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About cjogo

  • Birthday 01/19/2022


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  1. Looking for all the sounds on board a K2vx in a newer keyboard --- especially ORCH solo
  2. SO with all consensus :: the audio /samples of the K2VX should be not quite be up to >>> the new PC4 <<<< ... at least I should diffidently be able to hear the difference >> with my clients projects .. thanks
  3. Thanks DAVE --- Looking at the PC3 with KORE -- when its in the studio -- will contact you for those custom file sounds ~!! Really appreciate it ~!
  4. Sounds good SCOTT -- I don't really tweak -- or add 3rd party -- just want to add orchestral /etc to our clients projects -- like we have since the 80's
  5. So again :: main differences from the Kurzweil PC3 ( with KORE ) and the later PC 4 ?/ Same quality solo orchestral samples ??
  6. Yes Jean is still with Kurz, he's one of my favorite people in the world! He made our transition to Kurzweil machines so rewarding -- even the silliest questions -- he had a smoother path to take = for the solution & made us stay on board for 30 + years
  7. Yes , there is a difference ~! -- just trying to see whats better for the studio -- I have PC3 with KORE on watch --- that might be all we need -- I am not a keyboardist per se == two finger kind of player . But lived with one or two, since the late 70's .. Thanks again for steering me in the new direction ... DAVE : is that French wiz JEANE (sp) still with Kurzweil ? He helped us so much back in the 90's
  8. What is the KORE 64 ?? Ram storage for samples ?
  9. Thanks so kindly >> for coming to my aid ...Not keyboardist per se -- but, I need quality solo samples for producing Will look for the PC3 7 series --- sell off a few KURZ this month
  10. We have 3 KURZs in the studio -- and mainly looking for IMPROVED solo Orchestral samples ----------- Are we going to hear a big difference from a K2600 /K2vx --moving up to a Kurzweil PC3-7 or the K2700 ?? thanks
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