Cordew. Fun show. Eric Marienthal just killed. He was a clear step above the other stellar players. Plenty of seats way way up close. Should have brought a camera, dummy.


But I don't know why they're calling it a jazz festival. Bozz Skaggs? Natalie Cole? Richie Havens? Last night was clearly the only real 'jazz' night.


And all those road signs and web page stuff about no cans or bottles or coolers. Thankfully, it's a big lie. I'd not recommend one of those huge coolers on wheels, but normal size stuff got through no problem. Cold night, though. I could have used another layer and a hat; coffee would have been nice.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha! I went with the Bass Collection fretless five (It was originally a four string, but I fixed that). THe flats and the EMG bridge j pickup made the mwaaa thing outrageous.


Two weeks ago I brought out the same bass but didn't fully plug the guitar cord into the bass for the first set. It sounded like Butt. For that whole set I was thinking "WTF? Dead batteries?"


So don't do that. Plug'em in all the way. That's me, Captain Obvious.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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