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Posts posted by jazzpiano88

  1. 4 minutes ago, Delaware Dave said:
    23 minutes ago, jazzpiano88 said:

    As we age, I think it is key to avoid injuries due to gravity.    That's falls, fractures, hernias, and back injuries.

    Do not put yourself in the position of being injured.   Always get assistance or let some younger guy climb the ladder or lift the equipment.  Never allow yourself to become immobilized. if possible.


    After 60, we're one hospital stay away from the grave.    And that's not just from the primary injury.   Half the time, the secondary infection/illness is what kills you.  It's in the medical literature.


    Then there's the old adage, "he died of a hangnail".   Ignored the pain, developed an infection,  was sent home with antibiotics, became immobile, and died of a pulmonary embolism. 


    Or "died of a sprained ankle".   Couldn't cook due to the pain getting around with the walker.   Died of a fall due to fainting brought on by hypoglycemia secondary to diet. 




    Says the guy with a CP300, Montage 8 and a 3300 leslie .....


    :) :) :)     One of the reasons I haven't gigged much lately.   I may try to rectify that if I can get comfortable with something like a YC73 or similar.  

  2. As we age, I think it is key to avoid injuries due to gravity.    That's falls, fractures, hernias, and back injuries.

    Do not put yourself in the position of being injured.   Always get assistance or let some younger guy climb the ladder or lift the equipment.  Never allow yourself to become immobilized. if possible.


    After 60, we're one hospital stay away from the grave.    And that's not just from the primary injury.   Half the time, the secondary infection/illness is what kills you.  It's in the medical literature.


    Then there's the old adage, "he died of a hangnail".   Ignored the pain, developed an infection,  was sent home with antibiotics, became immobile, and died of a pulmonary embolism. 


    Or "died of a sprained ankle".   Couldn't cook due to the pain getting around with the walker.   Died of a fall due to fainting brought on by hypoglycemia secondary to diet. 



  3. 14 hours ago, Adan said:
    17 hours ago, jazzpiano88 said:

    I was surprised that CBS Sports is now covering Poker as a Sporting Event.   Which reminded me of a New Analogy:


    Poker is to Sports,  as

    Rap is to Music. 


    That's where we are.  Doyle Brunson versus P. Diddy for the future of your kids. 


    Just curious, aside from tossing word salad arguments at adult strangers on the internet, what steps are you taking to save the world from rap music?


    My young children got 99 problems and rap ain't one. My daughter listens to nothing but Taylor Swift. My son just wants to play video games (want to talk violence vectors?). I really believe exposing them to culture of all kinds is the most important thing I do in my life. German expressionism exhibit? West African dance troupe in town? Let's Go! Most of the time it feels like a losing battle, but if even a little bit rubs off on them, it's worth the effort.




  4. I was surprised that CBS Sports is now covering Poker as a Sporting Event.   Which reminded me of a New Analogy:


    Poker is to Sports,  as

    Rap is to Music. 


    That's where we are.  Doyle Brunson versus P. Diddy for the future of your kids. 


  5. On 6/4/2024 at 9:33 PM, TommyRude said:
    On 6/4/2024 at 6:41 PM, jazzpiano88 said:

    I can appreciate it for what it is.....  For me, it's the Special Olympics of real music for people who don't have the ability to participate in the traditional activity (e.g. S.O. for track and field).  In sort of a stroke of fortune, It has struck a chord with a lot of listeners that turn out to be optimal listeners.  5% of the population are completely tone deaf and probably another 10% are effectively tone deaf.   Alfie is not going to do anything for these people, but Rap will light up their MRI like a Drag Racing Christmas Tree.      


    I'll tune in to the Special Olympics on TV if I surf across it -- I like seeing people with disabilities participating and succeeding,  I'll take a gander at a Rap 'song' or two for the novelty now and then.   At the Grammy presentations, it's definitely a novelty that is very interesting to observe, especially when convoluted with the fore mentioned societal element.


    Occasionally someone with a different competitional or performance attribute actually blows the traditional people out of the water, as their unique ability serves as an actual advantage.   That runner with the blades for feet  propelling him is an example.   Another is the Woman who was born as a Man who is now blowing away the Women's swimming competition record books.


    Season 9 Reaction GIF by The Office


    Haha!  :) :). That's what I thought.  :)


    Most people can't handle it when their world view is told to them to blow it out of their ass.  


    Especially employees at colleges and universities, where they unknowingly but especially need, and can benefit from, an independent Roto Rootering.  


    And I'm especially directing this to "you know who",  :)

    • Like 1
  6. If you play a chord chart verbatim with just the standard symbols, you'll sound like either a 7th grade jazz band student or your garden variety local jazz combo reading the standards from the real book off of music stands. 


    The key is to transition between chords is an effortless mastery (wasn't there a book by that name?) that makes one chord blend into another with an economy of motion and sound that seems inevitable.    It's called voice leading.    It's harder to transcribe because of the economy of motion/sound, but very rewarding.

    • Like 4
  7. I can appreciate it for what it is.....  For me, it's the Special Olympics of real music for people who don't have the ability to participate in the traditional activity (e.g. S.O. for track and field).  In sort of a stroke of fortune, It has struck a chord with a lot of listeners that turn out to be optimal listeners.  5% of the population are completely tone deaf and probably another 10% are effectively tone deaf.   Alfie is not going to do anything for these people, but Rap will light up their MRI like a Drag Racing Christmas Tree.      


