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Doc Rocs

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  1. I too have acquired a PJB cab-47... driven by a Hartke TX600 amp... Love it! I remembered seeing ads years ago in BassPlayer with Chuck Rainey... Was very intreagued! Small speakers???? Easily portable!!! How can they match up to my Hartke rig-- heavy 410 & 115 xls ( lotta Birch plywood in tbose) + HA7000 amp (cab 47 @ 36lbs weighs less than amp in its road case) Well, I went for it, did my research on the brand, and took a shot on the Cab47... Really like what I have heard so far... Clarity, punch, nice forceful lows... And those ports in the back- Put the cab with a reflecting surface (wall) behind it, and boom-- the cab goes on steroids!! So, yup, got the PJB bug... Down the road will I look for another to PJB, you bet! Wife permitting, of course!!
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