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Posts posted by M3llpak

  1. That's much better, fellow :) Now i dont get any delays yet.

    Now a new question. How can i assign parameters in Editor to faders\knobs? Or in any VST.


    Schön :) In fact there was as delay parameter set in CTRLR of 100msec between each midi send message ;)

    on the other hand, there should not habe been any delay when receiving messages from the VR...

    The fix will also rollout with Editor 1.12(8).


    Your new question, I'm sorry, I do not understand: which editor parameters do you want to assign to which faders?




    I didn't have delays from the VR, actually. Only from the Editor.


    About the question. I mean, i need to assign, for example, parameters of OSC to assign on faders of the VR. That i can change the parameters from the VR in real time. Or to assign, for instance, poly/mono button on any buttons on the VR. OR in any VST if i could assign anything there on the faders, knobs, buttons of my VR-09. Is it clear? :)

  2. for the curious: BETA version of "V-Combo SYNTH" for the VR



    - in CTRLR, 'Close' the EDITOR-panel and 'Open' (=load) the SYNTH panel.

    - midi setup: as usual ('midi cfg' or menu bar)

    - loading sounds:

    1. load to voice: as usual via VR or panel ('SOUND' => V-Keyboard, Soundexplorer, patch-registration)

    2. after loading, tip 'read' (loads the synth parameters of the sound to the sliders and knobs).

    - 'sync' button for each partial: moving a slider will move the sliders of all partials with 'sync' on.

    - ARP-SEQ : MS-Win only: launches integrated basic (freeware) arpeggio-sequencer

    - CopperLan: launches CopperLan Virtual Midi Port Router (if installed). If your installation path is different from default use the 'path' button.









    That's much better, fellow :) Now i dont get any delays yet.

    Now a new question. How can i assign parameters in Editor to faders\knobs? Or in any VST.

  3. None of delays on the monitor. All good. But in sound there is delay. CTRLR the newest.


    1. CTRLR: Ctrlr-5.5.2.exe is a bit 'hot' (unstable), recommended version is Ctrlr-5.4.29.exe

    2. Delays:

    - can you retry with any other PC/laptop/tablet ? Same delays?

    - which midi device driver version (Windows device manager) do you use? Are there any 3rd party midi drivers (Yamaha, Roland ..) installed ?

    - are you familiar with MidiOX (analyse tool) + Midi Yoke (virtual midi ports) or if not, willing to give it a try?



    1. I tried another version of CTRLR. Same shit. Tapped Note hold and unhold it and it didnt affect anything. Turned distortion all the way up and then down and did nothing.

    2. -Will try it later.

    -How do i check this?

    -I am familliar a bit.

  4. For instance, i'm changing oscillators in the SYNTH-tab. And i dont hear changes immediately. It takes 5-10 seconds for this. Even it's heard clearly when changing all of the oscillators or other parameters and after 5 seconds it applies consistently one after another in the way you changed it. And when it occurs, it doesnt respond for turning knobs on the Roland. It needs to pass 5-10 seconds and i can regulate anything again until another delay.


    I'm running Windows 7. RAM 8GB, CPU i7-4770K.


    not normal. On the editor if you switch the CTRLR Menu bar on (button "MENU SHOW") there's a menu option "Tools".

    Select Midi Monitor (or simply press ctrl-M). On the appearing monitor window select menu option 'View' and switch on "Monitor Input" and "Monitor output".

    Check if there's a delay between moving a slider (on the VR or the editor) and its corresponding midi signal (the timer messages on the input monitor cannot be turned off, but you should be able to see the midi signals rolling through).

    Do you see delays on the input or output?


    Which version of CTRLR platform do you use?







    None of delays on the monitor. All good. But in sound there is delay. CTRLR the newest.

  5. For instance, i'm changing oscillators in the SYNTH-tab. And i dont hear changes immediately. It takes 5-10 seconds for this. Even it's heard clearly when changing all of the oscillators or other parameters and after 5 seconds it applies consistently one after another in the way you changed it. And when it occurs, it doesnt respond for turning knobs on the Roland. It needs to pass 5-10 seconds and i can regulate anything again until another delay.


    I'm running Windows 7. RAM 8GB, CPU i7-4770K.


  6. With frank46's CTRL panel, with the excellent Registration Edit page, it has made my VR-09 a great controller of MainStage for gig.


    Haha, that's it. It's like a dark horse, keeps unrevealed cool stuff.

    I'm curious, is it any possibility to appear this editor on iPad? That would be unreally the best thing ever.

