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Posts posted by DeltaJockey

  1. I had an S61 Mk2 which I sold. Though it was an alright semi weighted keyboard, I found the hollow plastic sound  of the front panel when pushing the buttons got to me eventually. It must be me, because it's one of the reasons I originally upgraded my MODX8 to a Montage. (I have an affinity for solid metal construction) 😀


    The other reason is, I found I wasn't really using the display functions, as I just found it easier to use my NI software on the computer, which had a higher res monitor. I was drawn in by the kewl color displays, but they are a bit low res and grainy, and a lot of the time when using most of my other plugins in my DAW, it would be disabled anyway.


    I guess what I'm saying, is it wasn't for me. I'm sure it is the right choice for many folk😄

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  2. I'm selling my beloved "insert gear here". I don't really want to part with it, but I really need you to give me top dollar because it's so special to me.  😆


    I'm selling my legendary "...."     Ha?  It's so legendary, I've never heard of it.


    Up for sale, or up for grabs is my "...."  Is it just me, or is stating the obvious with these extra words a bit superfluous?


    Conversation between 2 keyboardists,

    Person A: My keyboard collection is quite old, so it's not worth much.

    Person B: My keyboard collection is sooooo old, it's worth a fortune!

  3. I thought I'd finally get around to posting a couple of pics of my studio gear. There's nothing outstanding that you folks haven't seen, but here it is anyway 😐

    (I'm a bit of clean and tidy freak, sorry).

    I move stuff around from time to time, and this is a recent configuration, before pondering a re arrange.

    as I've bought some new monitors I'm waiting on.

    And I really need to finish my acoustic treatment!

    My gear generally doesn't go traveling for gigs, so a private affair all round.




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  4. 6 hours ago, K K said:

    Another common mistake about buying new keyboards is to evaluate them according to their factory "programs". There are countless videos comparing factory piano, organ, etc programs on different machines with near definitive conclusions given right away. "The ABC machine pianos sound much better than the ones on the DEF". Well, good recent keyboards allow you to greatly modify preset sounds, which makes those comparisons not very useful. Of course, not everyone has the time to tweak sounds to their liking, so many just buy a keyboard and end up playing the factory programs with few adjustments.

    I agree with not evaluating using just the factory presets. But a big annoyance for me is, a new keyboard comes out which is touted to be the latest best ever, and different to it predecessors. When it comes to stage pianos or workstations, the order of the patches in the Youtube demo-ing is painfully repetitive. ie Piano - Elec Piano - Organ etc. I can pretty much drag the progress bar on the clip and land on the exact sound.

    It's been like this for years and years. I watch the demos, because I'm interested in what it can do that's groundbreaking. On a recorded media you can't hear that those basic patches are any better than the previous model. Most of the time I skip past the sameness, to try and discover what the more obscure stuff is. I'm not saying every demonstration is like this, but it certainly feels like it sometimes.

    Are they pitching this stuff to new musicians who don't already have prerequisite pianos, organs etc? As they talk about every new product as though we've not experienced the likes of this previously.


    ...end of rant....

  5. I mostly find it's my effects and EQ which determine how happy I am with a particular piece of gear/sound relative to the demo's I've heard beforehand.

    Mostly though, I tend to explore my own gear over time and discover new stuff which blows me away, as I've not heard it demo'd anywhere else.


    In a related comment,

    I've always believed that most synths etc, can be made to closely replicate most other synths etc with enough creativity. It's amazing how the individual architecture of a particular technology (and how it's presented in the interface), is the biggest determiner of how easy it is to achieve this with a worthwhile amount of effort.

  6. It could be just something as simple as the document template they've used to update the manual, being the original MODX and amending for the +, they may have forgotten to update the dating info. I've seen that quite often in all sorts of updated docs.

  7. 9 hours ago, CyberGene said:

    That's also what I thought. On a side note, I'm also a non-native English speaker and I've often contemplated about creating YouTube videos where I review something in English for a wider reach but the prospect of making native speakers laugh at my pronunciation has always discouraged me 🧐

    Call  me old fashioned, but I for one am happy to hear a real person narrate with an accent and mispronounced words than be entertained by something artificial, (with mispronounced words), that disregards the fact that the audience are human. Trouble with social media is that, no matter what you say there will always be someone with a negative comment.


