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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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My wife and I are going to the grocery store today. Our local Yoke's as a decent seafood section that doesn't even smell like fish. The only use I would have for your gear would be to stand 9.5 feet away and use it to point and then I would say "That one."


Are you saying you wouldn't touch it with a 9.5 foot pole?


My nearest grocery store is about 7 miles away. :freak:

Oddly enough, I don't eat fish.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Twitter is one of those fan blog places. Lots of NBA players are using it to communicate directly with the fans.


Twitter, FaceBook, Google -


They're all the AntiChrist.



Twitter is good in many ways - you can discover a lot of stuff and it gives great weight to developing the powers of communication. There will always be some people (especially musicians) trying to spam using it but there are some great people using it to debate ideas and communicate directly with people.


It can be very valuable for musicians provided they don't misuse it.


Our own Steve Lawson writes very well on music and social networking:



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I am saying that there's nothing better than a 3 to 5 lb. salmon fillet, layed out on an alder board, lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika, lemon zest and herbs, set on the direct heat of a Weber kettle grill for 20 to 25 minutes, let rest for five, then served with pasta and cream sauce with a four year old Vinongier (sp).


I'm just not going to march out into the middle of the Columbia river and work for it.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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* in Curly voice *


" Ohhhhhhhh - nyuk,nyuk,nyuk. High falootin'! "


Gimme a ribeye impregnated with fresh garlic, some corn-on-the-cob, taters, salad with blue cheese, texas toast and a big, cold glass of milk.


You're a tampenade.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Man, I found out that a long time friend and good drummer was diagnosed with luekemia. He's my age. I am trying not to go into a hypochondriatic frenzy.

So, I am getting all the local musicians together to perform at a fund raiser. Haven't got a clue how to put one on but I'll learn soon enough.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Very sorry to hear that.


I don't know much about this either, but my advice is to give the cat cash. I've heard one horror story about how money was raised by good folks such as yourself, and the fella with the diagnosis had to give all the money to the state in order to keep his/her medicaid coverage. It wasn't tens of thousands, but just hundreds. I don't know how accurate that story is, as it could just be urban legend. But I'm saying give him a wad of cash in a back alley somewhere.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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This damn rain (and my lack of planning) has given me a vacation of sorts so I have been woodshedding. Today I finally got thru the first 3 tracks of Dream Theaters latest. I freekin love this stuff!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Bummer! :freak:


Just got off the phone with my good friend "Guitar Kevin". It would appear that the MPB (the C&W project) has decided to go into the studio and record. They have .. oh .. eight or nine originals, four or five really good. The BUV/Rhythm Guitar played bass on their demo tracks and the band decided to just go with the four (singer, lead, rhythm/bass, drum) for recording. They anticipate .. oh .. a song a week. This band hasn't done any gigging and the rehersals are still a lot of "let's try this, you do that, how would it sound if I did the other". The drummer works in the same building as I and has litterally passed me in the halls without acknowledging my presence (and I'm not hard to spot ... I look like Jerry Garcia wearing a 1979 Geezer Butler wig!) I'm guessing I'm out. I got the distinct feeling that Guitar Kevin was given the job of giving me the axe and tried to do it without giving me the axe.


Awesome! :thu:


The NCJ (jazz project) has been coming together better than expected. So the BL puts an ad in Craig's List (without her cell phone number this time) and gets a guy to respond to the ad for a guitarist. He actually turns out to be one of the better jazz guitarist in the area. Mostly does pickup work. So the BL (at my insitance) tells this guy about our group "warts and all", the heavy metal bassist playing an URB, the drummer who hasn't played in a band in over five years, the ex-church keyboardist. The guy is not only still interested, but is actually enthusiast about the upcoming audition. I'm thinking he's tired of being a hired gun on the "winery smooth jazz" circuit and we're the best band in the area playing the older jazz genre and we've had a pretty good gigging history. I've seen this guy play and if he stays with us, it's going to force everyone to be better musicians. Suddenly, I'm becoming more and more positive about our jazz project.


To both celebrate and commiserate, I'm going to write a country song about a boy, his truck, and a garden weasel.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Flank...your acronyms are killing me. MPB? BUV (I usually see BGV). NCJ (I figured it out somehow...could've been the sig :) ). BL?


Bummer about the redneck...I mean "C&W" (both kinds of music) band.


Don't get stars in your eyes with the guitarist...after he interacts with the band for a while take a step back and make sure he's not hoping to make it a backing band for his spotlight. An accomplished guitarist that banks on pickup gigs going for some silly hillbillies (not that you guys are, it just sounded good when I thought of it) from who knows what kind of backgrounds who've played together for a couple gigs? Call me a skeptic, but...

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I agree with Davio - I know, shocking.

I have been a part of groups that bring in a "heavy hitter" to bolster the bands appeal.

The fact that he contacted you is a great plus and I am hoping the best for your cute little ensemble.


The CW band sounds like a bunch of goobers. You are probably better off without them. It is hard to see though - guitarist with a mustache and cowboy hat, drummer with the same and then a freekin sasquatch on bass. You could call it "Harry and the Hankerers".


And BTW, warts? Ummmm . . . okay.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Sorry, Davio. I've been using the phrase "background vocals" when I should have been using "back-up vocals". The acronyms for the bands are intentional, I didn't feel like typing out the band names at 4:15 while waiting on my dogs to go pee. So I qualified the acronymes for the bands by their music type. If it will go a ways to soothe your troubled nerves:


BGV - Background Vocal (My bad, I will use the right term)

MPB - The "Micheal Parker Band" - the Country and Wester (C&W) project

NCJ - "New Columbia Jazz" - my old/new jazz project.


Besides, NO ONE is more cynical than me. I know the guy (somewhat) and he does nothing but pickup work. Done a few solos on the local live show for the local smooth jazz station. He's basically a nice , (seemingly) level headed guy who likes to play guitar and rather play the old standards and torch songs. Yeah, I'll be skeptical enough, but he's the best musician to try out since the horn player, and I KNEW he was a flake.


I'm gonna stick up for their lead, Moot. He's been a good friend of the family ever since I moved to this cultural hell-hole in 2004 and a rock solid guitar. He really felt bad and took it kind of personal that he was asked to ask me to "sit out" of the recording. I'm thinking if they call back in a couple of months, I'm not available. But "Guitar Kevin" is still good people.


No, Moot, not THOSE warts! We agreed not to bring that up, remeber?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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...The drummer works in the same building as I and has literally passed me in the halls without acknowledging my presence...

Time to cross-check him into the wall. Just smile and walk away...


Happens to me all the time!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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My G went out for the night so, in the spirit of getting ready for the season I set up my fly tying desk in the guest bedroom.

For several months it has been denied access to the house and deemed "hideous" by above mentioned G.

I'm starting a pool to see how long it takes her to notice.


"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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She already knows man. They're psychic. She's just waiting for the "right time" to bring it up.


Hideous how? Did you, Mr. "Big Time Fly Fisher Man," get bound up with a G that has a thing for bugs - real or fake?


I know there's an art to that. I've seen some hand-tied jobs that were absolutly real-thing scary.


Tom - Y'know, I'm better than that. Referencing Joshua's thread, there are five or six decent bassist in this town and the rest are meth-addled, ego-consumed freak shows. If I'm not available, they may spend months trying to find someone that can be both gig ready and not killed and stuff into a trunk by the band.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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