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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. The second was originally derived to approximate the duration of a day and year (a natural interval i.e. "not made up" with some later understood variations). Over time, in order to standardize this interval and to make it "universally" understood and reproduced they arrived at what I called the cesium definition. Hard to believe you don't know this.
  2. In a way. "The second is currently defined using cesium atoms, which absorb and emit microwave radiation with a specific frequency. Atomic clocks count 9,192,631,770 of those microwave oscillations, and we call the elapsed time interval a second". My guitarist friend and classmate from NIST worked on this and physically transported the actual standard to wherever they have it today. I would say degrees are whatever numerical interval you want to fit within the circle. 360, 6.28. Hard to ague with sines and cosines. When you start to understand physical instabilities and their root loci along with the complex analysis and residue theory its pretty amazing what happened theoretically so long ago.
  3. Music from where you'd least expect it: The FAA Choral singing the FAA Anthem. FAA_Corral.mp4
  4. %$%^$. !!!!! I can see it now 😩: - Montage M8x. - Mac Mini M2 Pro - iPhone 15 - Galaxias
  5. I think Yamaha is proceeding carefully with many factors involved. The main two that come to mind: - Do not cannibalize Hardware Montage M sales without first establishing the correct price on the standalone vst. - Get feedback using the free vst via Montage HW users (no disgruntled customers) to make sure the standalone version comes out smoothly.
  6. Just a reminder of the Apple requirements: Mac: MacOS Monterey or later Plugin format: VST 3, AU v2 Minimum CPU: Intel Core i5 (late 2015 or later) or Apple Silicon M1 or later Apple Silicon M series is recommended. Minimum system memory: 8 Gb RAM or more Storage required: 10 Gb free space. Display resolution: 1440 x 870 or above recommended. My latest is 2017 iMacPro so it may limp along. My immediate problem is an iWatch 9 gift that requires me to upgrade my iPhone X. I can see it now 😩: - Montage M8x. - Mac Mini M2 Pro - iPhone 15
  7. Yeah, to some degree I think it’s paying for a spec that will never be challenged, although I’ve heard that these amps have unmatched clarity — maybe because they so effortlessly perform in the normal source material range. Each one had 20 6550c tubes with individual bias settings from the front panel and cost roughly $35k/pair.
  8. That may have been the spec, but DC was getting into the output as you could clearly see in the speaker cone movement. Anyway, there are high end amplifiers that specifically designed to drive very low impudences down to almost DC. Audio Research had these massive monoblocks designed to meet distortion specs into 1 ohm and 2 Hz! They are said to drive happily drive a short and serve as a dual purpose arc welder if your mains can handle it.
  9. If you say every amp is protected in the last year, I'll grant you that since I have no info otherwise. Do you have an address I can send you my defective NAD 3020 since you seem to be indemnifying the industry retroactively 😆
  10. I think what Grey is getting at is not the short term frequency content that is described by a short term time interval in frequency space that you are talking about. He is talking about clipping duty cycles of time durations that destroy speakers due to DC current. A synth square wave has a duty cycle of no-where near the energy needed to destroy a speaker at audio frequencies.
  11. Hard to top this! Technically the best lineup in therms of chops. Everything is so crisp and non-sloppy, IMO
  12. I think I can slide this in just barely before the end of the first month of the year.
  13. That's a good way to put it. When I first got my hands on the original Montage when it was first released, my first thought as an engineer was, "My God, this is a piece of test equipment in addition to a musical instrument". An unlimited plethora of avenues for exploration. I shortly thereafter acquired a DSI OB6 and thought, "Between these two, this is all I'll ever need until the end of the universe". As hard to believe possible, I think the new Montage M8x ups the ante further and is pretty compelling. My only hesitation is the lack of time available, when I've still only explored 20% at best of what I have.
  14. Shaking head vigorously in agreement. I used to use PA speakers and power amps with mixer for home studio and audio reproduction. Regarding the latter, boy could you overdo things putting on Aja and blasting your ears out in pure hi-fidelity You could feel like the sound pro at the club testing out their system before the band set up. Since then I'm really really happy with the high end home stereo approach. The Klipsch Cornwall III's satisfy everything you point out as caveats. The one thing you can't do is set anything on top of them that will move.
  15. Sorry to have annoyed you. I only ask these questions as an interested person who plans to have one.
  16. Clearly, you guys never took introductory philosophy and the study of logic 😂 Has anyone been able to explain the inexplicable presence of a relief photo of a Montage rather than a keybed in the UI?
  17. Thanks for posting! I agree with Bobby as to the pedagogical usefulness! I never gravitated to Frasier. Now Cheers.... and that theme song!!!
  18. Yeah, maybe I was out of line asymmetrically escalating after Jim's post taking a personal swipe at the character of most of the people in this thread (conveniently left out of all of the quotes). But I'd just had enough of that attitude of "if you don't like it there's something wrong with you" back in your face. It was just a jab at Mister "I can dish it out but can't take it".
  19. I have a better idea: I'll return the favor and buy your CD and listen to it. If I don't like it, I'll bring up that fact on a completely unrelated topic here on the forum. Deal? Just post a link where I can buy it. You know I was giving it back to you based on your hypocrisy in this forum. Sorry, just call-em as I see um.
  20. Some aficionados of the game never internalize the difference between the regular season and Post-season. I think there is your blind spot.
  21. I would agree with that. I purchased your CD based on people posting here. After listening, I promptly threw it in the trash (actually in a drawer). It will take a couple extra weeks to purge from my online libraries. Can I get my money back (not expecting anything I can send the CD back to you).
  22. I'm sure you know more than I do, but when things start to go south with your staff with 3 quarters remaining, you would think that the HC gives the OC a nudge. Even if it's a tiny tiny little itty bitty nudge so that the OC doesn't feel disrespected. Unfortunately "cracking down" does not have the time coefficient to have its desired effect a year down the road.
  23. Well if you believe what you are saying, then you have to question who was running the show. Who was running it? Monken or JH? It is clear that you think Monken was given Carte Blanche to ignore Harbaugh and this directives and philosophy regarding the game. I don't know where you work, or what organizations you've been apart of, but unless you're Michele Obama or Valerie Jarrett, you do what your boss wants. Unless you have some evidence that Monken went rogue I'm not buying it.
  24. Oh, I forgot about that. Hopefully this award gives him the unearned positive feedback that is needed for him to improve and make better decisions when it counts.
  25. For when the new applicants ask, "Was this a meth factory"?
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