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Posts posted by PrairieGuy

  1. On 7/3/2022 at 1:14 PM, KenElevenShadows said:

    Do people even get excited about desktops any more? Seems like everyone wants little handheld computers.

    I don't get very excited but I am one of the few that still likes a desktop. It's connected to my 65" 4K TV which I use as a monitor. Text is easy to read and YouTube and videos are a good size. I have a cordless mouse and keyboard and use the computer from the comfort of my recliner.

  2. On 3/30/2022 at 9:59 AM, KuruPrionz said:

    BASS AMPS!!!!!

    I remember clearly helping our bassist carry an Ampeg SVT head and cabinet up and down 2 flights of stairs long ago and far away. 

    It sounded good. No DI worth mentioning. I guess you could mic it. I remember when he had tubes go bad, that was not fun - Whirlwind DI to the rescue. 


    Current bassist totes a Fender Rumble 100, one of the newer ones they made after buying Gens-Benz.

    100 watts, 1-12" speaker, good sounding DI built in, small and 22 pounds. It's loud enough to hear on stage and then some. 


    He can put his gig bag on his back, grab the amp and that's done. 

    I can relate. I used to carry a 98 pound Garnet bass amp around. It was only 100 watts. Now I can load in and out in one trip...Markbass combo and extension cab at about 25 pounds each and my bass in a gig bag on my back. I don't even need the extension cab most times but take it anyway.

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/25/2022 at 8:55 AM, Notes_Norton said:

    I wrote to my rep, and his reply was that golf courses and other businesses are more profitable when the daylight hours are extended.


    I guess he feels corporate profits are more important than the live of his constituents and their children. He will never get my vote in an election again, unless satan himself runs against him.


    I ask all who want to keep standard time, please write to your representatives and the president too (who can veto the bill).


    Notes ♫

    At least he replied. I bet if you wrote to your local school board and asked them if they'd adjust their hours to make it safer for the kids if DST becomes permanent you wouldn't even get a reply.

  4. One of my guitarist friends does that all the time. I go over there and he'll play me a mostly completed song that he pieced together. He's not a bass player so he'll usually get me to redo the bass part, either sticking close to what he came up with (he's good at coming up with bass riffs), or he'll ask me to create my own part if he doesn't like the line he came up with.

  5. On 2/5/2022 at 4:22 PM, dboomer said:

    I can say with certainty that speaker components do undergo some changes after break-in having measuring a few dozen. But it should be a very small amount.  Measurable yes but actually perceiving an audible difference, not so much. In my days as a designer, if I had put out a product that you could hear much of a difference, I would have considered that product to be defective. Day to day changes in temperature or humidity I would expect to be making a bigger difference in perception.

    Changes in mojo?  Well, whatever makes you happy ;) w

    I used to think that speaker break in was a sales tactic to encourage people to keep them for a while, the assumption being that after a period of time your ears would get used to them, they would become the new normal, and you'd be far less likely or willing to return them. Not really different than 30-day mattress guarantees. I really don't know the science so I could be wrong.


    But if speakers do break in, do they always sound better? Do speakers ever break in and sound worse?

  6. I'm primarily a bass player. I used to not like keyboard bass (HEY, get a real bass player!!) but as I became better I started to appreciate some of the keyboard bass lines I heard as often different note choices were made because they weren't always following many of the "standard" bass patterns that bass players tend to use. That being said, Anderton nailed it:


    "I don't think you can replace a bass player. You have to become a bass player, regardless of the instrument on which you play bass."

    • Like 3
  7. 6 hours ago, Anderton said:


    I think it's important to differentiate between misinformation and mistakes. When trying to wrap their heads around something they hadn't seen before, immunologists are going to make mistakes, and discard theories, as their knowledge changes. Making a mistake is not the same as lying or misinformation, because either one requires an intent to deceive.

    I agree. Where people differ is that some think that every mistake made by the experts was just a mistake and others think that some "mistakes" were deliberate misinformation. Remember, Fauci lied under oath.


    We were told that the vaccine would be 100% effective.

    We were told that one shot would be enough.

    We were told that getting the vaccine meant that you couldn't catch Covid or spread it.

    We were told that masks worked.


    Are we to believe that the above 4 statements were just mistakes and then "new" information came out? Really? The people who told us those things reached far more people than Rogan and for a far longer period of time than just one podcast. Those statements were all accepted fact a year ago and anyone who said different was accused of misinformation.


    I'm really not trying to argue, but we've been mislead repeatedly by the experts. Is it any wonder that some people are skeptical?

    • Like 1
  8. Personally, I think if someone who is eligible to be vaccinated, refuses the vaccine, and gets COVID, should be required to pay for their treatment before he/she is admitted to the hospital, and if they don't have the money, sent home to forced quarantine. It's about accepting responsibility for one's own decisions.


    Let's not stop there. Once they've been refused treatment, it's time to go after the smokers, alcoholics, and obese people.


    That's just the start...


    No, it's not the start. It's a continuation because what you're describing is already the case. Health insurance rates can already be considerably higher for smokers, alcoholics, obese people, diabetics, etc. Certain conditions may even be excluded completely, and there are exclusions for prior conditions (and it wouldn't surprise me if insurance companies end up considering covid a prior condition, if long-term organ damage turns out to be the norm). And if you don't have health insurance because you can't afford it, and don't get medical care because it will bankrupt you - well, that's your own stupid fault for not being born in Europe.


    It's ironic that people talk about being freedom-loving, independent individuals because they don't want to get vaccinated...and then socialize their costs on the people who did get vaccinated.

    There are far too many people suggesting that unvaccinated people be refused medical treatment of any kind. Some people even want them jailed. Pfizer has decades of history of bribing doctors, falsifying studies, hiding data, billion dollar fines, etc. Look up their past record. And yet today no one is allowed to question them or be wary of a fast rushed shot that wears off in just a few short months.


