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About sonic5397

  • Birthday 09/22/1970


  • occupation
    Software Developer
  • Location
    Roseville, CA
  1. Sorry. Was trying to abbreviate. . I meant that I seemed to like the older stage pianos the best (i.e. the Yamaha p45 and the Roland FP-30). I"m thinking of maybe getting one of these and then stacking something else on top for synth sounds (neither my Roland D-50 or my Akai AX-60 are really contemporary enough, and I really don"t feel like dragging any of my rack gear (Alesis QSR, Emu Audity, Roland JV-2080) to gigs. Sound quality isn"t really there in these romplers either. I"m thinking of maybe getting a Yamaha MX61 for on top of the FP-30 or the P45 An FP-30 (or P45) + Yamaha MX61 (both used) would fit into my budget. I still want to find a place (I"m in Northern California - Sacramento/Bay Area) to try the Kurzweil though before I decide. Thanks for all the recommendations!!!
  2. Getting back into gigging after a long hiatus. Last time I played out was about 25 years ago when an 88 key, weighted stage piano was an unobtainable dream. Now that I"m no longer traveling every week for my day job, I am looking to play out again. Mostly rock/blues covers. I"m also in the market for a good stage piano. So, I went down to my local guitar center to try some stuff out. I"ve done a bit of research here on this forum and others, so I went in with certain expectations of what I would like and what I wouldn"t like, and I ended up totally surprised by what I found: I was primarily looking at the Casio PX S-3000 (they only had the S1000, but the Keybed is the same), and...I totally hated it! My primary criteria is the keybed feel (15 years of classical piano lessons and I was a jazz piano major in college), followed by sound quality (and quantity) and then by 'stage functionality' - I.e. splits, layers, program changes,real-time parameter control,etc. I then moved on and trie a bunch of others including: Roland FP-30, DS-88, RD-2000,and the Yamaha P45. Here"s what shocked me: I liked the feel of the 'older' SP the best. I liked the p45best, followed by the RD-2000, FP-0 and then the DS-88. My budget is around $1,500. So, any other recommendations (I"ll have to call around to see if I can find other places that carry some more brands)? I"ve heard good things about the Kurzweil SP6, so I"m gonna lock for that. Any other recommendations that have the feel of the RD, P45 and the FP that"s might be overlooking? Of course I love the Nord Stage but it"s totally out of my budget (and traction is a bit light for me). I"m looking for something with more sounds, MiDOut, etc. Thanks!!
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