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Posts posted by missionrec

  1. Perusing the web for hours today (and this thread) with a specific question about VR-09. I can't seem to get a DAW to record the rotary speed switching? It will record the PB data (and the VR-09 will make the desired rotary effect when I'm playing it) but upon playback from the DAW the Rotary doesn't happen at all?


    Am I missing something easy or is this just the way it is?


    Software V1.03


    BTW if you want to see Presonus Studio 1 V3 and V2 crash assign the rotary effect to the damper pedal and attempt to record that. 100% reproduceable here...


    I've been working on this silly thing for about 12 hours.... I was making MIDI assignments faster than this in 1986 on a Sequential Circuits 6 trak, a SQ Drumtrax, a Fender Chroma Polaris, A Korg Poly 61, and a DX7.... All with a Commodore 64 running Dr T's software :(



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