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Posts posted by EduardD

  1. Thank you guys for taking the time to share your knowledge and opinions.


    Indeed, it will clearly not be an easy, straight forward decision.


    I am convinced both boards are top quality instruments, and they clearly have their own avid supporters.


    Every user is different, so I'm sure 10 different boards could each be the best solutions for 10 different type of users.


    The PA4X forum was very usefull, but to be honest, so was the Genos forum, both claiming new levels of extremely user friendlyness and the best sounds so far.


    Maybe time will tell, but I've learned a few things already, so that cannot be a bad thing!


  2. Hi guys,


    I'm new here and also new in the market for an arranger/workstation or one or both? (already very confusion at the start).

    I decided for a top quality keyboard, also because there is a local auction (new instruments/bankruptcy/av. 50%off) here going on for another few days

    But since i have no experience whatsoever in the keyboard field, im more confused then ever now, especially after watching way too many YT comparisons, videos, demo's, masterclasses, etc.


    I better start telling you what i need: I want to write some music and songs. That's basically it. Just get the best possible ( and not too complicated) tool to get my ideas expressed.

    I will never be performing alone or in a band, not interested in playing along with existing music or songs.

    Just work at home, preferably not too over technically - not going to create a studio at home - and try to write some music (with and without voice), record it and maybe send it to bands or performers.

    Not as a perfectly finished product, just as a good demo.


    I only hope to find the best sounding tool to do it with (because some do sound not-so-good!).


    After all my research, i have reduced it to the PA4X and the Genos, but having said that, i might be missing a few other interesting candidates here.

    The fact that the PA4X already came out 5 yrs ago, should that "older technology"- argument be taken into consideration too?


    I am just a basic piano player, and i realize I'll need to learn alot before i can use the arranger/workstation or one of those.


    I prefer not to take the DAW road only, i'm not a pro (or maybe i get this wrong too...)


    I would be very greatful for any advice, I have another week to decide on what i'll make an offer.


    PS. I was wondering why it is that many of the Genos sound & styles demonstrations were playing kinda "cheesy" music while the PA4X demo's were in general far more "neutral"? An indication or just a coincidence?




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