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Guitar Tips, Techniques, FAQ


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I've noticed that we often give tons of advice to new and old alike, and very often we end up retyping the advice each time. Things like, how to use lower distortion to achieve a heavier sound, picking strength, places to pick, string bending techniques, difference between tube/solid state, all that stuff that isn't immediately apparent to the new guitarist.


I'm sure that instead of retyping it all, we could copy/paste it from old threads. We could stick it, make it into a FAQ format, and have a VERY useful source of information right at the top of the forum that we old guys don't have to go to or care when it's bumped as we know everything ( ;) )


What do you think?

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I think it's good to get different views though. Forums like this are great, because no matter how trivial or repetitive the subject is, there's always the chance that someone will have a new twist. Sometimes I read through my old GP issues to learn and improve my guitar playing skills, but a lot of the time it's a really good piece of writing that grabs me. Ditto this forum. It's all about communicating - whether it's through music or writing.
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There will still be different views. But when anyone says anything worth learning (however often it is) it can be consolidated into the sticky, like a Greatest Hits compilation :) Even if there are two opposing viewpoints. Add them both.
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I don't know about this. I understand we do often rehash the same things over and over again, but if we didn't, would we really grow or learn?


The problem with the Internet and with FAQs is that they take all the sociability out of life. I enjoy coming to this forum because it is exactly the opposite. No one whines if someone starts the same topic as a month ago, a year ago, or even a day ago.


Why should we change to meet the 21st-century robot appeal of the Internet? I, for one, do not want the forum to end up like a giant Wikipedia or book. It's an online pub. Let's leave it that way and leave the FAQs for other sites.

Shut up and play.
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Some good points here and a good subject actually. How about a compromise of sorts, how about if we think about doing BOTH. On one hand there is allot to be said for new twists on the same subject spread out over a long time period, I sure can see the benefit of that! On the other hand there are some universal truths the would fit the FAQ format, like some of the advice on sound reinforcement and live sound done by FantasticSound and Bill@welcomehomeStudios.. also by Billster and Caevan. Also the technical theory based posts are universal and a always true. These kinds of posts could very well be consolidated.
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