  7. Eventually, i'm in club :) Bought it finally. Pretty much happy with it, atleast now, haha xD I figured out, that XW-P1 would not fit at my place properly, VR-09 does it perfectly. MPK261 does too, but meh, it is my first keyboard. I got it with fascinating nice price, even it appeared new model VR-09B xD :) Some missing features i guess i can fill with iPad for compact aimes, will see. After sometime will try CTRLR editor.

    Anyway, thanks you all for helping me smile Heading out to play some Deep Purple xD :cool:

  8. Why i stuck with VR-09, is that good price i've found on it. If Nord was cheaper i would get it :) And yes, i kinda into 9 sliders. And into wide amount of knobs like Moog. Nord Stage is no brainer the best on it but price is cosmic.


  9. you can control (nearly) everything with sysEx. Also from VST.

    This sounds like it can control VST with faders etc. Or i get it wrong. I dunno


    That quote says you can control your VR-09 with sysex, and from VST. But controlling a VR-09 from VST is the opposite of controlling a VST from the VR-09.


    (Though as Franky has posted, there are some somewhat complicated and limited ways to do that as well, having nothing to do with CTRLR. As I posted earlier, the VR-09 isn't a great VST controller, and CTRLR isn't going to change that).


    Yeah but it quite can do MIDI job. That what i need with nice standalone built-in sounds.


    This sounds like it can control VST with faders etc. Or i get it wrong. I dunno




    - every 'knob', slider, menu option (with exception of the keyboard-split button) of the VR sends and receives (fixed) SysEx-messages

    - when the VR is running in 'tonewheel organ mode', each of the 9 (2x9 in split mode) drawbar-sliders sends/receives a SysEx, BUT with value range being limited to 0 to 8.

    - when the VR is running in 'instrument mode', four (of the 9) drawbar-sliders send/receive SysEx with a value range from -63 to 64 (the other 5 sliders are silent)


    to control VSTs you can use the VR as a 'muted' keyboard and theoretically assign any knob/slider to any VST parameter.

    Using built-in SysEx-to-CC conversion of the VSThost or external software like BOME midi translator you are able to build 'conversion sets' to match the VR-sysex signals to e.g. the CC-signals of a (set of) VST-plugins.

    BUT you'll never have the flexibility of a real midi controller. Example: to switch sounds you can match (built-in conversion or BOME) the 'Program-Change-SysEx' of a VR-sound, e.g. 'Grand Piano' to a corresponding VST-sound, but pushing the Grand-Piano-button on the VR will e.g. also send a 'hall'-sysEx, and if the 'hall-knob' already has been matched to a, lets say, LFO-frequency of a VST-synth, things will start to get funny :)


    The the VR is fully midi controllable but is clearly not build as a midi controller.

    If you want a 'stand-alone/solo instrument' that is also capable of controlling a bit of VST (e.g. I connect the VR - drawbars, leslie/overdrive knobs etc - to the virtual tonewheel VST "VB3" and send the VST sound back to the VR-audio-in - which transforms the VR into the world best B3-clone :) ) or just play VST notes while using the laptop monitor for controls, the VR will do the job. But as a full controller, I'd say no.

    Note: the VR keybed has no aftertouch !


    And that what i need :) Thanks for that wide response. I guess, that is enough MIDI, like, workflow for me in this keyboard, but to have nice built-in sounds is priceless i think.

  10. Stupid question might be, but i need to get an answer. Is there any sense to buy Roland VR-09 with Editor for MIDI or simply get AKAI MPK261?

    The two have little in common other than having keys. Akai has no sounds and is designed primarily to use with computer VSTs. Roland has internal sounds, and is not well designed to control VSTs (drawbars don't send MIDI CC, etc.). What is it you're trying to do?




    you can control (nearly) everything with sysEx. Also from VST.

    take a look here: this is all with sysEx: ctrlr.org/roland-vr09-vr730-v-combo-editor. BTW the Editor app also runs as VST.


    This sounds like it can control VST with faders etc. Or i get it wrong. I dunno

  11. Trying to use it for recording/educational purpose. As VR-09 has now Editor on CTRLR, can it be a replacement instead of Akai MPK261? I dont really completely understand this Editor if it allows me to match everything on keyboard for VST aims. I'm into VSTs, but mobillity and in-built sounds is nasty stuff of VR-09 and it's buying me.
  12. midi implementation

    could you explain more in detail what you'd expect from the midi implementation? Use cases?


    I mean, being able to use sliders, and buttons and so on for, for example, in VST. Because as i understand you can use for midi aimes only keys and pedals. Correct me

  13. Hello. I'm really interested in VR-09 as far as i need versatile keyboard but it had poor midi implementation. I'm completely noob in soft stuff but i need to figure out whether VR Editor allows more control to midi like sliders and other controllers0. Can you help me, is it true? Thanks.
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