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Too old to rock & roll?


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Turning 40 this year and I,m really starting to get deppressed.I still want to jam and I hope to get something going this summer but I am starting to feel really selfconscious about age.I know when I post at guitar world I feel I must be at least 20 years older than anyone there. Your thoughts?
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HA! 40! Boy are you OLD! Drink your Ensure and take your Geritol!


I got nine years on ya, kid.


You're never too old to rock!




Now ge, Ah say, get out there and RO, Ah say, ROCK THE HOUSE, BOY!

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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I'm 50, a cancer survivor, and hypertensive, but I play every chance I get, and still get a rush out of watchin' tongues hit the floor! Buddy Guy will be 70, and he still tears it up!
Never a DUH! moment! Well, almost never. OK, OK! Sometimes never!
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Man you got years of Rock left in ya. As long as your doing something you enjoying and it ain't hurting no one who cares.

Look at all the A-holes your age that are making the world a worse place to live.

If you can make others feel good for a short time Rock-On :thu:

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just like dis.... :cool:


Wonder what that yeller stuff is under his chair

guess that says it all :D

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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I'll be 53 in May, had a major heart attack and open-heart surgery a couple years ago, and have no intention of slowing down. The Stones are 60+, as is Clapton. Les Paul is 90+ and still gigs every week.


40? You're a baby! Age is a number. Forget about it and rock on.



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Originally posted by Guitar55:

I'm 50, playing between 40 and 50 gigs per year and spending way too much time thinking about guitars and posting here! :)

I think we all spend way too much time thinking about guitars all day long. Thats part of the reason why we all post here, because we love talking about and discussing all things guitar. Guitar is much more than a hobby or a past-time, guitar is a way of life(hence my display name).
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"You're never too old to rock and roll, if you're too young to die!"


I'm 51 and while I don't play professionally anymore I still go sit in when the mood strikes me.Sometimes it takes a few asprins to get the fingers to do what they used to. That's okay though, they're smarter than they used to be.....

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I'm 38, and I plan on going just as long as my hands will take me.

I think I'm still getting better and I couldn't imagine life without guitar.


I've got my ship, and all her flags are flying. She's all the I've got left, and MUSIC is her name!!

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Originally posted by Chad:

I'll be 53 in May and have no intention of slowing down. The Stones are 60+, as is Clapton. Les Paul is 90+ and still gigs every week.


40? You're a baby! Age is a number. Forget about it and rock on.

+1. My band is all in our 40's and we make absolutely no concessions to age. We're writing songs and making CD's (just released our second) and gigging - going to Europe next month in fact. If anything it's a lot more fun than it was in our 20's because everybody's more mature and reasonable, and nobody's a drunk or an addict or too full of themselves. We realized long ago that music is just something we're compelled to do regardless of trends or commercial potential or whatever. Whereas in my 20's I was still running into a lot of people who were clearly in it for the wrong reasons.


Just do whatever you want and don't worry about it. :thu:

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Originally posted by vikingrat:

Turning 40 this year and I,m really starting to get deppressed.I still want to jam and I hope to get something going this summer but I am starting to feel really selfconscious about age.I know when I post at guitar world I feel I must be at least 20 years older than anyone there. Your thoughts?

Man, I'm 59 and just joined a Rock & Roll band. I've a few good years left in me, and that inludes carrying with me my Heart Attack, 5 stents and Arthritis in various joints.


Rock On, Dude!!!!






"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Originally posted by Darklava:



just like dis.... :cool:


Wonder what that yeller stuff is under his chair

guess that says it all :D

Hey....!!! The old Rampdog still has some bite left... And that yellow stuff under my chair was my glass of Metamucil I knocked over. Remember...The key to a happy life is a healthy colon. (and nimble fingers)
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I just don't understand the age thing at all. What does that have to do with anything? At 52 I pride myself on acting like a child every chance I get. I ride bike and rollerblade with my daughter, drool over motorcyles, gawk at hot chicks, crank up my amp and gain and let er rip. Nothings changed. My body hurts a lot more than it used to and my wife has given up on lecturing me, but that's about it.

Besides, 60 is the new 40. Haven't you heard? So 50 must be the new 30. Pass me the metamucil and let's rock! (Just a minute, I have to adjust my tri-focals).



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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Originally posted by vikingrat:

Turning 40 this year and I,m really starting to get deppressed.I still want to jam and I hope to get something going this summer but I am starting to feel really selfconscious about age.I know when I post at guitar world I feel I must be at least 20 years older than anyone there. Your thoughts?

I turn 40 in a few weeks. I'm ready to rock!
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I don't know... For me, it sort of depends on what you mean by "rock and roll".


Do I want to go back to playing in a punk garage band, which is what I was doing when I was about 19? No thanks, I'll pass. :rolleyes: I'm definitely too old to be doing that, mainly because my expectations and creative ambitions have become a lot greater.


I don't think I could go back to that whole "industrial noise" thing either. I've worked in factories and they're nothing like what Genesis P. Orrige thinks :D


Would I be happy, at 42, doing AC/DC covers, Chuck Berry covers or Stones covers, which pretty much covers what ppl call "rock and roll"? NO.


At the moment, I want to get to New Zealand. I don't know whether I want to do something really ambient (Eno/Sigur Ros/Weingarten) or to really get into the trumpet and do something really groove based, a bit like "Bitches Brew" but more melodic. Neither of which is really rock and roll, but I couldn't care less.

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