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  1. Great example of a nice stage set-up, thanks Reezekeys! I am looking into the TS308/310/408/410 set up for myself. But I would ask with your set-up, can the band here your monitors well, just assuming they are also getting a bit of you from the FOH into their own monitors?
  2. Thanks Everyone. Yes the DXR10 has a volume knob! Most music sounds great out of it, especially my drum machine, but some of the Keyboard patches I have just seem to be too mid-rangey, maybe not a honk, unsure. I certainly cant bring up the volume knob setting close to what others have said (which is "8", I am keeping mine like "3-4". Plugging into a LINE IN, mono or stereo, not a MIC In. And I have messed with the HP filter and DSP settings as well. I think it would sound fine from a Distance, but as a Keyboard "Amp" / Monitor that is usually within 3-6 feet from me, it's a bit too directionally loud. I will experiment with a speaker stand that I just got. My keyboard may also have a super hot output, and I don't have any good EQ's on my keyboard either (Roland VR-09) I just am looking for some other rec's on current Powered Speakers, but I will just keep perusing the myriad of other threads for now. I prob jumped the gun on starting this thread, I was just frustrated the other night and reached out to the community for some help. Thanks By the way I am now looking at the RCF ART 910 A or maybe an Alto TS410 (soooo cheap). QSC K10.2 of course, but want to stay around $600 or less. And yes will save up for a RDC TT-08 or TT-10 eventually (maybe).
  3. I’m interested in Alto 3xx, EV, QSC 8.2 so far after much much research. But reviews vary so much on each major speaker out there - just trying to get more input if possible. thx
  4. Hey folks - please forgive me as I am sure the first 10 responses are gonna be "we already covered this topic". I run a Roland VR-09 which I actually enjoy. Roland kc-80 as practice amp (don't @ me). Got a Yamaha DXR10 mkii a few years ago for stage use But only used it a few times a few years ago. New band, new gigs and the Yamaha is just crazy loud and gives me fatigue - trouble also finding a good spot on stage for it so I can hear it well without blasting me away. Seems like a mid-range honk that I'm unsure how to get rid of. Picked up a Spacestation SSV.3 recently but 1st gig didn't go well for some of the patches. So I am on the search for a 8,10 or 12 powered speaker to replace both the DXR10 And SSV. ANY RECS?? Budget is around $600. Just want 1 speaker for backline and/ or monitor so I can hear myself over 2 loud guitars. But also want crystal clear pianos and EP's Anyone want to help with real world experience? THANK YOU
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