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Everything posted by J.F.N.

  1. Yeah, it's not ideal with We Transfer, and will also be deleted in a week automatically, I will take some time during the day here and add a public folder in my dropbox and put it there instead.
  2. I get a feeling that many of us here are having a base in Piano, Rhodes/Wurly, Organ, and among things, for this use different workstations (Kronos/Nautilus, Motif/ModX/Montage, Nord, Fantom, Kurzweil etc.) and clonewheels , but for those of you who carry synths, what synth(s) do you carry and why (genre, usage, etc.) ?
  3. I can't seem to get the file upload to work here, when downloading it says there is some problems and the file can't be opened, so there's a download link instead.
  4. For the lead sheets I went the Google happy go lucky way. For my cheet sheets, I went with this free service: https://www.chordsheet.com/ Linked below is my "exam" for learning the service, easy tune, same chords all the way basically, though I went with repeating lines for each part instead of just listing the part names and x reps, easier to follow, and eventually during upcoming rehearsals there will be notes needed, "organ in", "strings", backing vocal cues etc. where it's nice to have each part included. I can't seem to get the file upload to work here, when downloading it says there is some problems and the file can't be opened, here's a download link instead: https://we.tl/t-hGjqJmTV6e
  5. Good stuff (knowledge) here: https://maxwellbutler.net/2021/02/27/leslie-51c-restoration-for-the-love-of-an-albatross/
  6. Could be a rare case of someone actually being a good person and having not a lot of calls on the item. Don't go there alone, meet outside before, check the area first etc. Good luck!
  7. If the synth has pitch envelope it can be emulated fairly well (ask me how I know...)
  8. This one got me curious, I may grab a license and see what it could be used for, have an iPad Air M1 just eating space in a drawer here.. 😊 https://www.virsyn.net/mobileapp/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=29&Itemid=8
  9. Yes, it's a sample from the Emulator II Factory Library, I posted a link to a copy of the actual sample a bunch of posts up, right in the beginning of this thread... A dude on YouTube fiddling with it here: https://youtu.be/xbguCvTq1zs
  10. https://music.geisheker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/enigma-SHAKUHACHI-flute.wav Assuming there's gotta be some sort of sample/player on iOS?
  11. My brother in law have that one too, it was my favorite album in his collection as a toddler visiting my sis and him when they had just moved in together. He had a reel tape machine too, for recording music on like others did with cassettes... Need I mention he is a geek.. hehehe! Last time I visited them (I live abroad) some years ago, we actually listened to the Switched on Bach LP, oh the nostalgia!
  12. You should set up a camera, those cat playing the keyboard videos will get a lot of views on the tube!🤣
  13. Tip, find an old cd player with optical output, then you can at least grab a cd, and "backup" the content for yourself to use. I have one of those portable Sony ones that were popular in the late 90's, with optical out, don't use it a lot but it's small and doesn't take a lot of space in the"cables you never use but one day when you need one...." box... 😊
  14. It requires the MPC desktop software... 🤪
  15. I've been snooping around here the last weeks after creating an account, seems to be a nice vibe on this forum, and a good balance between music and gear! JFN (initials, staying out of the google database with my real name), from up in the north of Europe where the moose and the wolf rule (not really!). Been playing all my life, by ear, no formal music education apart from a couple of years on ensemble/prep courses for professional musicianship (learn the industry, ethics, professionalism, etc.). Spent a good part of the 1990's earning my living with my fingers (with a side job in a keyboardstore...), mainly Hammond and obviously clones, electromechanical keys, and synths. I am not very good at "Piano", not my territory, but enough for hacking rock/pop etc.. When I grew up there was an electric organ in the living room, a Viscount, with a little analog beatbox and simulated leslie, I think it all started with that. Late 90's I decided to quit the entertainment musicianship (covers, galas, and other things in that line), and more or less stopped playing and started working with IT instead. Participated a bit on the local jam scene, on Hammond, playing blues etc. Eventually got picked up by a band playing original material, creative stuff, fun people with very different attitude than what I was used to, got involved in composition, recording at "real level" in a professional studio with a producer, etc. Lasted for 4 years, had my last gig with them in Paris at a "hip" club in 2001, then we all got in a conflict with the bandleader, royalites, good