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Posts posted by DanijelL

  1. I already use an ipad for organ, so surely the cheapest if not easiest way to go is use an ipad app.

    I've read about Neo Soul and Korg Module, any others?


    And how might those compare to the Purgatory Creek clavs and EPs quality-wise?


    iPad: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vb3m/id1560880479


    although it's based on old desktop VB3 1.4 version (and not the VB3 II), it's gritty, and screamy, but also soft and gentle (with a bit of harshness) when needed. The only one better solution for iPad is B-3x by IK Multimedia, but it's not 10× better, as the price might suggest :)


    Regarding Purgatory Creeks's VKC - it's a must have if you use EPs in your gigs. And the Pianet N was a very positive surprise for me...

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