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Informal Drop In OT Thread

King Kamehameha

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Tom, it's working right now. I know where I stand with them. They have their ideas and I respect them and have mine - which they respect. They're not interested in money (which I respect) and want to rehearse weekly and, as you know, I only want to do paid gigs on the whole and as little rehearsal as possible.


The solution, pending them finding a replacement bassist, is that they rehearse without me and try to find other bassplayers for the non-paying gigs. That's in theory; in practise they can't find anybody. I'm continuing to do occasional gigs with them and planning to record a demo this summer.


I got a contact with someone that helps organise a local festival and offered him three bands - the rock and roll covers; the jazz group and the Balkan thing. All featuring me, of course. They chose the Balkan group (partly for the ethnic ticket and partly because the guy loved the music I sent (particularly a Macedonian ballad).


Originally we were going to do an earlier set but they liked the video/audio so much they want us to headline. Neat, huh?


They are good musicians who haven't failed to get a great response at any gig we've played and the music is fairly marketable - just lacking a manager. I'm working on that.



It's official, Phil W is now my favorite bass player in the world!

Did everybody read his post?


Here in Tucson all of us bass players are starting to get a reputation because non of us are doing any freebies! Love it.


Bass players unite, no freebies! [maybe, thats maybe one rehearsal,LOL]

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Egg update.


Brown eggs taste the same as their white counterparts, but cost more. Eggland's Best eggs also taste like their white counterparts, but cost even more. I haven't yet shelled out for the free range Eggland's Best, but it appears they may require refinancing my recently paid off home as the Eggland's folks are rather proud of their free range chicken eggs. A friend raises egg chickens; I will try to cop some "free" free range chicken eggs soon. Free is good.

More details as they develop. I don't know how you'll be able to contain yourself till then.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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My wife has been buying Land-O-Lakes brown eggs for a while. She wouldn't do that if they were that much more expensive (though she does like food that is "better" for you). The shells are thinner, and I find I have to hit them just right - too hard and egg goes all over, too soft and the shell fractures into bits that you have to then remove. Fortunately I don't cook too much.


Bump is going to tell you that you owe me $5.00. "shelled out" - did you think we'd miss that?




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I cook breakfast every Sunday morning. This week I reached in and found a carton of "Cage Free Eggs". I had a good laugh and caught hell for it but, ya know, they're just chickens folks! Who knows if they're happier in or out of the cage?

Anyway, they were much like Toms brown eggs only the yolks were much smaller and darker and broke immediately when the egg hit the pan. I ended up scrambling them.

If I have to ingest a few hormones for a decent egg so be it.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, man. Bernie Mac died.


He was funny. His was one of the few sitcoms that the wife and I would watch BEFORE the arrival of the DVR/TIVO thing.


Big smile on that fella. Will be missed.


Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Busy time.


The Balkan group is doing a 2 hour set and the most they've done is 45 minutes so far so it means adding lots of tunes. Then the jazz group for Friday (tomorrow) we have another dep singer which means a bunch of new material -fortunately it's simple and will mean more bass solo space again! ;)


I'm off to have a look for a rechargeable combo for busking.

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I found were the ground bees in my yard are. Of course, the most common way to find ground bees is with a lawnmower, 'cause that is what really, really really pisses off ground bees. THe stings themselves aren't so terrible; it's the crazy bad itching that happens 12 to 36 hours later that is the bad part. Don't say hydrocorisone ointment; it doesn't work and is IMHO the poorest excuse for a topical steroid in existence.

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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I found were the ground bees in my yard are. Of course, the most common way to find ground bees is with a lawnmower, 'cause that is what really, really really pisses off ground bees. THe stings themselves aren't so terrible; it's the crazy bad itching that happens 12 to 36 hours later that is the bad part. Don't say hydrocorisone ointment; it doesn't work and is IMHO the poorest excuse for a topical steroid in existence.


Why didn't you leave the mower running on top of their nest hole? :-)

A stiffy somewhere in the city sewer system...
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Zoinks! I hate those little bastards!

The soldiers can bite and sting as many times as they like. I got swarmed about 10 years ago and will never forget it.


Wait 'till night time and plug the hole with expanding foam.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Hmmmm.....expanding foam for the hole. I'd do it, but i prefer the Beavis and Butthead "FIRE!" approach. Plus, you can't save half a can of spray foam and expect anything to come out of it the next time you need it.


And, I'd have left the mower there, but had more mowing to do. I'm a busy man, dont'cha know....


A couple of Benedryl tablets got me through the night, and a whole lot of self control.......


Happy weekend: got a couple of gigs, one with an alternative rock original trio ( we won't gig much more, as the drummer is going to New Oreans for the fall to donate time and labor, then will go to Berkely for music major in January. Kid can play.) Second gig is with a blues trio. A local lady singer with a bunch of originals will join us for the middle set. I've got my cheat sheets all at the ready!


So trio's: lots of room for lots of bass. Fun!

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Don't I know it!! All I have been in for 15 years is 3 piece and I love it!


As for the Bee-Bee-Q - fire makes them very angry.

We get lots of those nasties up here. My dog found the last nest on our property - poor guy.

An exterminator/drummer friend turned me onto the foam thing and it works!




"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I don't get out much to hear or play music besides playing in church, but went out last Sunday to a Honky Tonk and Blues Jam hosted by a friend of mine. The venue is a small town country store that also serves food and liquor.

I got to play about 10 tunes with some old friends and played with 2 drummers I hadn't met before. It was fun and I was well recieved. Since this is only the 2nd time I've played in a bar in 10 years, I think I'll reserve some time to do this again, because it got me wanting to play out some more.

Visit my band's new web site.









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Geeez... the little guy earns enough to buy a PRS Custom by playing on the street? now THAT amazes me. :)


Why wouldn't he want to play with some older guys? Maybe we could earn as much... :P hahaha!

Brought to you by Juancarlin.




Instagram: @JuanCarlinMusic

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