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Billy Gibbons Strings ? & Elixir Quality ?


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Hi guys...


2 Questions..

1. Does any one know what strings Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top uses. I have looked everywhere and can't find any info.


2. Has anyone used Elixir coated stings.. I have put 2 sets on my fender strat, and gibson les paul.. but noticed the other day when playing my les paul.. that it seemed to have 'dandruff. between the pick ups..


An unusuall amount of dust.. i thought.. as the rest of the guitar is gleaming..


Then I noticed what looks like the coating comming off the strings where the pick strikes them..


Is this normal for elixir... or is it a bad batch... if its a normal occurence... i'm not impressed.

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GHS ? I've never heard of those... But I'll definately give them a go.


Thanks for the link... as far as elixir go... I'm not happy with the tone myself.. My les paul should be screaming.. but its hard to get the false harmonics with the elixirs.


Cheers guys.

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