    But I certainly understand your apprehension. I have a lot of respect for those folks who start out on Youtube gaining confidence as they go, and making slip ups from time to time. Where's the empathy in this world.

    • Like 1
  8. So I was watching the short tutorial videos  on the Studiologic website for the Numa Piano X. I know AI is pretty much pervasive through media online these day, but would normally expect these types of videos to still be real humans. It' did seem there was something just a little off in the pronunciation of some words, like "but...ton" and a sameness in some expressive nuances of other words. Does anyone else think it sounds like it could be a speech synthesis engine providing the narration, or have I finally lost the plot?

    I could be way off, but I immediately wondered if the folks at Studiologic who did the videos were native Italian speakers, and thought it would be best for the wider world to have a generic English speaking AI engine. Hmmm, maybe I've been watching too many Youtube AI narrations🥴

  9. Well, it's time time to kick this thread back to life! You guys are a bad influence in a good way, and after all the glowing comments, I pulled the trigger and purchased a GT88. I actually bought it back on March 2nd, but after a disastrous experience with the freighting company, who effectively "lost it", the retailer shipped me another one with a different courier.

    I have to say I agree with the all the comments of those who like it. I mostly bought it for the new keybed to use as a controller, but I personally find the piano sounds to be quite to my taste. In fact downloading the Steinway B, delighted me as I'm a fan of that model for sample libraries. (If I hear another sterile sample library of a D or a CFX, I'm gonna go crazy) I like more organic smaller grands in line with the sound of my own Kawai acoustic.


    Anyway, I've not been a fan of Fatar keybeds in general, never liked any Nords I've played, (not many),


    but this keybed is sensory candy for me!


    Hard to define, but nimble, solid, responsive, weighty yet light. Interestingly, the key body height appears a bit higher than the average. Perhaps contributing to it's chunky feel, or maybe just an illusion because I can see more of it? The metal bump strip along the front of the keybed could be classed as a separate musical instrument. It has a nice tensile ring to it when tapped:)


    I was tempted to have it as a more compact replacement for my MP11SE, but ditching my Kawai, I think would be a mistake, so an alternative addition it is.

    I've not had it long enough to give any in depth opinions yet, but first impressions are good. The build quality is pro, and worth the weight, but then I won't be gigging with it.


    I'm still trying to sort out some weirdness withe the Numa Manager software. I have it loaded on a Macbook M1 Pro.There's no mention that it's Apple Silicon native, but there seems to be times where it's beach balling a lot, and hard to get it to respond, and I have to force a quit. Also, not sure if I'm understanding its operation yet, but if I try to rename a user program, it won't let me. Edit lock somewhere?


    The interface seems ok, though not as intuitive for me as for some. I guess I just need more time with it. Italian ways of doing things vs Japanese/UK/US?


    I also can't find a way to do program editing on board without using the software.


    It ticks a lot of boxes for me, particularly a nice kind of wooded weighted action with attack/release and aftertouch, as the only other weighted action I have with all this is my Kronos, where the release velocity is only 0-64.

    Sadly the one thing that doesn't suit me personally, is the USB audio. I will have to continue using an external interface, because I have my audio templates in Logic set up as 4 channel surround. (The Numa pianos do sound particularly good via my surround, comparable, in my opinion, to some of my vst's)


    So that's my initial impression. So far I'm a happy potato, and look forward to spending my time pushing it to it's limits.


    I wonder now, how durable it will be, and will the keybed and user interface retain all it's juicy goodness down the track?



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  10. Why does everyone hate pots?

    I love my Summit, and the fact that it has pots is just like old my analog synths of the 70's!


    I did have a Hydra for a couple of years.  For me the rotary encoders often meant that I had to use the visual feedback to see where I was, whereas the pots allow me to reference to the end points without looking. I suppose one advantage of encoders for a heavy use scenario is that they would likely last longer than pots.


