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Posts posted by ChloePaterson

  1. I like it. Jazz clubs are my favorite place. I advise you to start with New York. My love for jazz began with a trip to New York. Before that, I came across an article with the best historic jazz clubs in New York https://www.westgateresorts.com/blog/10-historical-jazz-clubs-nyc/. I left one day to visit 2-3 of them. I don't know how I didn't discover this fantastic genre before. I regretted that I only deleted these clubs for one day. I had to try a new club every night. I'm sure I would like everyone. Oh, it's so cool that we still have access to old music. Don't forget it!!
  2. I understand what you said. It is something typical to a lot of converters. I thought it is impossible to use the same converter for a long time because some errors appear after some months of using it. I understand you perfectly. I had changed a lot of converters. There were always some errors after some time of use, or they made me pay. I didn't want to pay for a website that is not so secure, and the quality is not so good. After some days of searching, I found a website - https://coconvert.com/youtube-wav-converter.html. Here now, I convert all my music from youtube. And yes, it is for free. You can try to convert through this site. Until no error occurred to me, and I hope it does not happen to me. I've been using it for more than half a year.
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