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  1. Got it - my band doesn’t have anyone controlling stuff.
  2. Leaning toward a MODX+ at the moment but is there something that sounds as good which isn’t as complicated? I’ve seen a lot of reviews say it’s very complicated to use and not user friendly.
  3. For me those wouldn’t be that useful then since I’ll have a drummer and won’t need drum sounds ?
  4. May be a dumb question but what do those 6 large buttons on the right do - on the Juno. I think it’s under “pads”. And why does the Yamaha mx and modx not seem to have those?
  5. No budget really - yea mainly will be for the band and 10% of our songs but I figure I may mess around and do some of my own stuff with it eventually once I get a little better with playing. So I don’t want to cheap out either and have to upgrade later. whether I ever get to the point that I could play singer songwriter stuff I don’t know but would like to try.
  6. Also is 61 keys sufficient to learn a few Elton John and billy joel songs?
  7. Hello - I am a guitarist in a 90s rock band looking to buy a keyboard in order to add some pop tunes to our repertoire that could use some keys or synth sounds. It would mainly be used for live use. I will mainly be playing simple things since I’m not a natural keyboardist (although will be taking some lessons). Some artists we would use it for: Brittany Spears, sir mix a lot, Backstreet Boys, jamiroqui, ace of base, Marky Mark etc. You get the picture. No budget but want it to be practical for what I need it for. If that means something more expensive that’s fine. Keys would be used on about 10% of our setlist so not a ton, but something. open to all suggestions!
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