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Posts posted by TheSurfingGuy

  1. First, welcome Surfing Guy!


    Scott Fraser's posts are excellent. I think he's got your guitar identified correctly, well done.


    It is not, by definition, a lawsuit guitar. The term has been over-used to the point of absurdity and there are also some fabricated stories that won't go away.

    This is a tedious but accurate account of the true lawsuit guitars. The REAL name should be "Pre-Lawsuit Guitars" since cease and desist orders caused changes to avoid things ramping up.


    Ironcally, it led to Ibanez and others creating new instruments that became very popular and instruments made in Japan are held in very high regard today due to the quality.

    Fender, for one, simply starting having some of their guitars made in Japan, which has led to some "cult" instruments like the Squier Tele, which might as well be a USA made Fender.



    Great info KuruPrionz! Thank you so much!

  2. Hey Surfing Guy welcome. You live in Carlsbad Ca?


    The first time I came west from the east coast I lived in Carlsbad Ca on Walnut Ave (I think just a block off of the ocean at the corner of Walnut and Garfield) I came west for the surf and most of the winter that year the ocean was as flat as a board. Very few wave days. I used to surf warm water jetty, and just off of the Walnut ave area. Later on I moved to Cardiff By The Sea and surfed from Swamis to Point Loma (Ralph's they called that Point Loma break) and almost everything in between. Mostly at 8563's just north of Cardiff Reef, as we lived in San Elijo State Beach. Back in those days (mid 60's) you could stay at the campgrounds at San Elijo for 2 weeks and then you had to move out for 2 days then you could get back in for another 2 weeks. We camp at San Elijo State Beach still to this day, 2x yearly, we have reservations in May and September this year. Anyways welcome to the site and looks like a nice guitar. I have no idea how to date the guitar, good luck with that.

    Great story DesertBluesMan! I have and do surf all of those spots except Ralph's, as it gets to crowded for my liking. However, a bunch of times I have surfed the other reefs at PL (Little Waimea, Donuts, Dolphin Tanks, etc. Such a fun area and so luck to have had a buddy with a boat who loved going out there. Been sometime :(.

  3. Yeah, a copy, more or less of a Gibson L5. Hollow body. You wouldn't be able to lift a semi-hollow with that deep a body. Without any other clues, I'm going to throw out a wild guess that it's a Korean Peerless, made from the templates they used for the Epiphone Broadways of that period.

    Welcome to the forum, SurfingGuy.

    Thank you much for the reply and welcoming me!

  4. Hey people! I hope everyone is safe and healthy! I'm a total newby here to your site and although I've had this guitar since the early 90's, I do not know much about it and wanted to see if anyone could shed some light. I have the following questions, if anyone could weigh in that would be very cool.


    Is this a semi hollowbody or hollowbody guitar?

    I believe it is a GIbson copy, perhaps a lawsuit model?

    I can not find any stamps or demarkations inside the body. Any other way to pull a model/serial?

    Any idea what year this may be and/or how much it is worth? I am not looking to sell it, because I love it. Just curios...





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