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Posts posted by Devil71

  1. These might be stupid questions but:


    a) How far away from the USB dongle are you ?

    b) What's the line of sight like between the dongle and the Vortex ?


    I use a Windows laptop running Reason.


    I've only ever had one small problem with dropouts since I started using the Vortex and I suspect that it was caused by me plugging the dongle in to the "wrong" USB port "hidden from view" of the Vortex.


    I also have a Panda Midibeam which I use with my AX Synth but I've never tried that with the Vortex.

    The build quality of the original Midibeams was terrible, mine fell to bits, but the new model is much improved and I have to say it works very well.

  2. I loved this show so much. I must have been 16 or 17 at the time.

    It was watching my VHS tapes over and over that got me wanting to play seriously.


    It was definitely the Jan Hammer clip that got me wanting a keytar (yes, I realise that's a swear word to some people here !)

    I finally got one about 20 years later and still love playing it on stage.

    Not to Jan's standard, obviously, but hey, I can dream.


    I agree with the comment about Alastair Gavin's rig.

    It was probably hired in, but I wanted those toys so badly !

    Also about remembering all the tunes.


    Thanks for the link to the magazines.

    I got my grandad to pick up Making Music every month as there was a music shop in his town.

    The guys in the shop must have wondered what he wanted it for...


    This thread has made me really nostalgic !


    I'm sure I saw full episodes on YouTube about a year ago, but the whole series is definitely on there in instalments.

  3. I've been following this thread with interest.

    I just pulled the trigger on a Vortex today.

    I've been using an AX Synth with a Midibeam but it's just not reliable enough for me sadly.

    It's a shame as I found the extra octave on the AX helped me out a lot with keyboard splits.

    Hopefully I can master it before my next gig !

  4. I've had an AX Synth for around 8 years and finally got round to going wireless MIDI after I joined my current covers band about 18 months ago (I use a laptop running Reason for my sounds).

    It's really changed the dynamic of the band.


    The guitarist and bassist are both wireless so any or all 3 of us are out on the dance floor / into the audience at various points during the show (size of venue permitting).


    Cheesy ? Uncool ?

    Yeah, probably.


    The punters love it though and it gives us a big advantage over most local bands who just seem to stand there and play without interacting much with the audience.

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