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Posts posted by Heartbeat

  1. I use a C2 as a controller to trigger external SampleTank sounds on my IPad Mini 2. It's been a while since I configured the C2, but I'm pretty sure I had to disable the high-trigger point in order for the Sample Tank to see the velocity being transmitted from the C2. Otherwise, it just sees every note at 127 level.


    Hope this helps. Also, using a Midi Solutions box, I am able to control volume on some patches using the Nord / Yamaha FC7 foot controller. That was a bonus I wasn't expecting.



  2. I started watching this last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. Back in the 70's I had an original ARP Odyssey and an ARP String Ensemble which I purchased at Manny's in 1974. I recall speaking on the phone with Phil Dodds on an issue I was having with the SE. The Odyssey never gave me a problem and the tuning was rock solid.


    Times were much simpler then. Miss those days. LOL

  3. Thank you guys! I have just ordered the Presonus Quantum 26x26 Thunderbolt 3 interface. The pricepoint is $869. CDN which is way cheaper than anything else I was looking at, and the features are just what I was looking for. I've downloaded Logic Pro X (90 day-free trial). I'm ready to go!


    This forum is great! Thank you again for all the input. I value your opinions.


    Happy Easter and stay safe everyone.



  4. Still searching for an interface. I confirmed my I-Mac (purchased August 2019) has Thunderbolt 3 connectors. And 4 USB 3.0 connectors. So I'm thinking I should look for a Thunderbolt 3 interface. I'd rather not deal with a downward compatible adapter to Thunderbolt 2, etc.


    (Kuru..... yes, I verified that myself about the Focusrite Clarett 8 Pre Thunderbolt. It must have been discontinued as it's not listed on Focusrite.com web site.)


    Really, I'm looking to record at the same time..... stereo drum machine, left hand bass mono, stereo piano, and stereo organ, and maybe guitar. That's 8 tracks. Correct? So what would you recommend for an interface? I'm stuck. LOL




  5. Hi again guys,


    Here's the audio interface I'm considering at the moment. Focusrite Clarett 8Pre 24/192 18-In/20-Out Thunderbolt Audio Interface. It's not inexpensive, but it's pretty much loaded and it uses Thunderbolt which is like 4x faster than USB connectivity. I've also downloaded the 90 day-free trial of Apple Logic Pro X to get my feet wet. This will get me going.


    I want to thank you all for your contributions to this thread. I now know 10x more than I did a week ago about recording in the digital world, and look ahead to doing some "projects" in this social-distancing world we currently find ourselves in. Cheers to all.



  6. Hi Guys,


    Thank you so much for all the insights and experiences. At the moment, a friend has lent me his MacBook Pro running Cubase 10.5 for a project we're working on. I'm tracking all my keyboard parts to pre-recorded bed tracks done in an outside studio. The interface he uses is a Universal Audio Apollo Twin 2x2 Thunderbolt, which seems quite nice but is fairly expensive $1200 CDN.


    Yes, I don't want to limit myself to any recording situation that might arise, so I'm thinking an interface with more available inputs and outputs. I was also thinking of Cubase Elements as a starter DAW ($100) as I could get the full version if I grow into it. I must admit, Apple Logic Pro also sounds intriguing and the price seems fair. I also discovered on-line this Zoom L12 / L20 recording mixing console which acts as a USB interface as well. You can multitrack with this mixer Any thoughts on these Zoom units?


    My budget is flexible, but I am 67 yrs. old and don't want to throw thousands of $$$ into this. Looking for value I guess, and to not be backed into a corner because I didn't spend a few hundred dollars more the first time. Make sense?


    Thanks again guys.

  7. In an earlier life, I owned and was chief engineer and bottle washer at a studio back in the 80's running MCI and Soundcraft equipment. I'm considering getting back into it, but only as a hobbyist in my home.


    I have a fairly new I-Mac with 16GB of ram. What software would you recommend for me to get started with the basics, and something I could grow into if necessary? Also, what kind of hardware would I need to get my microphones, keyboards, guitars, etc. into the I-Mac?


    I appreciate any recommendations.



  8. I suspect the width of the "Keyboard Corner" header graphic is forcing the table width to be wider than it was once upon a time. This is why the posts are no longer readable in portrait mode. Just a guess, as I'm certainly not a leading-edge web designer. I used to read KC on a much smaller screen iPhone 5 a few years ago with no problem.



  9. Somehow one of the latest IOS upgrades to my iPhone X has rendered reading Keyboard Corner completely useless. I'm no longer able to turn my phone sideways to view the posts, and viewing a post in portrait mode is just totally impractical as it requires you to manually scroll on each line of text side to side.


    Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there a fix?




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