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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Look. I'm getting advice on growing certain gender-specific, anatomical features from someone hiding his fly tying desk from his "G". :blah:


I could see my way to cross-checking with the apology. As long as it came across that I really couldn't give a s#*t about it. And not on the stairwell. I work at a DOE project and refuse to put our pistine safety record in jepordy with a recordable involving an old guy in a Zildjin hat pitching backwards down the stairs.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Look. I'm getting advice on growing certain gender-specific, anatomical features from someone hiding his fly tying desk from his "G". :blah:


My, my. No need to be so . . . wait . . . teste! :rimshot:


You were right Bub. She knew it as soon as she got home.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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She knew before she got home! They have ESP.


Looking forward to my jazz gig tonight - 4 hours of goodness with a great band and usually a great audience. There's supposed to be a US film production crew there to make a documentary on the club and they will film a portion of our set.


I won't hold my breath though!

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Well, I wouldn't hold my breath either Phil.

Americans are notoriously flakey and they may not show at all.



Now I ask ya, is that hideous?

Turns out her biggest gripe is the feet?



"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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We try to share the 4 bedrooms equally but, I have hogged up the entire "music room" - that's why it's called that.

She pretty much has the run of the house past that and that works for me. Maybe the deciding factor there is that I don't own any furniture.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Cut the feet off.


Her feet? But they're so tiny and cute . . .


Exactly what she suggested Davio. I told her "Great idea! I'll prop it up on a couple 2x4s." She walked away muttering but I distinctly heard the word "hillbilly".

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Empty milk crates!! :idea:


You didn't hear my muttering... :D


That is just hurtful man . . .

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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The wife and I are going to Cancun for a week on wed. Are we just a little psyched? Indeed, we are. It was a bit hairy, as my wife's father had a heart attack (his third) on his drive to Florida last week, and had bypass surgery this past Wednesday. He's out of the hospital and back at home resting comfortably and recovering amazingly fast in Florida. A big relief. Don't know how in hell he passed his stress test a couple weeks ago. Tough bastard, I guess.....


Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I got a call last night from a local musician who wants me to build him a modest studio. Guess I better do some homework on soundproofing. Now that I found inside work I just know the sun will shine.


On the friend with luekemia front:

Six of us (including my friend) met last night to plan some events. This thing has exploded. We decided to form a non-profit organization to help cancer patients in the county find the resources they need. There is nothing like that within 50 miles.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I got a call last night from a local musician who wants me to build him a modest studio. Guess I better do some homework on soundproofing. Now that I found inside work I just know the sun will shine.

Glad you're finding work! I got a call late last week to sub in another symphony for a bass player that plays with me in my symphony. $$ + made some connections for future gigs...and the clarinet player there conducts a group at BU and asked me to play last night for a quick, easy paycheck...and I made some new connections and got a couple subs to put on my list last night at the gig as well!


On the friend with luekemia front:

Six of us (including my friend) met last night to plan some events. This thing has exploded. We decided to form a non-profit organization to help cancer patients in the county find the resources they need. There is nothing like that within 50 miles.

Again, talk to Maury (getz76). He has a good bit of professional experience in the field of not-for-profits.

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On the friend with luekemia front:

Six of us (including my friend) met last night to plan some events. This thing has exploded. We decided to form a non-profit organization to help cancer patients in the county find the resources they need. There is nothing like that within 50 miles.

It's funny how something can snowball like that, from a benefit concert to a full-blown county service, good stuff moot.



I've been jonesin' for a Nash p-bass, hopefully the GAS passes...

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Good luck with that gas rizz.

I have narrowed my attack down to 2.

This one, and this one. I have 2 weeks to make up my mind.

A man has to have a back up.



"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I don't know why I go on the Ric forums, maybe just for humor. Check out this small thread on a misaligned neck pickup.


The last response:


With the greatest possible respect, parts of this thread infuriate me! I know all the suggestions are helpful and well-meant from people with a lot more Ric knowledge than me, but honestly! The guy has paid over one-and-a-half thousand pounds for a brand new bass. If it's been wrongly assembled as you suggest and needs this sort of surgery then it's not up to the customer to fix it. If this was a top-dollar sports car and the doors didn't quite fit, no-one would seriously suggest that the new owner should move the hinges himself, or even that a big gap down one side of the door might not be a problem. Everyone would expect the dealer to arrange a repair or a replacement. Why does the fact that we're discussing a Ric bass change things so much?


Classic. I imagine this thread will be locked soon...




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Auditioning a jazz guitarist this Sunday. I know of the guy and talked to him a couple of times (most recently during our bands old incarnation during a radio show). Seems like a stand-up guy and is certainly a good jazz guitarist. If this guy works out and we don't scare him off, I feel that we will be a five piece after that.


Now for my "brilliant" idea - want to set up no so much a band within a band but a set that I would call "Jazz After Dark". Using the for instrumentalist and maybe, for larger gigs, bring in a hired gun horn player. Do a dinner set of more instrumental "classic" smooth jazz (Herbie Hancock, Fourplay, stuff like that). Kinda like something for a dinner or cocktail set. Smooth, easy-listening, kinda smarmy ...


If I can only bring it up without the bandleader/vocals exploding...


(it's the damned weather satillites again!)


Moot: Good luck with that. Wish I had the time and patience (or wish I would just not make excuses for not having the time and patience). All I do now is give platelettes once a month.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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So, this band about 20 miles down the road messages me through a musician's site about trying out bass chair for a classic rock band. At the time I say, "No, Thanks" because of the jazz project and the C&W project.


So, the "open mic" at the local watering hole on Thursdays ain't as open as I would like. Same with some other folks. One of them take the initiative and starts an open mic at a competing bar ... a real, no crap, walk up and play open mic.


So, I get up with Moot's favorite EUB and start playing Moot's favorite music with some total strangers. OK, C&W ain't hard to build a bass line for and the chord progressions aren't rocket science.


So, I'm sitting there with the guitar and the keys (the singer is at a different table) and the keys turns out to be a drummer and they are looking for a bassist for their classic rock project.


Yes, they are the band from 20 miles down the road. Nice bunch of guys and actaully had fun at an open mic for a change. Since the C&W project is a no-go, I'm thinking that it's just the low pressure gig I'm looking for in a side project from the jazz band.


Small world.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Congrats on the new gig Flank.


I have a pick-up gig in a couple weeks with my old classic rock band and I'm actually looking forward to it. I haven't played with these guys in a couple years and guess what? The set list hasn't changed one bit.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Some bands just hit that comfort zone. My friend Ricky's band hasn't changed their setlist in years, much to Ricky's chagrin.


In your case, it's not a bad thing. Not like you're learning a bunch of new material.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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As bassist and "driver" in my classic rock band, I know it can be a nice gig. We change the music up, but it's a good time. Everyone has to know their stuff, but we don't get together that much which keeps the pressure low. Best of luck to you guys.


I can't wait to see what the next avatar subject is for Moot and Flank.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I can't wait to see what the next avatar subject is for Moot and Flank.




I'm pullin' for chaps and studded collers a la Mr Slave.


Flank - have you ever done the classic rock schtick? I thought you had for some reason.


My only worry is how my voice will hold up after such a long layoff. I will be expected to sing lead in about 60% of the tunes.


Does Flank sing?

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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