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Bill R Adams

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Posts posted by Bill R Adams

  1. I was ready to sell my HX3 because of the C/V. I have to send mine back for updates as I have a Mac. I am at 4.22 and no longer considering selling. The C/V is way better! As soon as I got it back they soon had the 4.25 update. I know I can run virtual PC but don't want to have to spend the money on windows plus something to run it. May be I can find a friend willing to let me use their PC to update. How easy is it to update? I saw the links and I guess I use Flash update for my module. I have heard you can turn your HX3 into a brick if not done correctly.
  2. Indeed you can program presets. I need to do that with the NIB4D but I am so used to just using drawbars. Some of the material my group is covering would be a little easier if I used a few presets. Also often I need left hand to cover other parts. I am thinking about the Mojo 61 and how much it would cut down on setup time. I would need the Mojo as a controller for the Motif ES rack as well though and not sure how that would work.
  3. I sent my HX3 to Diversi Monday for the 3.92 update. It was back in my hands Friday. I have not had the chance to check it out as I need to get my NIB4D unpacked. Excellent service from Diversi and great communication from Tom. Thanks guys. I use a Nord Stage 88 but trigger the HX3 with a Roland XP60 onstage or XP80 at home.
  4. I guess all ears are different Rich. I am happy with my HX3 and will be even happier when it is updated. It took some getting used to as I had been playing a Nord Stage and gotten used to that. I am using a NIB4D to control the HX3 and it really reminds me a little of my long gone B3. I will agree as well that Tom offers exceptional service and seems to be a really nice person.


  5. Is it possible to send my HX3 unit to Diversi for the latest updates? I use a Mac and no access to a PC. Also even if I could find someone with a PC I don't want to chance bricking the HX3. I am in Virginia and have a few weeks downtime after next week. The Module was purchased in August 2015 and still has the same firmware. Thank you.
  6. I am still looking for someone near me who can update my HX3. I am in Martinsville, VA which is very close to NC. I use a Mac and don't have access to a PC. I don't really want to do Parallels or virtual PC. Plus I am wary of trying to do this myself as I am a little technology challenged when I risk turning the HX3 into a brick.
  7. Just received a new in box NIB4D. I am in heaven! It works with any midi keyboard. I don't have to trigger the HX3 with weighted keys on Nord Stage anymore. I feel lucky to find this unit as they are kinda rare, especially in this condition. Now where to place it? I hope it will fit on the left side of the Nord but I don't have it here to check.
  8. I have it on good authority that Diversi is introducing two new products very soon. I can't swear by it but I think one is a drawbar controller. If priced reasonably this should be a great selling item. I have a virtually new NIB4D in the mail at the moment but am interested in what might be in the immediate pipeline as an alternative.
  9. I am using HX3 with Nord Stage and it works OK. Gotta get away from the weighted keys though. That will happen in a week or so. Is anyone with an HX3 living close to Martinsville, VA? I need to update and I have a Mac and even if I could run a windows program (Parallels or other) I don't have the expertise to trust myself not to screw up the HX3. I am at 3.822.
  10. I am using Dave's CC set for my Nord Stage and it works well. I actually got it from Ken but I think Dave created it. Thanks to both. I am using the 1961 organ and tweaked a few parameters to my liking. The C3 chorus was just a hair too much for me and I adjusted ramp speed a little. I don't use presets, never have. I probably should but usually I have a hand free to adjust draw lights on the fly. Thanks Hardware for the encouragement. I know all these players you mentioned and their Hammond sounds and love them all. Good examples. I have gone from my Hammond/Leslie rig to Korg CX3 to Emu Vintage Keys to OB3 squared to Hammond XK1 to Nord to HX3. I am slowly getting there. This is a 20 year progression. I gave up the B3/122 in 1995. Sold it after divorce for under 1K. Made me sick! Better days ahead. I love the HX3 but am working on getting a controller that is a little friendlier.
  11. You guys are so ahead of my learning curve. I am happy that things are working out for you and totally impressed by your knowledge. I barely understand midi. I am just an old school player trying for the Hammond sound of my youth. Much thanks to Ken and Dave for the info I can comprehend. :-)
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