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Posts posted by Thatdude

  1. This is one of the best compliments I have gotten:)! Thank you so much! I usually play jazz/freejazz/prog/metal, have released a bunch of records and teach as an Associate Professor in piano performance at a local University (blablabla no bragging/shameless promoting intended). But, the art of accompaniment, especially in a duo setting with pop/rock songs, was really, really hard for me. So your compliment means ALOT to me:)
  2. Do you tap your foot to keep time? For some, this is the key to play in time, and I see players that rush and the foot is ahead of the beat/speeding up. Try to just tap your foot (without playing) in time with a metronome regardless if you actually tap while playing. When you practise, record yourself. Try to be intentionally "ahead", "dead on" and "behind" the beat with a metronome, then listen to the recording and hear if you are actually ahead, dead on or behind the beat.Sometimes the "internal clock" isent quite adjusted:). Another thing that helps playing i 4/4 is studying polyrythm. Like 5 over 4 and so on. Then its easier to identify the variables between the beats.

    A short solo piano concert I did during the Covid situation. weird to play without an audience and such a short gig. Sorry for the rambling in Norwegian between the songs, its just me explaining some of the motivation and intentions behind the compositions. All the compositions are originals and I`d say its about 50/50 composition and impro:) Hope you enjoy!

  4. Thanks guys!! I hope I did this right: http://docdro.id/d9ounIT


    That should link to a PDF of the arrangement. BUT, I forgot that it was handwritten and not complete:( But I hope you guys are able to get something from it anyway:) Sorry about that!


    I`m sorry to hear that about Beirach! Hes been a huge inspiration for and I really love his playing and harmonic approaches!

  5. Heres a little something I did with "Like someone in love" a while ago. I remember that I was really into the great Richie Beirach playing at that time:)



    I actually found the original full score the other day and will happily share it if anyone is interested in the chords and voicings I used:)


    PS! Stop the player after the songs over, or youll get John Legend blasting through your sepakers. Cant seem to find a way of turning off that damn autoplaylits crap. Oh, well.

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