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Posts posted by Andy

  1. I didn’t like the hiss, sticky and wobbly pots, cheap handles, and general cheap construction, but lived with it as long as it sounded good, which apart from the hiss, it did. Notice I’m using past tense. When I turned it on yesterday, MASSIVE pops, crackles and noise. Like, even with all volumes down at zero it was deafening. Sending it back. 

  2. Hi. I’m new on here. This is the only thread I’ve found that discusses the MS KP610s. I’ve recently purchased a brand new KP610s from Musician’s Friend and am pretty happy with the sound so far. Early days. However, what was immediately concerning when unboxing and setting up was the pots. Firstly, they were sticky. I don’t mean sticky to touch, I mean sticky to turn. They were all set at zero out of the box, and with many of them I had to apply a fair bit of force to get them to move. Once I’d got them unstuck, they moved smoothly, but I’ve never had sticky pots like that with any gear before. It felt weird and wrong. 

    Also, again with the pots, they are all wobbly. This is something I often see with various keyboard/amp reviews. The reviewers make a point of noting whether the pots wobble or or not. With the high end stuff, the reviewer often praises the product for having solid and well made pots. So the pots on this KP610S were ‘sticky’, they wobble, plus they kind of look and feel cheap. 

    Also, the side handles, again feel cheap. Kind of thin plastic that bends and moves when I pick it up. 

    So far, it sounds good, but for a $1400 amp, I’d expect high quality across the board. It’s evident they’ve cut costs with the things I’ve mentioned, so I really hope they haven’t cut costs with the areas ‘under the hood’.

    I had to wait a few months while the amp was on back order, so I’m wondering if they’ve sacrificed some quality in order to meet the demands and get the batch out ‘quickly’. Has anyone here bought this amp recently and noticed similar quality issues? Did these amps that were made last year or before have these issues? 


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