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Posts posted by lightbg

  1. On 4/11/2024 at 12:06 PM, lightbg said:

    To finalize this story the guys who played our wedding 50 years ago are helping us celebrate that fact at a party this weekend, and I’ll be joining them.




    Just a postscript to my earlier response. We had a ball, and then realized that there were over 3 centuries of musical experience performing together. Not bad for a bunch of dinosaurs………



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  2. I met my wife in college. I was studying music education, she became a Registered Music Therapist. Basically all our friends were musicians, so I had the best of both worlds home and gigging. Even with a few road trips and dry spells the upside of having music as a focal point has kept us on an even keel. Of course there were some conflicts that needed resolving, but nothing was insurmountable. To finalize this story the guys who played our wedding 50 years ago are helping us celebrate that fact at a party this weekend, and I’ll be joining them.

    To me music life and home life are indistinguishable. It’s all good.



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  3. I think Steve Fortner said it best at the top of the forum:


    On-line Citizenship


    To sum up policies we've explained in numerous threads over the years...


    1. Please refrain from ad hominem attacks. This is when someone attacks another person's character, personality, politics, religion, sock mismatch, etc, instead of simply offering reasons against the truth of their claim. Simple example: Premise: Martha Stewart is a notoriously demanding, ruthless person to work for, routinely reducing assistants to tears. Conclusion: Of course she was guilty of stock trading fraud. With ad hominem, it doesn't matter if the premise is possibly true: Martha's personality is not sufficient factual reason to conclude anything about her guilt or innocence.

    2. Charlie Brown said it best: Three things its best not to discuss are politics, religion, and the Great Pumpkin. We don't want to be too restrictive, so please feel free to discuss the Great Pumpkin!  Seriously, it may come up that people want to talk about a certain news event, and do so with their fellow keyboarders. If it turns into a Democrats vs Republicans (or any other "vs") thing, though, we reserve the right to delete it. Things just get too uncivil too quickly.

    3. Profanity. Please use common sense to keep this forum as work-friendly and kid-friendly as possible. Many corporate and school firewalls automatically block sites based on scanning for cuss words, and we all want to evangelize keyboard-playing to as many people as we can. If you link to something that has explicit content but musical or informational value relative to what this forum is about, that's OK, but please preface your link with something like "WARNING: Not work-safe!" One parent perceiving that their kid learned the F-word "because of" this site is all it takes to start a big sh-, excuse me, doodie-storm.


    Thanks for your understanding.

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  4. 4 hours ago, elsongs said:

    Cool! I've tried doing that same thing (left hand bass guitar fret tapping/right hand keys) but I get a lot of klunking noise on the bass due to the fret tapping. What kind of bass are you playing there? It looks like a short scale? Are you using flatwound strings? 

    That particular bass is a Traveler TB-4P, their version of a Precision. It’s a full scale neck, but their trick is they reverse the layout and bury the machines in the body. Flatwounds are a necessity to eliminate thumps and buzz.

    i use it also because my rotator cuff surgery limited my upwards reach, so I sling it as low as possible for comfort.



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  5. Arturia KeyLab61 mk.II, iPad mini 5 (for the audio jack), Key Largo, and a pair of K12-2’s do it for me. For a backup I can use my mini 6 (normally running 4 score) and my trusty Reface YC. Did the real deal a lifetime ago, now I have 90% of the sound with 10% of the schlep.

    Glad you enjoyed it.



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  6. On 11/28/2023 at 6:17 AM, Spider76 said:


    This is something I never really understood. How come that the "standard" organ trio came to be Hammond+drums+guitar?

    To me the guitar seems totally redundant next to an organ that can easily do the same parts plus much more.

    Wouldn't a bass or a lead instrument (sax, trumpet etc) make more sense?



    Ps is it possible that nobody mentioned the Cory Henry trio yet?

    New York City has a “cabaret” law that limited live musicians to trios (not to mention restrictions on dancing). This was partly due to a club fire which killed many due to inadequate exits. The big bands were gone, but cats like Wild Bill Davis capitalized on it and partially created the organ trio, and his band was Floyd Smith on guitar, Chris Columbo on drums, and himself originally on a Hammond C2, then later the -3 models. This was before Jimmy Smith started playing organ.

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