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d halfnote

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Everything posted by d halfnote

  1. Maybe one of his comas will brang Mr CCR there If so, lt's hope he reveals to you The Secret Formulation of R&Bs Most Significant 7th Chord specialized for gtr cats !
  2. Actually , no matter what anyone might try to suggest, CCR was nothing more than Fogerty's realizations for song ideas Else name me what thy did .................................................
  3. Been busy & away for awhile. Haven't checked that post on Molenda's page. Kinda sounds too morbid. It's a seemingly unalterable fact that at some point our bodies wear out & few in modern times get much past 100. However, I think there's a solution to to concept that "we're losing all our heroes/heroines" That's too keep apace of new players (or at least new to each of us). Consider if you were a young person tryna make yer way in the world in the hip-happenin- 1960s/70s era & y' kept encountering ppl who only wanted to hear music from before WW2... I like a lotta older artists from my youth (& before) but I also must say that when I hear ppl talking abt seeing/hearing some oldies act (or stranger, to me, an imitation of that artist) & citing that as the best, most vital music they've heard I really do wonder if they actually listen to anything new or that they haven't heard 1000s of times before. If you find renewal in new art the loss of the old is less traumatic.
  4. The 1 fastest ways to select material would be to simply consider what she (or her fiance) like. She is yer Mom & I bet you heard lots of what likes. Also just check into what might be listed at specialty sites &/or in reference books (like Big Hits Of Pick An Era). Her's one YT list = https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=90s+hits & some other list options = 90s hits R&B / 90s hits hip hop / 90s hits love songs / 90s hits rock / 90s hits pop / country / etc FWIW---if I'm not too late--- I'm partial to this track from the era; it seems fitting to the event & is simple enough to be done a variety of ways ! Slack key, C&W, slow blues... [video:youtube] Just be sure to say, "Always been told I've got too much pa-ride..." Best of to all, Jenl ! ----------------------------------------------- BTW, how was G Clark ?!
  5. I'm not up on CBD products but I will point out 1 thing regarding cannabis. Unlike many other drugs it has never been documented as lethal.
  6. One of the most distinctive things abt Beck (the REAL Beck ) is his skill at pitch inflection, which he's able to do in every conceivable manner...string bends, vib bar, neck bends, above the nut & behind the bridge tweaks... He often uses these in a mixed method within a single tune jus, I suspect, to show off a bit. Some of those are not even possible on other gtrs.
  7. So I looked at yer profile before I actually read the OP. For a moment I wondered if ancient sins were playing gtr & singing but that cleared up quickly Looking forward to the next post but besides yer gear, etc, What are yer musical interests ?
  8. I think, no matter which one prefers, that it's easier to make a general Strat sound like an LP than vice versa. Therein lies it's versatility.
  9. will access that soon but I think the most basic evidence is that after using Teles in the YBirds JB used LPs for a while & then for the past 3 decades has used Strats. That's not The Rule 4 Airbody BUT it makes a clear case for the versatility of each..
  10. V busy these days so I don't keep up the way I did & haven't read the prior posts but WHA HAPPENED AT H.CENTRAL ?! In any, y'know, case, GLAD TO FIND YOU BACK HERE !
  11. Perhaps I should also have added that, as w/lang, the development of our individual & interactive voices is a lifelong process & that there is no real right or wrong abt how we express ourselves other than whether we're effective communicators, have something to say in the 1st place...& what that is.
  12. As a language metaphor, I'd say it goes like this: You grow up hearing words & build an ability to use them, then you study their component parts for their systematic use. Communication & meaning is where it all starts. That's why this is an interesting idea...