old one, so the band split, and I stopped playing completely. At that time I had left the northern landscape and moved to Paris, and life caught on, met the then soon to be my wife, now exwife, and spent 15 years with her, had a little studiocorner at home, did some composing jobs, some music for commercials, but nothing really put me on fire with this, I am a people person! After having slalomed my way down through Europe, France, Spain, for the last 20+ years, I am now divorced and just moved to Lisbon after have been hanging out here a lot before Covid just after the separation. Found that this is a GREAT place for meeting other creative people, all fields (I am into arts photography too, street/documentary/social), and I want to integrate the creative life into my reality again now! Already the first month I, by happy coincidence, met some good folks into music, and next week I start rehearsing with a band here, covers, more like a hobby band, great start for me to get back and to start networking, decent level musicians, nice people, no real ambition more than "maybe a gig in some fun context every now and then". In addition I have also been engaged in a community project creating a musical, where they needed a composer, and now, that's me, haha, so sometime soon I will invest in a mac mini m1, an orchestral library, and start learning how to do this the proper way. The music is there already inside my head, I just need to learn how to make everything sound the way it is supposed, will be a fun project! So back on the stool, and hopefully soon enough spending all my free time doing what I love again. I don't think, at this point, that I am interested in any committed commercial projects again, I just want to play and have fun, but with some sort of real purpose. In addition to music and photography, I like outdoors life, I have a dog (JRT) that I spend a lot of time with, soon a second one (this autumn he will get a buddy), and dreaming about van-life, maybe next year I will pick up something that can be used for living in on short trips... I work from home, since the last 20 years, office rat in communications (contractor for a software company in the pro audio industry). Good to meet y'all!
  16. Yes, the time needed for shifting presets definitely is a serious constraint for "real-time" usage. I keep mine in the studio, great for all sorts of crossover digital/analogue sounds, as mentioned before, feels a bit like the universe of Prophet VS.
  17. Here we go, this is what I'm talking about 🥳 (at 0.14)
  18. Great input from y'all, cheers!! I was just curious if there was a "holy grail" online service worth paying for, that delivers proper correct reliable material, which I would be surprised if there was, but you never know.. 🤪
  19. This is cute btw! "In an unofficial survey we conducted, none have ever seen Kilimanjaro from the Serengeti. And these are professionals whose eyesight is uncanny and have been in the field for decades. Despite our efforts, we could not find any evidence that Kilimanjaro could be seen from anywhere in the Serengeti." https://www.ultimatekilimanjaro.com/can-kilimanjaro-be-seen-from-the-serengeti/
  20. Yeah, iReal seems to be for Cheat Sheets, which is what I do manually while practicing a tune, prefer working with lead sheets that contain the full form etc. while practicing, then I take notes of each part and create Cheat Sheets to keep with me on band rehearsal and live. So probably iReal could be great for that process instead of like now, pen and paper. However, while starting on a new song and doing my personal homework I still want the lead sheet (bars, structure, lyrics, and chords). Google it is... 🤣
  21. So there's no global conclusion on any service for this, a friend musician recommended iReal, I may take the plunge and pay for it, to find out if it's useful.
  22. Definitely a good start, even better if there are bars too, but yes, this works. 👍🏻
  23. Lyrics and chords, and most important, the form/structure.
  24. The ones left that I haven't started yet on the "never played before" list, hence not googled (in the same fashion as per other posts in this threy) are: The right thing - Somply Red Valerie - Amy Winehouse Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down Bohemian like you - Dandy Warhols Musically no Biggie, but faster worked through with lead sheets... Yep, that's been my strategy so far too
  25. Hello y'all, Coming back into this game after 15+ years off, and starting with my first band since then now, I have a small repertoire to plug with 20 songs, most of them standard stuff, but for a few of them other ones I am finding it a good idea with lead sheets, to not have to spend to much time noting down the form structure, details, etc. What online service do people here use? So far I have tried a couple of paid ones, and they all suck, just sent another angry email to one of the sites demanding a full refund and deletion of my data.
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