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Posts posted by AG4Ensq

  1. While his lead playing was undeniable in terms of skill and unique talent, it was never my cup of tea. But I have always thought he was a great rhythm guitar player...great unique parts that grooved and supported the song. I think his rhythm playing gets overlooked, but it was a part of his playing I was always drawn to.


    And while the jazz may have entered the picture via their dad, don't forget they were a cover band for years. They played tons of diverse covers over the years in dive bars all around Pasadena and surrounding areas. That in itself is a good education in song structure, writing and grooves......



    Don't forget that Eddie and his brother were trained classically as well which was incorporated into some of his keyboard work and especially his guitar style!


  2. Used to hear 'Jump' ALOT, along with Journey's Faithfully or Don't Stop Believing. Was just thinking about Eddie's guitar work on the Twister Soundtrack-- love 'Respect The Wind!' So many awesome tunes with Eddie's work; yet it seems he could have continued to contribute so much more if today's generation only embraced more guitar work like that in their tunes! Hope Wolfgang passes on what he can to his kids-- I hope Wolf learned some guitar from his dad!



    Just found this interview again after many years-- had forgotten Wolfie's mention in it: "Dad taught me how to do some power chords!"

    Yeah, "some" power chords! :-) That kid probably learned more from his dad in a single day, than I could have learned in a lifetime! Eddie was always in overdrive! Quote from the above-mentioned interview, "...all you can eat buffet for $1-- give me $3 worth!" ;-D
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