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Posts posted by RichyB3

  1. I've just received HX3 which should be a supplement to the sound generator in my Hammond SK2.


    I must say that I am VERY happy with my new purchase!


    Firstly the SK2 works very well as controller to the HX3. This is plug and play!


    For the other the HX3 sounds very good! I am kind of satisfied with the sound of the Hammond SK2, except for the upper octave, which I think is a little thin and "digital". The HX3 has in my opinion over all more body and warmth than my SK2 gives me.


    Earlier I used my SK2 with a NEO Ventilator II, but I now have disconnected it, since I'm hereafter only is going to use SK2 as an (too expensive) controller for my HX3. This because the HX3 in my opinion has a very good Leslie simulation.


    Run and buy! :-)




    TKN, I have the SK1 and it too became a very expensive Midi controller for my HX3! I wish I could try out a MAG organ as a controller, that looks to be the best and newest thing on my Organ Grinder wish list!


  2. Richy


    Thank you for chiming in on the HX3 CV issue. It's nice to know I am not the only one who notices this.


    Brightness wasn't the issue. The issue was the intensity of the vibrato, which had much too much "throb" in the upper octave.


    I really wanted the HX3 to work but in the end of course I went back to using the Numa. I am currently using it with an older Hammomnd XK-2 to trigger the lower manual, which it does well. The Numa fits on top perfectly, but I have to angle it slightly.


    The HX3 has a lot going for it. If I needed an organ that used the leslie sim on all the time it would have been great.

    LX88 I used to carry a Diversiduo along with a 145 Leslie to every gig but I have been so impressed with the Leslie Sim in the HX3 that I have stopped taking the 145. My big complaint about clone organs in general is always about the tube sim and specifically the varying degrees of overdrive I can use depending upon the situation. Sometimes I like to go for a Jimmy McGriff all out throaty overdrive other times I prefer a cleaner sound. I still think there will never be anything like the real thing but the digital technology has improved dramatically in the last couple of years.

  3. If you want me to, I will contact some of the people at Guitar Center who witnessed that the HX3 module I was sent did not trigger on Bb2 on two different midi controllers at their store.


    I was given information later that this is EXACTLY what happens when certain set up codes aren't programmed correctly.


    Also (in my opinion) the HX3 module I was sent sounds NOTHING like any Hammond chorus vibrato I ever heard. As I have said many times, the vibrato was much too intense in the upper octave.


    I asked the people at Diversi if this was going to change. I got the answer that no two Hammonds are the same etc.etc.etc.


    The CV on ANY tonewheel 3 series Hammonds that I ever heard do not vary as much as the CV on the HX3 I had did. It's hard for me to believe that people don't hear this, but I guess they don't. So I go back to Numas and Mojos as my reference clonewheel sound.


    LX88, The proper codes and updates must me installed in the HX3 for it to work properly. I actually agree with you about the chorus/ vibrato issue but the latest update has done a lot to address this problem and you can make adjustments in the unit to tame down its brightness to your liking. As far as the Mojo and Numa go I've played both and I'm not as impressed with their sound but to each his own. Keep on Organ Grinding, Rich RichyB3 Budesa!

  4. I guess all ears are different Rich. I am happy with my HX3 and will be even happier when it is updated. It took some getting used to as I had been playing a Nord Stage and gotten used to that. I am using a NIB4D to control the HX3 and it really reminds me a little of my long gone B3. I will agree as well that Tom offers exceptional service and seems to be a really nice person.


    Bill, The latest update is a significant improvement in the Leslie simulation, overall balance of the sound of chorus vibrato in my opinion! Enjoy, Rich Budesa

  5. In my humble opinion The HX3 is the best tone wheel clone on the market and the most affordable and accurate simulation of a Hammond B3 and Leslie speaker.


    Welcome to the forum. :wave:


    and thanks for the update. ;)


    Thanks Dave let's help each other make great music, Rich Budesa!

  6. How do you guys think this module compares with a Hammond SK series through a Vent?


    FYI - A large number of the people buying the HX3 are using it with either the XK and SK series keyboards. If I remember correctly Rich Budesa has not only one of our Diversi Duos, but and SK and a Nord. I think if you read most of the posts in regards to the Vent it becomes personal choice. Rich stopped using his Vent.



    Tom Tuson


    Tom, The Hammond Sk1 works marvelously with the HX3.The draw bars tracked well with the unit as well as the percussion and the chorus/vibrato. You can also save the Leslie speeds on different presets, which worked well for me in certain situations. There were some issues with the tracking of the Reverb and tube overdrive settings which I choose to not touch or fiddle with in live performance. Overall I think the Sk1 is a great match for the HX3. Thanks for all of your help Good Brother, Rich Budesa (RichyB3)


    From the sound of it , I was sent TWO defective units, the second one being sold to Jason Fry.


    The first one wouldn't trigger on Bb 2, but the people at Diversi claimed that this was not the case when I sent the unit back. Not true. Bb 2 wouldn't trigger on anything I played it with, as I tried several units at the music store and several at home.


    Well... that's good that they are covering Jason's unit that I sold him. Now I find out that there was something going on with a number of units sent out last summer. Hmmmm....


    I wanted to like the HX3, but not being able to find out if they were going to deal with the CV issue caused me to dump the unit. I guess (???) they have dealt with it.... not sure to what degree, but apparently if you have enough patience and computer skills you might wind up with something useful after all.


    I ran out of patience with it certainly. I need something that is right the first time...please.


    What's up Lx88? RichyB3 here (Rich Budesa from Philadelpia) I am the owner of your original HX3. I was there at Diversi the day your unit came in for servicing there was absolutely nothing wrong with the unit. I stood there with Tom Tuson while he checked every aspect of the unit and he could find nothing wrong, except possibly for the used disposable razor that you shipped in the box with your unit??? Because Tom is such a stand up guy he sent you another brand new unit. After playing your unit for about an hour I purchased it and have been using it on a nightly basics ever since. With all do respect Sir your posts and criticism about the HX3 are inaccurate. I am a professional keyboardist who performs on a nightly basis and I have had absolutely no issues with your unit! I make a living performing and depend on the my gear to work and deliver for audiences and I have had nothing but possitive feedback regarding your HX3. In my humble opinion The HX3 is the best tone wheel clone on the market and the most affordable and accurate simulation of a Hammond B3 and Leslie speaker.

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