    I guess what I'm also saying is pots vs rotary encoders would not be a deal breaker for me, but then I'm not using the gear in your situation.🤐


    BTW, I sold the Hydra only because I found the sound rather harsh and digital on my ears, whereas the Summit has a much warmer output, IMHO.

  11. I said it was a quick and dirty!

    I don't tend to use the Logic sampler, as I mostly use third party plugins and Kontakt, but it seems diving deeper into the sampler module may be the only path forward. It seems the sampler treats cc11 as a superset of cc7 ? Whether you could just midi learn the particular parameter you want to control with the expression pedal on the plugin? I tend to short cut this way, and more often than not for laziness, and just save the project this way. I know you're probably looking for a robust standardized global method. I've always found Logic to be relative intuitive without having to read manuals, but my methods though getting the job done are probably not what the gurus would do. But hey, I'll be a forever newbie at everything I touch! :)

    If I get some time on it, I'll have a look myself and let you know.

    Maybe ask the question on a Logic forum?

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    Right. But the funny thing is, my "stage one" experience can actually be negative, yet becomes surprisingly positive once it's triggering the sound.

    Yes, that is actually what I'm also meaning too. It can be misleading to just "feel" the keys alone. I'm quietly amused at people who say they waltz around a music store chopping at keys of instruments which are turned off until they find one they like. I'm sure most people wouldn't do that though ;)

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, AnotherScott said:

    How well the action "connects" with the sounds, such that it really feels like you're "playing the instrument" more so than "triggering recordings of sounds".

    I never rate a keybed experience on silent feel alone. That's just stage one for me. How the expression plays out for the instruments I want to play is stage two.

    How i feel about the keybed after using it for a few weeks is stage three, and how it beds-in with it's ultimate "used for some time" feel is stage four. Then I'll consider my definitive opinion as worth noting to self, in comparison to other keyboards I've had experience with. I know all this may be a bit impractical in the short term, but it ultimately is the only way I can trust my judgement, as a rushed appraisal is also at risk of my own fickle feelings on a given day!

  14. From what I have observed with human nature in regard to new things, is that anything futuristic has a specific following, but rarely becomes the universal norm. It seems most people crave nostalgic comfort, and the way of the future will be transparently melded into high tech advancements making old style ways of doing things less problematic.


    Interesting piano though, and would look good in a 1960's house of the future film :)   Just sayin'

  15. 11 hours ago, o0Ampy0o said:


    You could have an exceptionally quiet one. That you put your ear to it and say you hardly hear it and the fan is always running tells me something. I may have better hearing than you and/or you may unconsciously not be aware of noise in your environment.




    Yes, maybe I am lucky with mine. I used to use a Mac mini, and besides getting intolerably hot, the fan used to be quite noisy at times. I do also live in a very quiet rural environment, and yes my ears have definitely aged, but I do find the studio fans to be quite acceptable, even quieter than my Kronos fans!

    (I assume you don't own a Kronos, as by what you said, that would probably drive you crazy.

  16. 10 hours ago, o0Ampy0o said:


    The studio is not a quiet running machine so it may be impractical for music if you can't run it is a closet or something. 

    I recently bought a Studio m1 Max. No noise to bother me. The fans seem to run at the same speed no matter what temperature it sits at. And I have to put my ear to the case to even notice them. Haven't fully loaded it yet, but have worked it reasonably hard, and no fan noise problems, or heavy lifting resource issues whatsoever. I think we've reached a point where most minimum apple silicon hardware is capable of doing 95% of the music duties. I also have M1 Pro Macbooks, and again, as they are more than capable for music, there'll be no second-hand offloading for an M2 machine by me anytime soon!

  17. I always used to enjoy Guinness, but many years ago found a local Aussie Coopers Stout which in my opinion taste waay  better. Redback wheat beer from Western Aus is great too.


    More recently I'm staying away from alcohol in general though, and enjoy another local zero alcohol beer made also by Coopers brewery. Australian alcoholic drinks like wine and beer are so good, that it's really unnecessary for us to look off shore to other drinks :)

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