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Posts posted by Rolyyyyyyy

  1. I have no problems controlling studio sets from a controller. The issue may be limitations in your controller.


    I treat the Studio Set exactly like a virtual 16 space rack. I setup all my zones/splits/layers up in the Controller. In the Studio Set you can play what want from the FA by selecting the active MIDI channel while the Controller plays whatever the controller's performance setup dictates. I do this a lot if I am grabbing poly sounds for a controller's performance setup but playing a lead from the FA-06 board.



    I understand how you are controlling the split points ands it's exactly what Roland tech said I had to do by using an external controller to manage the keyboard splits and assign each one to a different channel. I'm afraid to say my point was and still is that surely this can't be the only way to achieve this on such a modern piece of equipment when one of its predecessors 20 years ago was able to accept all notes on a single channel and filter them to the assigned parts according to the keyboard range designated to each part. This thing understands keyboard splits but appears to stubbornly only want to apply them to the physical keyboard and not note data via midi.

  2. Hi all,


    Im new to the forum and just wanted to know if what ive been told by Roland Technical rings true with you guys.

    My issue is that i am trying to use my new FA-06 in pretty much the same way as i use my old JV-1080 by predominantly using it as a sound module driven from an 88 note hammer action midi controller. Thats all well and good if you turn the remote keyboard function of the FA-06 on meaning the external controller acts exactly as if its the FA's keyboard but that means you cant play anything different on the FA keyboard.Not what i wanted.Try setting it up like on the JV-1080 and use the FA in studio mode with more than one of the 16 parts set to the input MIDI channel of the controller and its great for layers. Try and use the keyboard split points and it ignores them if the different parts are set to the same MIDI channel so it just ends up playing massive layers.Rolands answer is thats how ALL their workstations are designed and i need to have a midi controller that i can set keyboard splits into with different midi channels!!!!!

    Needless to say i havnt got that capability and even if i did why would i want to waste time setting up half my studio set on one machine then have to do the other half on another machine? Hope you guys can tell me how to get around this problem as it just seems to beggar belief that the FA cant do something that a 20 year old piece of kit by the same manufacturer can.



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