  13. Hmmmm, at what point did yer furry friend perk up her ears, Dan ? Did they respond the same way at later hearings ? ------------------------------------------------- They say McCartney had a special UHF tone patched into the exit groove of Sgt Pepper for his pet dog, Martha, & later in Wings there's a song, "Jet", that has the same name as one of his other pets.[video:youtube] Then there's this. If the lovely ballad lulls ya to sleep, dial up the 2:15 mark.... [video:youtube]
  14. That said, there is an inherent implied harmony whenever 2 notes occur simultaneously.
  15. Yes, Indian music's a very deep study, although less harmonically dense than Western music or the use of modes therein. As an aside, I always found it interesting that once he gave up on tryna be a sitar master, Harrison's guitar playing, for whatever reason(s), had become much more skillful, assured, dynamic & varied in timbre than beforehand.
  16. I'll look into those scales you mentioned, Chas. Ever listen to other cultures's stuff ? I myself have a thing for gamelan music (Indonesia). Keep in mind though, that what sometimes sounds right to us might be dismissed by a native muso.
  17. Well, there ya go, Chas, all music has some similarities. After all, it's just sounds that ppl use to express emotions or ideas. As we've discussed before sometimes these expressions can be codified (as w/ modes) but they also vary tremendously in various cultures around the world. In this case, I'd say there's a great deal that Japanese culture(s) ---at least the modern forms---have in common w/ other music around the world...they love all sorts of American music there from Bluegrass to Rap. Facetiously I'd also suggest that no place would have a greater affinity for metal music than The Land Of Godzilla ! BTW, can you cue us in on what music specifically is involved here ?
  18. kinda mashT up.... A Japanese scale over some Japanese music sounds Japanese.... .......................... Are you surprised ?!!!!!!!! Get passed what music "sounds like" & get to what music is .
  19. Actually the best feeling IMF is not gettng lost N D music but Rather Finding yerserself N the music. BTW , F I'venot made the DAMN point GO@! get a grip &
  20. Yeah, I heard some of the CLD stuff recently (they showed up in an AllMusic email). They've actually been around for a few yrs. Haven't seen that cover---new ? Here's a vid/tune abt a most unusual (but actual) early NASA scientist. [video:youtube] Here's a live version posted b/c Lennon plays a couple semi-interesting gtr solos. [bTW, I guess the name Men W/Hats was already taken ] [video:youtube] They also exhibit an odd, to me at least, interest in historical artifacts. :idk [video:youtube]
  21. "The hour between night and dawn..." :idk That must've been all the way back when the rapid turning of the Earth kept eveyone so spin-dizzy they were creating religions L & R & that rapid day/night/day/again thang allowed some folks to reach ages like 837... Anywhat, I've heard that "Slappy Hat" track (as well as the unrelated Monty P trope)....the orchestral bits are prolly over my head in some ways but in places remind me of what George Martin did on "I'm Gonna Be A Walrus When I Grow Up' by Little Johnny Lennon.
  22. "(The) Houri of (The) Woof" ? ...kinda sounds like somethin' from WW 2---like the LuftWolf or something. Here's how we experienced wakers wake. Phone clicks into alarm mode (note that it's the phone that gets alarmed rather than I) It plays the sound of a bird call that goes off every 5 minutes while I execute a series of stretches & limbering up-ish moves Then at the proper moment this Dirge For EnNightentment scares the cat & all the alien demons from my I'm-Mediate Invinci-Vincinity [video:youtube] Uh, so what's in yer ears ?
  23. Hey, A Cloud, I missed your 1st appearance & will check those vids shortly. Meanwhile we're always glad to have new members ! --------------------------------------- Just watched [video:youtube] More interesting than yer PickTrick [TM ? ] is the L hand technique you exhibit @ 0:550~1:00 ----------------------------------------------- Pivoting the wrist while planted on the bridge is not uncommon [video:youtube] ...but watching that one gave me a clue as to why I couldn't quite catch the events in the 1st vid----there's a disorienting audio/visual lag to your videos that makes it a bit tricky trying to catch details. On the other hand (so to speak ) the illustration of your techniques by pantomime makes them universally understandable w/out the necessity of lang translations. Great idea !
  24. [video:youtube] The clip at the top of the page is The Chemical Bros & doesn't seem to offer any blues content (although perhaps some discontent). If yer axing abt the Blues Delight track, that seems to be either Vincent Beaulne or possibly Laurent Trudel.
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