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Everything posted by Docbop

  1. That's why Nords are so expensive building those Ikea keybeds is a nightmare only a few can do.
  2. Too late the Apple Vision Pro Mini controller app will make physical pianos obsolete. Just hold your hands out and wiggle your fingers like a pianist the the built-in AI app "Chopin in a Box" will make you sound great to your grandma.
  3. Quilter amps same company as QSC has had a series of small guitar and bass amp heads called Super Blocks. It would be great if they would make one that is stereo for keyboards.
  4. About a year ago I moved the data off my iMac's 4TB drive with regular USB and it took hours. I got a MacBook Pro a few days ago and a Thunderbolt cable connecting the two computer took just under an hour. Using Thunderbolt is worth it to me of transfer lots of data. I would even try using an Thunderbolt connect external drive for doing capture of video or audio something I would normally only do to a internal drive.
  5. Ever hear the origina; song it was based on by Homer Banks, then done by Taj Mahal, Simply Red, Sam and Dave, Three Dog Night and others. I like the Taj Mahal verson the best
  6. I recently got a refurbished MacBook Pro with a 4TBs of storage because my desktop iMac has 4TB of storage. I spent the money and got a Thunderbolt cable from Apple. It only took about one hour to copy 3TBs of files from my iMac to the MacBook Pro. Get a Thunderbolt external drive with Thunderbolt support and a Thunderbolt cable and moving your data won't take long at all. Unless you're a computer geek and know how to use rsync there is a bunch of Mac Sync utilities that will keep your drives in insync so any change to one gets applied to the other. Actually most the Mac Sync utilities are just GUI frontends to the rsync utility that is buried in the Mac's unix tools.
  7. The Peavey probably weighs more than the mixer and two QSCs. Those old Peaveys were built like tanks.
  8. Or just buy a mixer and accomplish the same thing with even more possibilities.
  9. The more ancient I get the younger I think in many ways so.... Back in my recording days starting in the actual tape world, then later before I retired went back recording in the digital world and using ProTools because that is what the place I worked for used. Now retired and going new directions I just bought Ableton Live a pretty difference approach but I think will be a lot of fun. Lets get this party started.
  10. She must live her life with "Repeat All" and "Shuffle" selected. Her next album should be called... My Life As a Media Player.
  11. I'm a big Kiefer fan not only his music, but his talks about practicing, music biz, and dealing with music in day to day life. Plus some of his videos can really get out there, but he takes those down pretty fast <grin>. His background is real interesting and real down to earth and share his experiences with others into music.
  12. Well it was an organ trio that a buddy from school talked me into going to hear that converted me to a Jazz fan, it was the Jimmy Smith Trio with Phil Upchurch on guitar. If I listen to a organ trio today it would be the Larry Golding trio with Peter Bernstein on guitar and Bill Stewart on drums.
  13. If there was a market for them companies would make them, but people tend to got with powered speakers and a small mixer if necessary. Even powered mixers for PA are getting harder to find people want to take the component approach and pick the parts they want. I went that that route as a Jazz guitarist in the end of my playing days. I had a nice Acoustic Image head and then three different speaker cabinets I chose from for the size of the gig. Buying components really gives you a lot of flexibility. Alway go like back in my early days and keyboard players usually used a bass amp or a Fender Twin Reverb if you don't mind lugging a 65 lbs amp around.
  14. All my old Macs end up being great Linux computers and continue on working. There is a Linux port for Apple Silicon so even M-series Macs can keep on truckin'.
  15. That last one made me remember the Thelma Houston Sheffield Labs record that was made Direct to Vinyl. My friends and I all wanted to get into doing studio work so an album with the Cream of the Crop of L.A. session musicians was great to start with. Add to that doing it Direct to Vinyl was mind blowing. Can't imagine having to record an entire side of an album in a take, any mistakes and have to start over from the first tune of the side.
  16. A small bass cabinet. For grins last week I took a bass lesson and it felt good to get back into some bass. I still have my old bass amp head I just need a small cabinet for practice like a 1x10" or 2x10".
  17. I've been on internet since the USENET days of the 80's and in general any thread that goes over a page of relies has turned into rants. So a subforum sounds good in theory, but people are going to <fill in the blank> where ever they are.
  18. Back is my musical day the 60's and 70's we didn't call them Cover bands they were Top 40 bands and that was a good description we play tune from the Top 40 list of records and then a bunch of popular songs that people liked to dance to. Back we didn't have a lot of gear most players had one instrument not two or more. So you played the songs the best you could with what you had. That actually was a great education on finding different sounds on your instrument that would work with a song using different instrument types. Play a song with horns parts a lot of the time the guitar player would do horn parts as part of their rhythm part. That was great education in learning the horn parts and playing them in the band. Playing the songs off the Top 40 taught a lot in how songs were written and ear training. Playing little bars because just about every bar had a band you learned about reading the audience for the songs they performed that night and adjust the setlist accordingly. In a lot of way we were just a human jukebox, but it was a great education we were receiving. Back then there weren't tribute bands which sounds like a really boring gig to me. I like the Top 40 gig because you were play lots of genres of music and pick more of the genre the band prefered. There were Show band then that had the band uniforms and maybe some dance steps and their idea of making was getting book in Las Vegas. Now DJ you talk like Hip Hop DJs or dance club DJs to me those are drastically different things. Dance club DJ's might play some games with tempo for some transition effects creating 20-30 minutes of non-stop music also controlling lighting. Only than the transition only creative part was tune selection and reading audience to when to slow things down for a bit. Hip Hop DJs are more of an art in mixing parts of tunes. scratching, effects, loops, and so on. They are like Jazz improvising on the spot. So to me two types of DJ and sadly for many of you I expect DJ's at first started taking gigs because they were cheaper and many weddings and small events were a one stop for PA, music, lighting, and other specialities like photo booths and etc. I said "were" cheaper because I hear a lot of DJ's on getting paid more than entire bands do because they are a one stop for entire night of entertainment for a party or event. I feel something something has to go away to become the hot new thing and that might what needs to happen with live Pop/Rock music. Live music has to disappear in order to become the hot new thing real musicians playing music.
  19. Don't most Alto's have a two channel mixer with combination XLR/1/4" jacks on the back.
  20. Sullivan Fortner's new solo album came out yesterday, but there aren't any of it tracks on YouTube so here's some of his solo piano work from a couple years ago.
  21. Personally I'd rather see a band especially a bar band just play the tune with the instrumentation they have, no keyboard so rework the song so the key hooks are still being played or sung, be creative. Bands don't need to sound like Xerox copy of a record, people want to hear the song, its beat, and lyrics. The only person saying they were missing the keyboard part is another keyboard player. Think like a arranger or MD, the instrumentation for this gig is X so how will I make it work, time to be creative.
  22. Interesting made me check and I live in the 5th largest city in L.A. Country just we are about fifty-sixty miles out in the desert from most of L.A.. What is weird for a small city like we are how many gyms and one YMCA we have.
  23. Working as a roadie for awhile I learned the value of a platform dolly. Easy to make some marine grade plywood cut to desired size and four large casters. So versatile.
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