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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. I’m not a fan of clinched teams benching their players for this last week unless it’s to recover from a significant injury. Yes, it removes a single random variable (star getting injured in an irrelevant game) from the equation but it disrupts the entire system of the club by requiring everyone else to change up and possibly get injured compensating. We’ll see if this pays off for the Ravens.
  2. Love that Minute Waltz quote thing thrown in there starting at 0:47. I caught Henderson playing the same line minus the final flourish in the original Elekric Band clip above at 30:48 in “Got a Match”. What a monster.
  3. It’s a beautiful basis. Russ Ferrante conceptualizes it as stacking chords a 5th apart, in this case F 2nddegree over Bb. Extending it to other degrees or other Chord forms is a very rich source of harmony and is also immediately recognizable in Yellowjackets music.
  4. In some cases, it’s not so much a matter of hate, but treating it like a poisonous snake. E.g. the bagpipe
  5. Neat video of Pat Metheny using the Synclavier interfaced with a modified Roland GR guitar. It had the option for pitch quantization, which clearly he had turned off. In the article he goes into great length on how he was able to make it work. One of the interesting things is that he had to pick extremely lightly to not generate noise or strong overtones for the system to accurately track. He gets into trouble near the end with some clunkers. But man what a brilliant solo!! https://www.joness.com/gr300/Roland_G-303_Pat-Metheny_NED_Synclavier_Guitar_John-McLaughlin_Player_September_1985.htm
  6. Off-topic, but I'm struck by how much John Patitucci is starting to resemble Al Bundy. Always great to hear him and Weckl. I'm not familiar with the pianist. I also noticed that Weckl has kept a phone line open to the 80’s for his hair.
  7. A few random thoughts. One thing that I always disliked about the Wall wart is that it just reeks of a non-pro aesthetic. You unbox that crap and you think $49 consumer router. You have to go to extra lengths to make your rig not look like a rats nest. And it’s not an old/new, Luddite, racist, ageist, sexist phenomenon. Everybody has dealt with it, ex: way back when prosumer Alesis effects racks all had wall warts. (at least that was when I was first dealing with them). You want an example of something that exudes quality, look at the Apple TV. The fit of that C7 would survive a space launch.
  8. What does when you were born have to do with preferring internal power supplies over wall warts? 🤔 It doesn’t. She/he appears to have prematurely Dropped his Top down the Broham. Unfortunately or fortunately, it could be permanent.
  9. Love that Minute Waltz quote thing thrown in there starting at 0:47.
  10. Money. You had entire FM stations devoted to playing the stuff all day every day, and these guys all had recording contacts paying them to generate this specifically.
  11. I was going to say, that’s the great Larry Williams in the thumbnail. He absolutely nails the articulations in the keyboard lines. Why wouldn’t he, being a world class reed player?
  12. He did some Columbo music that is just outstanding. In his soundtrack for The Firm, Sydney Pollack told him to score it 100% piano. What an amazing result!
  13. It’s bad. (I’m in Iowa). The entire state has been up in arms for years that the Head Coach’s son is the incompetent OC. Fortunately they got a new President and the new AD fired him and he’s gone as of 2024. This is the crew that put half the team in the hospital for kidney damage and kept their jobs.
  14. When a set of bagpipes is thrown on the ground, it’s the only instrument that inspires one’s first reaction to kill the apparent primordial devil beast with a shotgun.
  15. Yes he says he was 17 and a senior in high school. Really like this version:
  16. Near the end of the video, he shows the Synclavier Regen tabletop box that runs ported original SW and updated HW. Looks to be about $2500. https://www.synclavier.com/synclavier-regen/ There’s even an external knob to bypass the zipper control on the unit that connects via usb or Bluetooth. I think it will also control the iPhone and iPad versions. Neat stuff.
  17. I think he quoted the cost of the original was about $12k. Reason is that it only had 8 tracks and limited voices therefore the memory requirements were modest and reasonably affordable. They used mostly available HW and integrated it with their SW and R&D as they were just a small shop. It wasn't until they fleshed out the feature requirements (sampling, added voices and tracks, polyphony) of the next generations that the memory requirements exploded and started adding up to Thousands per MB onto the price.
  18. I don't know that Bass and Synclaviers are a zero sum game. I could wax eloquent about Table Saws being more important than Bass. Actually the video is very useful. It goes into how the instrument works, its history, evolution, capabilities, etc. It also recounts two of the guys experiences who were involved in creating those iconic sounds for Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, and others. The guy was a product rep for NED, no less, as well as sound programmer by night. Also how the instrument was used for the scores of a lot of movies. The cool thing is that it was about 10-15 years ahead of its time, which was why it was used by people with unlimited budgets. The cost was driven by the cost of memory. You don't see that anymore. Unobtainium music gear. Gear that can do something no-one else can, that is 10 years ahead of the reach of the average Joe. Moore's law is the reason why.
  19. Mods, please delete this Thread. Bass is far far far more important than Keys just going by pure numbers of players. Bass is also essential, unlike any god damned Synclavier!!! Thread title not withstanding, that claim in the youtube thumbnail has to go!
  20. For about 10 years, half of which had a Juno106 on top and then an Akai Mx73 + TX7 + Juno (Aframe).
  21. I need to unhear that. Thank you very much!
  22. Can’t go wrong with these.
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