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Posts posted by sf_hombre

  1. Hi


    Im Don. Im a retired sometimes trial lawyer whos lived in places as far flung as Rio de Janeiro and Malibu, California.


    At 8 years old I played trumpet in a music lesson studio marching band in a small Midwestern town. From then till age 71, nada. While practicing law (kind of interesting, isnt it, that one practices both law and music?) I always felt guilty taking time away from preparing for the next trial, to take up an instrument again, and so, didnt.


    At retirement I made a conscious decision to spend far more time with beauty and far less with mammon. Thus piano/keyboard lessons. At my age I struggle with the mechanics, but for me the love of music is a powerful mental aphrodisiac.


    My wife and I go to concerts and I at home listen. Voraciously. Mostly classical piano but some contemporary composers from Silvestrov to Levingston and those in between, and, of all things, salsa from the 60s-80s, gospel and a little world music. Go figure.


    A few years ago Craigslist was my source for a Roland A90-EX controller. Then I didnt even know what a controller was, but the thing looked something like a piano and I could fit it in my car, so I was happy. It sat in my home patiently watching me and waiting until I stopped working.


    In the last year or so, my relationship (if you will) with the Roland has gone from sitting before it thinking it looked like an alien, toothy, alligator that was going to destroy me, to viscerally feeling it as a companion and co-conspirator in the discoveries Ive made both in music and about my musical self. Me, the Roland, and Pianoteq, on the yellow brick road.


    My wife is kind of mystified by my involvement. My colleagues ask how the pianos coming along. My stock answer is that I get a little less awful every week.


    Not sure I fit in with this forums group. Im not a pro musician, never will be, nor am I going to ever play in a band, gig etc.


    But I enjoy your virtual company.


    Thanks for listening.






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