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Everything posted by jazzpiano88

  1. Oh, him it's OK to say something negative about? I think it's a perfectly serviceable replacement for Liberty. You're replacing a mish mash of blury orchestral percussion with a rock drum track that sounds 200% better. Liberty played understated on many a track back then. The bass replacement is equally dramatic. The original has zero attack, zero dynamics and shitty voice leading (from what I remember). I'd love to hear their rationale for that, because its such a standing out consciously bad sound. The new bass is out front reminiscent of The Stranger. Even the more forward piano sounds great. Sounds close to the sound he had in the 70s.
  2. It’s pretty funny, Roman’s Wikipedia page currently lists his employment as Los Angeles Chargers Hot Dog Eating Champion.
  3. Pure guesses 1. Motif 2. Crumar.(only cuz I can get it out of the one I own)
  4. And actually, Joni is Canadian 😁👍.. but in my opinion, she’s a global icon! Canada is part of the North American Continent. So it's as 'American' as the United States of America.
  5. Niner's DC Steve Wilks is calling out his players for "unacceptable and embarrasing play" in lack of effort for the last part of the season. Apparently, Wilks was within a nanosecond of being the first coach to ever be fired mid-game at halftime against the Lions. Through a global miracle never seen in 2024 years on Earth, Dan Campbell saved Wilks's job. Lynch and Shanahan gave Wilks the go ahead to rake his players over the coals, as this is his last opportunity to save himself. as well to improve their odds against KC offense. We also learned that GM John Lynch's nickname as a player was "Johnny Hustle Face". 😂
  6. I liked the interchange, I think it was with Bellafonte. "I think we need to make this song with only black people since this is about helping black people" "I think I can get Kenny Rogers" "Good!"
  7. Similar here. I'm expecting the Chiefs to win, but hoping for the opposite 😆.
  8. Is this a foregone conclusion? I thought Yamaha was planning to release a standalone vst down the road. My rationalization for their delay is (1) Standalone SW isn't ready for prime time as a general release, and HW users will serve as Beta testers; (2) Yamaha hasn't decided on the standalone vst pricing model. They need real HW sales figures to feed and validate their sales model before deciding on a price. It's not like "Apple Vision $3999 announced and available two years from now". Again, you've written this like a vst release will never happen. If so, I don't see a significant kracken happening to steal ~$4k from a pretty decent company. I have no issues cracking Adobe, but Yamaha??
  9. If you haven't already, check out more of his videos on his channel. He really takes a methodical approach and is really good at explaining it.
  10. This collides with the Synclavier thread. Here's the video of Kevin Maloney describing how he programmed the intro.
  11. What a great demo! Whew what a monster sound! Did I see him pulling out his checkbook before the camera cut off? 😂
  12. I am mostly ok with the new analytics, only because the old decision criteria were just completely brain dead having teams punt at their opponent's 45 yard line with 4th and short. Example where the new analytics didn't pay off was KC decision to go for it rather than kick the field goal. We need a Quantitative Expectation Value Point Model to help with these decisions.
  13. Did anyone notice Journey was playing both NFC and AFC halftime music? Must be a corporate headquarters decision.
  14. It was not. It was a general comment about everyone's opinions on the video, positive or negative. I wrote, "The commentary in this thread says more about the posters than it does about JR." I was specifically talking about the opinions expressed. I was not ragging on any one specific person or subset of people. I honestly don't know why that comment was so offensive. That's the biggest load of post-backtracking-explainification horseshit I've ever heard in my life. You took a personal swipe at all of the people making a critical comment saying "it says more about them". There's no reason why you would direct a swipe like that at gushers of JR. You're just trying to balance your aggressive with some passive BS. If you were at a cocktail party and made that quip to me, I'd fly off the handle and say, "Oh yeah? Well your music sucks, you are starting to gain weight and resemble Newman/Nedry at the Organ, and I just had sex with your wife". (hopefully your wife isn't in the hospital in a coma). Just to up your assholery and raise it up a notch. A little like what I did in my first response. Math has so delicately tried to tiptoe around your assholery so as not to raise your ire and explain it to you. Gotta hand it to him. I don't give a rat's ass about your ire.
  15. Hi Rednife, This may be totally inappropriate, and if so I apologize, but I have been thinking about the future down the road in my own situation. You mention that your tuner has connections to music schools in the area. Depending upon your need for cash, you may want to consider a gift, or partial gift to an educational institution (selling at a discount). Again, if this is inappropriate for your situation, I apologize. Just thinking of options from your description.
  16. Great comments Geoff and I think you are right. When you combine his age, it it just insurmountable as how a team would be willing to go down that path. As an aside, Pete Carroll is a couple of years older and makes Hoodie look like death. Heck Pete Carroll looks younger than Jim Harbaugh, who after the NCAA investigation appeared to look worse than Steve Jobs on his last day. It's amazing what stress can do to the human body. If you saw Hoodie walk into your interview room, I think that is reality check that we are seeing play out here.
  17. I echo Dave, Redknife - sorry to hear of your health and need sell such a nice instrument, and I wish you the best in finding a buyer! I think a studio is a really good option as home owners are highly constrained for space, probably more than price for this instrument. OT: Dave, I am so happy you took my suggestion and are taking active steps to acquire that Fazioli. (I kid, even though I did immediately tell you to tell Pierre to make you a deal you couldn't refuse, haha). There is something about a newer world class piano action to sound that you would never be able to restore or achieve with your D. When you played the F, it was like a new high performance car and now you must have it! At least that's how I would feel! I am hoping you are able to get the funds to enable your goal. I would encourage you to stretch to make it happen. You only live once!! I am going through similar machinations with my C7D to a C7X midi to get that incredible improved action and the studio integration.
  18. Part of me is thinking you should follow the addage: 90% of success in life is showing up. You are projecting your fears onto the situation and anticipating the worst. However, Dale Carnegie would say, "Internalize the worst that could happen and accept it" Quantifying this, I think the upsides greatly outweigh the downsides especially with a 2 month prep horizon: Upsides: - You meet new people who are better than you and your playing improves. - You make a new connection that changes your life. - It goes better than you thought and you have a great time - Experience is gained and now you have a bootstrap into another field with more confidence (similar to above) Downsides: - You mess up. That just means that you turn the volume down and they complain "I can't hear the piano" - You feel embarrassed. That will fade away. People will remember you tried your best. On the other hand if you are at the point in your career where you don't think anything like this is in your future interest and would rather devote all of your time to the live ensemble playing, then it makes perfect sense to bow out, and not even stress about your decision. Just internalize it. "That's not what I do".
  19. Maybe the league knows that it was Brady and not him.
  20. Looks like the music has stopped for Hoodie. They say he may hang around some teams and seek an opening during a 2024 team's losing streak. It's interesting that no media figures are willing to say anything negative about him. Maybe Tom Brady Sr. will unleash some of the elephant in the room.
  21. Do you happen to be a psychologist by day? That’s a really excellent way to put it.
  22. It’s a nice song that really features a youthful sounding vocal to my ears. i agree about the sound quality. It’s a sign of the times of consumers expecting lo-fi out of their phones. Glad he is back (hopefully with more) — probably has some good material flowing with all of the craziness in the world.
  23. Sorry, I read Aretha Franklin as Al Franken 😆. I'll see their Shiela E. and raise them a Yoko Ono. Very fun video! They all looked so healthy at the time.
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