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Everything posted by Pauly75

  1. How do you see it, is it already electronic music or does it count as acoustic? As I understand it, it is recorded on handpans. But then the sound is changed a lot and sounds like drone, ambient etc. to me. So what counts more, the final sound or the way the basic sound is produced? Reminds me of discussions at the time when instruments like the clavinet emerged. There, for example, metal reeds are plucked, then fed to the electronics via a pickup (usually a simple coil around the reed) and then processed as desired. Basically, the same way it is done with any electric guitar. But despite the distortion and modulation effects, it is not automatically described as electronic music. Or should we be more flexible with the categories?
  2. If you dig in trash, you probably gonna find trash..........
  3. Every social media platform has its downparts and advantages. My guess is, It's easier to get in touch with other like minded users on FB, but shitstorm is always around the corner, if it's just a tiny bit controversial. Youtube on the other hand makes it harder to communicate directly, it's mostly a one way street. It takes time to learn to stay alive on both platforms and to make the best out of it. Still, the tendency to feel "home" for me is rather with YT. More media, less words. 😉 A good example why YT feels more peaceful than FB:
  4. Sounds like jarre, looks like Jarre, but not his release. I mean, who seriously did expect this to be the real thing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z9J5iCmFAI
  5. Bot? Oh common....This guy seems to be located in Hungary. Greets from Germany!
  6. Are these by him? Just wondering, since there are rumors about Oxygene 4 in 2020.
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