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Posts posted by cardinology

  1. Hello all-


    New poster and new FA-08 owner. I have tried to read through this thread carefully so that I don't ask the previously answered question. There seemed to be some debate early on about the FA's capability as a MIDI controller, but it looks as though it was ultimately agreed upon that the studio set and sequencer modes can send out multitimbral MIDI via USB to your DAW of choice.


    If this is accurate, why can't I do it? :/ I have tried countless times to trigger multitimbral plugins inside of Ableton Live, with no success. It seems that my workstation is only sending note data across channel 1, even if I scroll through each of the 16 parts in a studio set or sequencer session.


    For example, if I have a multitimbral instance of Sampletank 3 running inside of Ableton, I would expect to be able to trigger each of the 16 parts independently, depending on which studio set instrument I have selected on the FA. As it is, I can go from 1-16 on the FA, and it only triggers the instrument on MIDI channel 1 inside of the DAW. I even put a Max For Live device called MIDI monitor on the track to confirm that it is only sending on Channel 1.


    What am I doing wrong?


    Thanks for help!

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