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King Kamehameha

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Yeah, I had. The "jam" band I was in and out of for the last four years was classic rock. Lots of 12-bar, lots of ii-V-I, lots of A-D-G. Everything in "G" ... 3 - 2- 1- and." Looks like I might be picking up a classic rock gig with my pals from Prosser.


I imagine that sometime soon I will be expected to try and sing. Problem is I have a three note range and it's all in the wrong key.


FWIW - I changed my avatar because the old www.columbiajazztrio.com website is no more. My avatar was linked to that site. Since the only decent pic I had in Photobucket was the doggy head ...


FWIW - Doggy head avatars are the shizzle, yo!!! Soon EVERYONE will have doggie head avatars.


The next avatar? Mine is going to be the Kim Kardashian sex tape, and Moot's is going to be a syringe of gamma-globulin.




Moot - Fine example of canine flesh. Yours?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I'll have to confer with my associate.


BTW, Nuts, two things:


1) you can get the Ric flavoured Kool-Aid in any flavour you want. You'll have to wait two years for it and it will be the wrong flavour.


2) The Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix in the avatar is named "Nutmeg". We call her "Nuts" for short. Because she is.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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:D :D :D


I can play the doggie avatar game as well - I have it all prepared and everything:



(this is Leilani's Great Dane in his Halloween pimp costume)


I just thought, you know, why not mix it up?

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Awesome you 2 stooges.

Love my doggy! Best job-site dog in the world but, Monticello lives up to his name - I really need to get him nuetered.


Bizzaro timing Flank. I'm meeting a roofer in the morning and the name of his company is, I crap you not, Nutmeg Roofing.


That is a great looking cat Tater. I share space with one named Zoe.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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He's one of three that are mine - his name is Miles. He and his sister Ella were a package deal that joined the existing one called Spazzi. We also have another one called Frank living with us at the moment. He's my parents cat. They're on vacation for 3 months which is why he's staying here.


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Awesome you 2 stooges.

Bizzaro timing Flank. I'm meeting a roofer in the morning and the name of his company is, I crap you not, Nutmeg Roofing.


All in the karma of the doggy (and, kitty) head avatars, my man.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Awesome you 2 stooges.

Bizzaro timing Flank. I'm meeting a roofer in the morning and the name of his company is, I crap you not, Nutmeg Roofing.


All in the karma of the doggy (and, kitty) head avatars, my man.


Karma? Dogma? (tee-hee)


Tater - that's a lot of feline indifference in one house.


Her princessness Zoe.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Crap. Now I have to get a non-suck-non-cell phone pic of the one who lets me live in her room and sleep on her bed.


My tortoishell Copper (it's the name she came with from the shelter and we didn't want to alienate her...because she cares what we call her...).


Cell pics will have to do for now.


Cuddly-wuddly time:



The look I get every time I come in and interrupt play time:


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No pets at the moment. I had a dog as a kid, and we had two cats for most of their lives - they were sisters and very different from each other. One selected my daughter, the other my wife as their significant humans.


My daughter now has her own cat - a mostly black with white one named Buster.





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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That is one chubby cat Tom.


Dunno if they taste like chicken but they make dandy gloves.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Change of Subject:


Going up the stairs at work I pass the drummer from the C&W project that I'm on forced haitus from. Didn't recognise him from the lack of the Zildjain had. Got to the first landing and he turned around and said "are you a bass player?"


I said "Why, yes I am, Buddy." (he goes by Buddy). Turns out despite the fact that I'm the only one in the office that looks like Freewheelin' Franklin, (a nickle to the first to get this refernce) he just now recognised me.


Ran into him a bit later in the hall and he complained that my POP entry didn't include my cubicle number (insert Iron Maiden "Number of the Beast" reference here). So we walked to my cubicle and he saw the poster for the upcoming hugh jazz gig and asked me to e-mail it. I find out he's the lead CAD Engineer and hasn't had contact with the band since the week before I was sat down.


I'm kinda glad I didn't taint punch him. Maybe some pickup work is in my future...


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Moot - she was a bit chubby for most of her life, but by that picture she'd developed a tumor in her stomach. It got to be the size of a softball but was inoperable. When she lost much of the flesh around her bones, we knew she was doing much worse. She didn't act much different (though became less active and was about 15), but we put her down soon after that.


Flank - looks like your good taste in avoiding my suggestion was the right way to go. Nice! And you have a new acquaintance at work, who clearly is buried in his technical world and needs the human contact.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Phineous, Fat Freddy, and Freewheelin' Franklin. Don't forget Fat Freddys Cat. that was a staple in my house in the 70's.

Where's my nickel.


Tom - Sorry 'bout the kitten. One thing I really dislike about pets is their lifespan.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Still agonizing over the choice of cheap back-up bass.


On one hand, the Ibanez is more or less a known quotient because of the SRX neck which I have played on other Ibanez basses. It's comfy and fast.

On the other hand, I would love to get my hands on the Yamaha but after calling literally every music store within 100 miles I find that they are not to be had. "We can order one for ya!" Duh.

Last night I got all the way to the checkout page with the Yamaha but something stopped me.

The GAS is killing me! Agony! Aaaaaag-go-neee!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. Phineous, Fat Freddy, and Freewheelin' Franklin. Don't forget Fat Freddys Cat. that was a staple in my house in the 70's.

Where's my nickel.


Tom - Sorry 'bout the kitten. One thing I really dislike about pets is their lifespan.


Moot, you NEVER disappoint me! Nickel's in the mail.


Tom - My Scottie is going through the same thing. Belly getting bigger, everything else getting skinnier, loosing continance. She still seem to get around pain free. I'm holding off the inevitable until I have to.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Sorry bout the dog Flank.


So, I got ahold of a "product specialist" who couldn't come up any nut width info on the Yamaha and I cannot stand wide spacing. I give - the Ibanez wins.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Hey, as dogs go, she had it made. Caring pet parents, regular visits to the vet, a big, fenced yard full of ground squirrels :thu: (grrr! Mowing the lawn was ALWAYS a challenge!) :mad:


No info on the Yami nut width? :rolleyes: Nuthin' wrong with Ibanez.


Rizz: That's a cutie!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Thanks for the kind wishes - she's gone a few years now, and her sister the black one a few years before that. We kept her sister alive too long - she had some mix of diseases including feline HIV, and was incontinent all over the basement rug for a long time. The vet said she wasn't in pain so my wife didn't want to put her down. We had the carpets professionally cleaned, but if you put anything down on one of those spots for a long time, it isn't good. I recently had to move my stack of music stuff on to one of those spots. I got a 4x4 oak ply board, routered the edge in a round-over, put 4 coats of polyurethane on top and a thick piece of plastic on the bottom, and put that on the offending bit of rug.


Flank - sorry about your Scottie - best of luck for what time is left.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Not to be insensative but, 'round these parts we take the ailing pet, a shovel, an axe and a rifle and we go for a hike.


The last dog that croaked on me was a beautiful 18 month old shepard. I took her to get her fixed and after the surgery they couldn't stop the internal bleeding - after going in 3 times. Some mumbo-jumbo about genetic defects. I still wonder.

Anyway, I was not a happy camper and was ready to tear the vet a new one but then I saw her crying over the body of my pet. Crying women get me every time.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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On a lighter note: my para-schizo cat has started venturing into the living room when people are there after almost 3 months of skittish seclusion in the bedroom. She even sat on the couch and watched tv with the gf the other day. Once in a while she'll venture downstairs but not if she hears anyone in the house.
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