    We were told 2 weeks to slow the curve.

    Then we were told herd immunity and we could get back to normal.

    Then we were told the vaccine would prevent getting Covid or passing it along.


    Those were all lies so don't be surprised if some people are skeptical of what we're being told today.


    I haven't been on this site for very long but the hatred and bitterness coming from some people is disturbing. The piano tuner vaccine thread was especially revealing. Anyone who questions the official agenda is attacked, even though it changes on a daily basis and a lot of it has been proven to either be wrong or a lie. People have very short memories as to what was considered fact or fiction just a few short months ago.


    Anyway, I'm just adding to the divisiveness so I'm bowing out. Good luck to everyone.

  9. Personally, I think if someone who is eligible to be vaccinated, refuses the vaccine, and gets COVID, should be required to pay for their treatment before he/she is admitted to the hospital, and if they don't have the money, sent home to forced quarantine. It's about accepting responsibility for one's own decisions.

    Let's not stop there. Once they've been refused treatment, it's time to go after the smokers, alcoholics, and obese people.


    That's just the start...I'm sure there are a lot of other people who we can find that don't "deserve" medical attention because they made poor decisions that landed them in the hospital.

  10. The US has taken mostly a 'live with COVID' approach, especially in the early days when the last president hid for 6 weeks hoping it would go away, then went out maskless, told people to use bleach or malaria meds, and created a no-vax cult that coughed at mask wearers and called them sheep. What did it get us? The most COVID deaths of any country in the world, including countries that have a billion more people than us.


    The only economy this is helping is the undertakers.


    You know I like you Notes but I can't let this go. This is very harsh. At this point it's proven that Trump had nothing to do with antivax idiots not getting the jab. They've been around for as long as I can remember and Biden has done every possible thing to get the message out to no avail. That hard core group is not budging no matter what and that's not Trumps fault. Second is this notion that the US has the highest case count/hospitalizations and death of any country in the world. Total bullshit man. Respectfully you are also guilty of reading only what you believe will reinforce your personal biases. Do you really believe all these other countries with a "billion more people than us" have anywhere near the level of health care and statistical analysis we have? The only reason we report such high numbers is because we are both politically and materially able to do it.


    We demand those answers from our government and factcheck the crap out of them to make sure it's done right. We have very strong legal and political motivations to get it right. Just the other day there was an article in the Times about Mexico's reporting and how f**k'd up it is. Their reporting is way, way undercounted and it's the same the world over except for most first world countries. Do not for a second believe the stats out of Latin America, Africa, India, Russia and the worst of all China. The PRC is a flippin dictatorship man, the largest and most powerful dictatorship in the world. The party controls EVERYTHING, the media, the scientists, the labs, everything. Someone says something they don't like they disappear. Sometimes forever sometimes for a month or so until they've learned their lesson. I can give examples but this isn't the place for it, look it up if you want.


    After four years of trying, the US is about to finally delist a ton of Chinese stocks from the US exchanges because the rules are in order to be listed they must produce all their accounting to the SEC on demand. For four years we've demanded that and they have not complied. I'm in the market but I've refused to buy any US listed Chihese stocks. Just recently the PRC decided they didn't like what several huge internet related companies were doing and just unilaterally issued new regulations that severely curtailed what they could do and the entire basket of Chinese stocks have dropped over 50%. I'm not saying this because I'm giving investment advice on a music forum, it's just an example of how all these types of countries can do things. Want to show good COVID numbers for whatever reason, just tell the people who produce those number to do it regardless of what the truth is.



    I agree with most of what you said. One thing I'll add...your media is dishonest to the point of corruption.


    If they claim a politician said something but don't show the clip of them actually saying it then you may as well assume that they are lying. No one ever said to drink bleach. If that had happened it would have been played on a 24/7 loop on CNN. I won a $100 bet from someone who really thought that was said that but they couldn't prove it because it never happened (they never paid me). They only knew what the media told them and they were willing to accept it without proof. If you're willing to believe something that idiotic with no proof, then you're probably willing to believe a lot of other falsehoods, including those that are Covid related.


    The US (I'm from Canada) counts people WITH Covid in the hospital for other reasons (broken leg, etc.) as in the hospital because of Covid. Many people don't even know they had Covid until they were tested upon admittance. This has been publicly acknowledged repeatedly by several governors and medical professionals. The US has nigher numbers because of the way they count, not because of an excess of knuckle dragging Neanderthals.

  11. True, but it seems the people who don't trust the drug company vaccines are willing to trust bleach, malaria drugs, horse de-wormer drugs, and other untried, untested things. Does that make sense? The drug companies make profits on malaria and horse medicines.


    Drinking bleach was a lie that people fell over themselves to believe. Ivermectin is one of the safest and most prescribed drugs to humans (billions prescribed) but people were told that it is just a horse dewormer. People wanted someone to be wrong so bad that they fell for every lie that they were fed even if it was too stupid to believe.


    I could give you a dozen other examples of misinformation too but that would sidetrack the thread. So perhaps please just understand that some people are hesitant about some information because they've been lied to repeatedly.

  12. A friend of mine went to a theater to hear the Kingston Trio, since all 3 members are deceased, isn't that band which claims to be the real Kingston Trio actually a tribute band?


    Notes â«

    My friend's wife went to see Foreigner last year. Mick Jones (the last original member) didn't play that night. Was it really Foreigner or was it a tribute band?


    I don't get the tribute band thing, but I guess it works. There is more than one way to make a living playing music.

    I like tribute bands, I've seen a few and would play in the right one. I once auditioned for a Tom Petty tribute band but didn't get the gig.

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