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Posts posted by Bachus

  1. actually you can assign anything to the knobs, there is one setting in that matrix that is user parameters. You have to go into the studio set setup and assign them there.


    Page 39 and 99 of the manual.


    I wish this were the case. The problem is that the matrix is only available for the PCM sounds - not supernatural (synth and/or instrument). Realtime performance control assignments for the supernatural synths are virtually nonexistent - such a huge step back from the older PCM technology.


    Re c/v - would love to know what Roland was thinking - something like - "hey guys, we absolutely cannot under any scenario cannibalize sales of the VR-09, so lets remove all physical realtime clone wheel controls. While we are at it, lets make sure that they can't assign any clone wheel controls. But we can't stop there, let's just remove a core piece of the clone wheel functionality altogether. Should we remove c/v or high trigger point? Why not both?"


    Its not only Roland that does these things, yamaha is also a champ at these things, even in their top of the line products...

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