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the price of guitars...

EmptinesOf Youth

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hey guys, was talkin to a friend today and was curious to see what you thought about it....


I have 6 guitars right now, and thinkin about gettin another (thanks to webe)...


Three of them cost about $500 each and the other 3 were about $360, $200 and $200....


I like all of them except for my Ibanez GAS60 which was my first guitar and isnt that great. My favorites are my Taylor, Carvin and other Ibanez...


SO now im thinkin about that PRS singlecut thats $550 and i mention this to a friend and hes like "why not just keep savin till you can buy something really sweet?"....hes got a used LP and a american strat i believe. I know i like my ibanez more than any LP ive played yet, feel and sound, but im not trying to get into a quality vs price thing. I dont know what im really trying to say but i think even if i bought a really expensive guitar, id just want another one after that...i guess do you think thats justifiable? I dont know what im trying to say, but im tryin to get at something. Sorry for any confusion.

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Gas will always get the best of you and you will always want more! Recently ive been in a amplifier gas craze, and now I am gassing for another guitar to play down tuned stuff since I just got a new amp lol.


Gas is a never ending disease!


But I used to have a few guitars 500 and below, and sold them to get a nicer guitar, I eventually ended up just getting another nice guitar after that..

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Hummm yes it is a little bit but maybe you are trying to justify not taking your buddies advice and that should be easy to do! There is no way I would have a LP if I didn't love how they play (I do love them) but you don't. No matter what the cost you have to love them to own them! So untill you find an expensive guitar that you just have to have be content with what you have is how I look at it. Just be happy and the important thing is practice hard on what ever you have.
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personally I think its more fun to find cheap guitars that have interesting and unexpected sounds.. I "know" how nicer guitars are supposed to sound but I sort of like the unknown that can be found in less expensive guitars... or finding a way to make less popular sounds work... I dont think youd have that to contend with the SE but its just my .02...
Eat a Peach for Peace..........
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Originally posted by EmptinessOFYouth:

I dont know what im really trying to say but i think even if i bought a really expensive guitar, id just want another one after that...

Well, yeah. Probably.


You're buying relatively cheap guitars now and even though they're perfectly acceptable, you still have GAS. So you'll probably want to keep buying guitars even if you move up to more expensive brands and models. I don't think GAS has as much to do with the guitars as with the pleasure of purchasing something.


On the positive side, upmarket guitars hold their value a lot better so it can be an investment. The added cost also means you'll probably pick and choose them carefully, and as they say, every guitar will be a wanted guitar. ;)

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The best thing for you to do is go out and try these expensive guitars for yourself. If you can come to the conclusion that they're expensive for a good reason, then you can save up for one of them. If not, then at least you've done the research and made up your own mind.


To repeat what was said before, get whatever makes you happy and play the hell out of it.

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I dont know if you need to spend loads on the guitar, as you said you didnt like the LP but loved your Ibanez and thats cool, as Kramer said yes the higher end guiatrs to have a tendancy to hold there value better but if thats not a important part of owning the guitar buy what you like the feel and the sound of, and as Ellwood says keep practising, but always enjoy the tyre kicking you can do when shopping for a new guitar.

Love life, some twists and turns are more painful than others, but love life.....



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I also have a severe case of Gas that seems to only grow with time. My only advice to a fellow sufferer of this disorder is to "NEVER GET RID OF ANYTHING!!". No matter how cheap, or crummy a guitar is, keep it in the closet.


Also, you should definatley try to justify buying that guitar that you would love to own, but think is out of your league. I did it, it's paied for now. No regrets.

What a horrible night to have a curse.
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I look at it this way, whatever makes ya happy. Does the cost equate to a better guitar? If you feel it does, spend more. If not, then why?



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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In my experience it`s pretty hard to decide on `A` must have guitar. More than likely you`ll find several that are amazing and when you look at the stickers that`s when you have to do some assessment. Personally I tend towards the midrange

pricewise, not for any particular reason-perhaps those are just the guitars that connect the desirable with the physically attainable (uh oh- I`m sensing a girlfriend analogy lurking around somewhere). And that`s where you can avoid having the same sound as everyone else but have something that`s well built and won`t do `zero to the repair shop in 7 seconds`. But I also have one that`s just a few hundred dollars-I bought it new, replaced the pickups with a nice handwound set and now I`d take it just about anywhere and if something happend to it I`d definitely be bummed but not jumping off a bridge bummed. All things considered that`s probably a good thing to keep in mind if you must narrow it down to one. After that if you want one more that`s a real gem and you just want to keep it for recording or for more secure environments, go for it.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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The guitar that really gave me the most warm/fuzzys, and I remember with the fondest memories was my first Gibson, a little 2 PU Melody Maker. I worked all summer mowing lawns, paper route to get it. I would open that clapboard case just to look at it for hours.

Wish I still had that guitar.

"Who's gonna teach the children about Chuck Berry?"
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