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  1. Thank you all for the information. Got a good idea on how I am going to proceed now. Will research the mixers more to make sure they have what I need.
  2. Thank you Stokely. My thought was getting a small mixer and plugging both keyboards into it and then the main out to FOH and Headphones out to my AMP if it does not have any Monitor or EXF out. My question is if I am only send one line to the FOH do I send the L or R main and does it matter if the keyboards are plugged into the mixer with both L & R.
  3. I have always just used a single Keyboard and amp until now. I am now playing in a band with 2 keyboards (Nord Electro and Yamaha MX49) and need to go into a small mixer and then to the FOH and also an on-stage amp. Want to make sure I can control the on-stage volume separate from the signal to FOH. So many different articles on Stereo/Mono/DI and so on. Our sound guy said he just wants a single line to FOH so I am not sure how best to do that and have the full sound out of both keyboards going through to it. Any help on how best to set this up would be greatly appreciated. I have not purchased a small mixer yet for this setup. Thank you
  4. Thank you all for the great comments, comparisons and recommendations. Reading through all of them again to get a good overall consensus. Take Care
  5. Good Day All, I need a new Keyboard. I have been playing my Korg Krome 88 for a long time and need to move to something with a little less weight and updated/different sound library. I am sold on 73 keys and also narrowed it down to a Nord or Hammond. My challenge is I have no Music stores that carry the models I am looking at so I will be ordering blind so to speak. Although I am not really blind, except when my wife asks if I saw that wall that needs to be painted or that pile of stuff that needs to be moved. (Sorry Honey I got a gig) I grew up playing on a acoustic grand piano so the pressure I apply to the keys is not going to change easily but I know I need to make some adjustments. I used to play mainly piano settings so the Hammer Action Keybed on the Korg 88 was great but now I am split about 50/50 Playing Piano and Organ with some synth. Doing mostly classic tunes from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Santana. Has anyone tried all three keyboards listed here and can give me some feedback mostly on the Keybed feel/action between them. Looking for that sweet spot feel for both Piano and Organ. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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