    I'll tune in to the Special Olympics on TV if I surf across it -- I like seeing people with disabilities participating and succeeding,  I'll take a gander at a Rap 'song' or two for the novelty now and then.   At the Grammy presentations, it's definitely a novelty that is very interesting to observe, especially when convoluted with the fore mentioned societal element.


    Occasionally someone with a different competitional or performance attribute actually blows the traditional people out of the water, as their unique ability serves as an actual advantage.   That runner with the blades for feet  propelling him is an example.   Another is the Woman who was born as a Man who is now blowing away the Women's swimming competition record books.    




    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Synthaholic said:

    Are you a homeowner? Are you planning to be? Consider yard work in any home buying decisions.


    OT, but this is killing me!    I've got the dream acreage but the hired-out the $200 per mowing kills me during peak growing season!    It's beautiful though!

  9. I remember as a kid we got our jollies calling “Dial a Prayer”. 
    We’d also call “Time and Temperature”. 
    There was also a line called “Dial a Bus” and a shuttle bus would come by your house.  

    Those were the days when the rotary phone was on the wall.  It was great fun dialing by clicking the hook like Morse Code.  

    There were also various numbers to call for phone company functions like getting a call back.   A friend of mine had a phone company test rig and knew how to call long distance.   Fond memories of a simpler time.  

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Adan said:

    No joke. A professional acquaintance of mine died riding a rented E-bike. He was 75.

    And stay away from cars on a bike in general.  Some people I know have been picked off in their prime riding amongst traffic in the Bay Area.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, wd8dky said:

    If you're a ham radio operator, you'd be lucky to talk to your neighbor. It causes weird reflections and absorption of the radio waves at different frequencies, goofing everything up in certain frequency ranges. Worthless trivia for all. :)


    Yes --   The bands are essentially shut down today.  Last night I worked 5 countries including Australia barefoot from Iowa (both of us).   Amazing the effect!  I did make a 900 mi QSO into Georgia tonight on FT8 -- most seem to be NA and NA-SA.




    • Wow! 1
    • Cool 1
  12. 39 minutes ago, ElmerJFudd said:

    TB and USB interfaces are having a nice long run.  Including backwards compatibility as they improve speed and have settled on that USB-C/TB connector.   

    FW certainly was preferable to USB at the time.  But 400 to 800 required a connector change and then they were done with it.  FireWire is dead. Long live Thunderbolt.  


    I just installed a Silicon Labs Virtual Com Port driver onto the Mac USB to communicate with an external radio.   Thankfully it worked and was available, otherwise, I'd have had to purchase a PC. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Reezekeys said:

    Steely Dan famously cycled through musicians on a single song!


    The Michael Omartian interview recounts this phenomenon.    When they would cycle through bands on a single song, Omar was the common musician on piano that they would keep.   He joked to Walter and Donald,  "Maybe I'm the problem".    Walter and Donald didn't get the joke and deadpanned,  "Nah".     


    In fact, what they were doing was cycling through bands in search of their ideal drum track, discarding all of the other players tracks during the process.    You would think they would just cycle the drummer, but they had some preconception of how the combinations worked to bring whole new bands.


    Then there's that famous video of choosing the Peg guitar soloist.   Not sure if Jay Graydon was part of the rotating band or not.   Finding that solo seemed to be an orthogonal project, but maybe not.

  14. 18 hours ago, HammondDave said:

    Take Liberty DeVito, for instance. He more than just about anyone else in Billy Joel’s original band contributed to the sound of the original music and the performance dynamic of Billy Joel’s tours. However, after Billy fired Liberty, people did not stop paying $$$$ to see Billy Joel.  

    It’s interesting both Billy and Elton had this deal where they scrapped the original band after a period of success.  I know Elton eventually went back with the original cats.  Not sure about Billy.  I think Liberty came back at some point for some period.  

  15. New news:  Niners have reportedly jerked both Deebo and Aiyuk around during the draft beyond any respect for them as human beings.    Both players are pissed and not taking it lying down.


    Look for the Niners to go the way of the San Francisco Giants due to GM mismanagement.     


    The Mad Dog called for Giant's incompetent Farhan Farhad Zaidi to be fired earlier this week on the Giant's owned station which is rippling through the powers that be. 


  16. 19 hours ago, ProfD said:

    OTOH, a guy like Dave Grohl (Nirvana & Foo Fighters) has been through it a couple of times and hasn't missed a beat.😎


    That's lightning striking twice.   The probability is approximately 1e-12 x 1e-12 = 1e-24.    And that doesn't even take into account that he's a drummer playing a guitar and singing.   That's another 1e-4  1e-3 and 1e-5  factors of unlikeliness.


    So it's a probability of 1e-37.    Someone like him will never happen again until after the next extinction. 

    • Like 1
  17. 8 minutes ago, niacin said:
    9 hours ago, ksoper said:

    I replied to a friend's Facebook post featuring this video recently.  The thing that jumped out at me is that the money that the vlogger quoted is identical to what was being paid 20 years ago when I was out there.  That's truly scary.  

    30 years ago


    Yeah same here.  90's we made $500 a piece for weddings and more for corporate functions.  But we were mostly a weekend band with everyone having day jobs.   I would assume full time bands would have been making double or triple that. 


    Back then $500 went pretty far.    Now it buys two weeks of groceries for the family or a cash recharge for the kid in college.

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