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Posts posted by KeyTone

  1. Also reposted... thanks

    Does anyone have experience with component level repair on motherboard. Does anyone have a schematic of the motherboard, the drawbar board, and the control board. Hammond does not have these available on they're web site and no authorized repair shop within 200 miles of my house. They only do board level replacement only and want more than $600 for the motherboard and $65/hr to repair it. No commitment on hours needed. And it will cost me about $120 round trip to send it to Illinois to Hammond. I'm not very happy with the options they're offering so Im exploring repairing the unit myself. A schematic would help in a big way.
  2. Reposting here...any help appreciated. Thanks

    Has anyone experienced this problem and can you suggest anything to correct it. My SK1 powers up and seem fully functional, all LEDs light up, the Display is active, the USB can read a flash drive, the menu's are accessible, but I get no sound output from L/R/or Phones jacks. It worked fine one night, the next day, nothing. The last time it worked it was hooked up through MIDI with a Yamaha ES6. Any help greatly appreciated
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